

SLG-Dennis  [开发者] 2020 年 9 月 29 日 上午 10:38
Help us finding a chinese name for Eco
Hey everyone,
what do you think should be Ecos chinese name?

Some possible ideas on twitter, as we cannot embed images here:

Feel free to add your own ideas as well. (Include english meaning and description)
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正在显示第 1 - 7 条,共 7 条留言
binxmuldoon123 2020 年 10 月 8 日 上午 9:22 
I like creation crisis, but I have no idea if that sounds as nice in Mandarin.
Satsuki Shizuka 五月靜 2020 年 10 月 22 日 下午 4:28 
Here's my total blast on all the ideas so far. Haiyyyyaa~

全生態模擬器 ("Total Ecosystem Simulator") - Sounds like "Amazing Cultivation Simulator" (yes that is a game), sort of lulzy but OK.
創世危境 ("Creation Crisis") - 創世 (chuangshi) also is the translation for Genesis (the biblical reference). See comment below.
生靈法則 ("Principle of Life") - This and the above name gives me the impression of a jet black box and a game reminiscent of Diablo or something gorey. Or maybe it's Assassin's Creed. This name could also be translated back as "Soul Principle" (see what I mean?). In any case, sounds like an action title. These two titles suggest adrenaline. This game isn't.
我的地球 ("My Earth") - This SORT OF makes sense, now that M$ has translated Minecraft as "我的世界“ (My World). I can see where the logic is coming from, but do we want to portray ourselves as a Minecraft clone?

Think about the name ECO in its original context: ECOlogy, ECOnomy. Green planet.
Ecology/environment = 生態 ("Living / states") /環境 ("Surrounding / Areas")
Economy = 經濟 ("warp and weft of / supporting [society]")
And "Green"(綠色) can be money AND environment...(OK, at least in the American context is money green, that doesn't translate well...)
Also note "global" is 寰宇/環球, which shares the first word with environment...

綠色環球社會 ("Green global society")?
政經寰宇 (Global Economics and Politics)?
綠色寰宇 (Green Planet/Green Global)?
綠色文明 (Green Civilization) << Self Explanatory, but this term is also often used by CCP propaganda to refer to "civilized behavior" as expected of the party. Caveat Emptor.
青色彈珠 (Blue Marble)???? << No please kill this
最后由 Satsuki Shizuka 五月靜 编辑于; 2020 年 10 月 23 日 下午 6:57
vygis 2020 年 10 月 25 日 下午 12:38 
is simple like eco ----> 三匹口 and is ok original eco :) no need resierch bicikle, just eco in chineese: 三匹口
夜星 2020 年 11 月 24 日 上午 6:08 
寰(廣大.全球) global
保(環保 寰.環同音 環境保護) ECOLOGICAL(or Environmental protection) ECO
組織(合作) organization(means cooperation)
SpaceCowboy7 2020 年 11 月 30 日 下午 5:15 
陰陽 =jinyang = balance and harmony. In the duality, we want to build a civilisation but not at the expense of destroying ourselves, the world we live in and co-inhabit with other lifeforms.
SLG-Dennis  [开发者] 2020 年 12 月 1 日 上午 2:27 
Thanks everyone for your suggestions, after a lot of consideration Ecos name will be:
生态物语 - Tale of Eco
Satsuki Shizuka 五月靜 2020 年 12 月 4 日 下午 2:19 
Congrats Dennis, that sounds absolutely wonderful!
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发帖日期: 2020 年 9 月 29 日 上午 10:38
回复数: 7