Bard's Gold
StockMonkey Jun 29, 2017 @ 8:13pm
Just got 2nd place on Hardcore mode scoreboard, hoping to get 1st overall soon!
I haven't played the game much lately but decided to try and get the high score in Hardcore mode tonight. I've only done a full run of Hardcore mode 4 or 5 times and could never get higher than my very first score which was something like 59,930 points.

In Stage 1-1 I was lucky to quicky find a Halloween door, so I was able to get a lot of gems and upgrade to the triple shot immediately and started being able to rush through each stage really fast. I found something like 6 or 7 Halloween doors during my total playthrough, if I had found just 1 more (I don't know if if I missed any) I would've gotten the high score easily but no luck lol.

-Bernard.Mongeon has 64,878 points
-I ended up with 63,763 points.

There's no way I could've finished Hardcore mode any faster to beat the score, looks like I just have to hope and get super lucky and find 7 or 8 Halloween doors during one of my tries to get 1st place. I also like that the timer pauses in both the Halloween rooms and Halls of Patience, gives me a chance to calm down a little bit lol.