

xxW00fxx 2023 年 9 月 4 日 上午 10:24
Connecting Deeds Together
Is there a way to connect two deeds together separated by a District Road. District Road has been zoned across a river, and I have one deed on each side of the river/road, Can I combine these two together somehow?
最後修改者:xxW00fxx; 2023 年 9 月 4 日 上午 10:25
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目前顯示第 1-6 則留言,共 6
SLG-Dennis  [開發人員] 2023 年 9 月 4 日 上午 11:41 
On 9.7.13 you can claim the spot in the middle, then in Real Estate Desk move the plots to either one to just have one. On 10 combining isn't possible iirc.
最後修改者:SLG-Dennis; 2023 年 9 月 4 日 上午 11:41
Other 2023 年 9 月 4 日 下午 2:04 
A single deed must always be connected, so if you can't claim the connecting plots between them due to the rules for the road district (or just don't want to claim part of the road), then you will not be able to combine them. If you do claim the connecting plots, you will need to maintain the connection, since unclaiming a plot that splits a deed into two pieces will force you to create a separate deed for the split-off area (and it gives you a warning before you unclaim the plot).
xxW00fxx 2023 年 9 月 4 日 下午 3:13 
Correct The rules of the road district seem to prevent me. As you said placing one plot over the road it splits it into two pieces. I also Tried making two separate ones, and linking them together as (in old Youtube videos alt or shift to link deeds), but now it just changes the view from road to my deeds back and forth. This is a new server, and the road is just zoned atm, but I like its future placement, I like its location, I just want to get the bonuses on the deed on the other side. For example if I were to build my house on the north side of the road, the south side does not get the bonuses, where is my manufacturing area due to trees, and other resources. I was trying to build very, very, high for the house, and keep my starting manufacturing area low near trees, and farming. To the South is coal tropical, and to the north is copper, and gold up in the mountains the river is in between where the future zones road district crosses.. Maybe Im over thinking it, maybe the housing bonuses will still apply even if two deeds are not linked together.
最後修改者:xxW00fxx; 2023 年 9 月 4 日 下午 3:16
SLG-Dennis  [開發人員] 2023 年 9 月 5 日 上午 12:52 
Ah, I see, you didn't mention you cannot claim in the road district - then no, you cannot merge them, they need to be connected. Could also ask government if claiming would be fine, typically the protections are done via district-applying laws as well, so claiming wouldn't be too much of a problem, though on WT we wouldn't do it for security reasons.
最後修改者:SLG-Dennis; 2023 年 9 月 5 日 上午 12:54
Other 2023 年 9 月 5 日 上午 1:16 
If you are looking at the housing bonus, that comes from the rooms on a single property (here you would pick the north deed), and applies to the player wherever you are, not just while you are standing inside that deed. Almost all crafting tables explicitly zero the bonus for the room they are in, with the main exception being the various food stations that provide kitchen bonuses. So as long as you put your kitchen(s) in the north deed with the rest of your house, rather than in the south with your industry, you will get the same housing bonus with split deeds as you would with a combined deed. The only time I could see that being inconvenient is if your role in the server is something like chef or farmer, where your industry includes food processing and sales ... but crafting tables are usually cheap enough that you can put one set in your house for the bonuses, and a second set in your work area that you put upgrades in and use heavily.

Unless your server is modded, I think housing is the only bonus that cares about things being on the same deed vs separate deeds. All of the other things like that depend on whether or not something is owned by you (but doesn't care about which deed in particular), and whether things are in the same room or not (for some of the talents and the secondary tables for Mechanics and Industry).
xxW00fxx 2023 年 9 月 11 日 下午 1:13 
引用自 Other
Unless your server is modded, I think housing is the only bonus that cares about things being on the same deed vs separate deeds. ).

This is correct, and why I asked. I was on my industry south deed and could not see my Housing Stats on the north deed. One deed says im a resident while the other does not, but it does say residential. So I googled, and seen that you use to be able to connect deeds, in old videos 3 years ago with alt, or cntrl. Doesn't seem to work anymore, so I thought Id ask. I like the road there, and I didn't want to inter-fear in the government, I just thought if I could maybe get the bonus on both deeds through linking them together across that road. Like I said maybe I was overthinking it...
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張貼日期: 2023 年 9 月 4 日 上午 10:24
回覆: 6