Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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R1ch4rd N1x0n (Banned) Feb 8, 2017 @ 5:27pm
Do the killers WANT to kill the survivors?
Are they forced to do it or do they have an option or what?
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Apofenia Feb 8, 2017 @ 7:42pm 
Well they are corrupted souls, if you read the lore of each of them, they actually just got impulsed by something nobody knows.
Konchuharts Feb 8, 2017 @ 11:28pm 
Well the entity choose these people and these killers for a reason so they are all puppets in this macrabe horror show.
Nekhs Feb 9, 2017 @ 1:26am 
It's implied that the killers who aren't going along willingly were tortured into it 'til they did.

My personal opinion is that many of them aren't happy with this arrangement - I think the Wraith in particular just sorta wants to be left alone, while Sally may be a bit horrified to realize that she's not actually killing, she's participating in a prolonged torture spree. (See, because if she kills them, they're not in pain anymore. They're not hurting, they're not bad people, they're just dead, and dead people don't hurt ... anybody.)

Trapper's probably happiest doin' what he's doing because I feel like the Entity is probably a replacement father figure for him.

Billy's surprisingly smart, but as a feral child - who can say whether he even fully understands any part of what he's doing, or what the survivors are doing - or what the Entity's put into his head since he's been brought to the fog?

I think Myers would prefer to do it by his own hand (for artistic value), but ultimately, other than his obsession (Laurie!), they're all just so much meat, getting in the way. (I sorta headcanon that Laurie lived out her full life from the original run of movies, and after she died, the Entity collected her soul and that of her big brother.) I suspect that the Shape's devotion to his 'art' is part of why his rare add-ons allow him to Mori folk.

The Hag's developed some kind of addiction to consuming her victims (I gather actual cannibalism does weird stuff to you, biologically) - such that she's actually got a ritual developed to allow her to slip the Entity's leash and feast on the regular.
tulip Feb 17, 2017 @ 12:17am 
Originally posted by twitch/Nekhs:
Trapper's probably happiest doin' what he's doing because I feel like the Entity is probably a replacement father figure for him.

Trapper got tortured into believing that though.
Zombie Feb 18, 2017 @ 1:54am 
My personal assumptions,very long post:

Wraith does not want to kill. His power is supernatural and not something he clearly had in his lifetime. If you think about it he never really had the capacity to kill, he only did so in a moment of rage(and on accident for others). He also snarls inhumanely so I assume he was tortured until he reverted to a primal state, which is why his add-ons and such all seem to be so tribal. The entity probably gave him that bell because he quite literally had no special calling or ability other than getting mad and shoving someone in a car crusher. His Mori is brutal and lacks finese, he just angrily flails his weapon until the survivor ends up dead, I really think the Wraith is in a state where he thinks he's desperate for survival.

The trapper probably doesn't care either way. I assume that his father is the reason the trapper has all those hooks and needles in himself, his father was extmremely ill and paranoid so I don't think it's hard to believe that he ended up torturing the trapper thinking he was out to get him as well. The trapper probably snapped and stopped seeing his father as a sign of worship and killed him, maybe he sees the enitity as a much better replacement for his father and only kills out of loyalty to the entity. His mori feels the most emotionless out of the rest, he steps on them so they can't escape and then hacks away at them. Unlike the Wraith, I get the impression that the Trapper is doing this as a show of strength rather than having an adrenaline rush. He is a hulking man and is using his size for every bit of its worth.

The Hillbilly probably hates his role, but kills survivors out of jealousy and animosity. To him, the survivors are like the animals he killed ''because they were allowed to be free''. He probably hates his role because he is still trapped in a prison much like his entire childhood. Killing survivors is his way of venting and inflicting pain on others to alleviate himself(which will never work). His Mori is very brutal and is clearly an act of pure rage, I don't think you need to really explain why it is the way it is.

The Nurse is odd, she shares similarities with the Wraith in that her power is more supernatural and it even has a similar nature of traveling through the ''spirit world''. Under no surprise it seems that her killings are also in a way unintentional or not done for the sake of killing. I think either one of two things is true; Spencer(the guy her power is named after) was originally a killer, and the nurse killed him for some reason(maybe to stop him after he killed all the patients?), and because of this she became the killer that the entity took and was forced to undergo the torture Spencer put on his patients to ''convince'' her to kill the survivors which is the actual reason she looks so messed up. Either that, or the Nurse simply killed all the patients as a form of cleansing, and for some reason obtained some knowledge that we don't yet know and kills the survivors willfillly for another reason.

Her Mori has her choking the survivor to death, and then carresses them as if to say everything is going to be okay. Maybe it is possible that she knows something; for example that the survivors are actually already dead and in Limbo or something and thinks she is ''saving'' them by keeping them in the Entities realm. ''Better off here than where you'll go when you escape''. Do note that the developers seem to refer to post-death as ''survivor paradise'' in patch notes and such, and she herself doesn't seem to be a stranger to death. She's practically dead herself!

I don't really think Meyers is supposed to be too revealing or deep. It's hard to say, I honestly think that ''Halloween movie was canon in our universe'' is more of an ''okie doke'' explanation and that he's just sort of ''there'' along with Laurie. But it is possible that his ''Evil Within'' power is on a supernatural level that even the Entity is not responsible for. I think the developers said they only want to follow the very first Halloween movie, and I don't think Meyers paranormal feats were given a factual explanation in the first movie like they did the others. He probably doesn't care about anyone but Laurie, and only kills the survivors in his way to get to her; he may even simply kill them because he knows Laurie is at her game the more survivors die around her. I guess the Entity knows Michael has a murder-boner for Laurie and didn't need to convince him to kill at all.

The Hag is weird, but it should be noted that yet again as the owner of a supernatural power, she was NOT the original aggressor. She was pushed to kill by being starved and mutilated. Ignoring Meyers, her powers are very odd. I personally think it is the Entity warping reality to make her superstitions about the charms become true. She's probably insane from hunger, and only lives now to sate it. Out of all the killers, I have no doubt she is the happiest to exorcise her Memento Mori, the Entity probably starves her just like her captors did, and her only solace is being able to feed on the flesh of the survivors to keep her hunger pangs at bay just a little longer.

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Date Posted: Feb 8, 2017 @ 5:27pm
Posts: 5