Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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NotImpor7ant Oct 17, 2016 @ 2:33pm
Is this legit?
A friend showed me this image, it shows a bunch of supposed future content. If this is legit im extremely excited.

EDIT: Yes I know this is fake now, still some cool ideas that the devs could possibly look at.
Last edited by NotImpor7ant; Oct 17, 2016 @ 3:20pm
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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
Orion Invictus (Banned) Oct 17, 2016 @ 2:36pm 
It's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. We're going to have ONE new survivor and ONE new killer, that image says at least two of each (I didn't read further than that). One of the supposed killer perks is something that's already in the game (interrupting a survivor will immediately put them in the dying state), and another (the one that says "Michael only", which is also ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, as all unique perks are teachables) is so ridiculously unbalanced, the developers would never put it in.
zero2dash Oct 17, 2016 @ 2:37pm 
Wow, tons of stuff on there. Agreed - if that's legit, holy crap.
NotImpor7ant Oct 17, 2016 @ 2:38pm 
Originally posted by Orion:
It's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. We're going to have ONE new survivor and ONE new killer, that image says at least two of each (I didn't read further than that). One of the supposed killer perks is something that's already in the game (interrupting a survivor will immediately put them in the dying state), and another (the one that says "Michael only", which is also ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, as all unique perks are teachables) is so ridiculously unbalanced, the developers would never put it in.

It might be more than one dlc. But yea that is odd
Darkheart Oct 17, 2016 @ 2:39pm 
i very much dout thats real too much there for one patch.
Orion Invictus (Banned) Oct 17, 2016 @ 2:39pm 
Originally posted by Not Impor7ant:
Originally posted by Orion:
It's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. We're going to have ONE new survivor and ONE new killer, that image says at least two of each (I didn't read further than that). One of the supposed killer perks is something that's already in the game (interrupting a survivor will immediately put them in the dying state), and another (the one that says "Michael only", which is also ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, as all unique perks are teachables) is so ridiculously unbalanced, the developers would never put it in.

It might be more than one dlc. But yea that is odd
Only the one DLC has been announced, and after glancing at the rest, it reeks of fan fiction.
zero2dash Oct 17, 2016 @ 2:40pm 
I definitely don't expect ALL of that in one patch or one piece of DLC; I'm looking at it more as an indicator of what is planned in the next 6-12 months. If that indeed ends up being the case, wow, very impressive.
jock itch Oct 17, 2016 @ 2:46pm 
I can't wait til Dwight gets the Final Girl perk
Tom Faulty Oct 17, 2016 @ 2:47pm 
These are fanmade by a guy named Ryan C -
Was about to say, seen the WW one before. It's fan content, pure and simple.
Last edited by The 46th President of the United; Oct 17, 2016 @ 2:49pm
ABCBABCBABC Oct 17, 2016 @ 2:50pm 
I doubt this is real, but, regardless some of the content on this seems kind of cool and would be interesting to add. I like the idea of the Tape Recorder item being used to trick the Killer into thinking they're close to someone.

The Werewolf's power is too much like the Hillbilly's charge and the Nurse's blink. And the Clown doesn't even have a power. His "power" is just that he has squeaky shoes.

Yeah, there's no way this is official, but it wouldn't hurt for the Devs to look at it. Some ideas here are good with a little reiteration.
NotImpor7ant Oct 17, 2016 @ 2:51pm 
Originally posted by Pumpkin Spiced Tom:
These are fanmade by a guy named Ryan C -

That's some serious dedication, thanks for clarifying
Mend Oct 17, 2016 @ 2:51pm 
almost all of them look fake, but I wouldn't be surprised if such a broken perk as Not Without a Fight was an actual thing.
DIZI Oct 17, 2016 @ 2:54pm 
Just fake, bad toshop ; )
Jeaton Oct 17, 2016 @ 3:23pm 
The new Survivor, Map, and Killer is legit, but the perks and the rest of it is fake.
Ensuno Oct 17, 2016 @ 3:23pm 
lol if this is real laurie will be the most op survivor (coming from a survivor main)
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Date Posted: Oct 17, 2016 @ 2:33pm
Posts: 24