Dedicated Serve option for darker nights right now no reason buy lights.
so even with gamma setting set all way down me and my friends find that game is way to bright at night, its like being near a city and having glow bright up night sky in real life.

it be really nice if there was a setting or feature on server to allow us to adjust the darkness features with in game so that we could lower the the brightness at night time.

right now we see no reason to buy any type of light source due to how bright the every thing is at night you can see just fine so whats point. ?
Ultima modifica da Steven; 29 gen, ore 12:07
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yah game is to birght for some of us, at least I have my game video setting set to lowest level issue is then day time is darker and night time is dark but its still not darker just at night

it would be nice to have in game server setting that we could change to effect the darkness level of night time.

and I agree with the OP right now there no reason to buy any light sources at least not for reason of seeing things, which hurts economy because then its almost impossible to sell those things.

I mean no one going buy 30 stone light sources for there mine if can see with out it for example

prime example also is I have a three story house goes into the ground two levels I need no light sources to see around in the basement levels so I have no reason to buy any light sources for down there.

I know some people want to be able to see as well as they can during day time but then there no point as state for light sources.

with a setting people have option play game how they want also it could be something that shows up on server listing how dark nights are and if light sources will be needed or not.

but like in real life when you have near settlement filled with lights sources it should make the area around city brighter at night that is main reason in real life there is pretty much no place on earth any more that is naturally dark and no polluted by human made lights.
Ultima modifica da tamara; 29 gen, ore 12:03
Options to allow people to adjust settings how they like are always nice.
SLG-Dennis  [sviluppatore] 29 gen, ore 22:04 
That is not possible, given that is solely determined by the client. We have already darkened down nights more in one of the 9.x updates and do plan to continue that, but only later once we actually have enough easily accessible and functioning light sources, including carryable ones.
Ultima modifica da SLG-Dennis; 29 gen, ore 22:05
thats kinda sad that lighting effects like source lighting are not on server end.

figured that all lighting in game came from sources like sun - moon and other light example camp fire and etc aka the light sources only and that there was no other light effects other than that.

and that other than those light effects figure everything just gave off no light at all other than light sources

so example no light source = pitch black period light source creates illumination but i guess this game doesn't use light effects like that ?

shame would been nice to had a use for light source items that can be made.

I know in conan exiles when we setup game the light sources lighting effects on server if you setup file over rights the user files so the lighting can be controlled by server.

anyways every games diff i suppose.
Ultima modifica da tamara; 5 feb, ore 12:21
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