The Isle

The Isle

I have been noticing a few things
So you know when you click play, and the game starts loading, there is the static and stuff? Well in the midst of the static, my game will frequently freeze! While it was frozen, I noticed a symbol! It was the doctors cross. You know, the staff with the serpents and the wings on it? Looks like this.

Another time when the game froze when loading, I spotted a word in bold letters, it blended with the static so well I couldn't tell what it said, I could only barely make it out.

Also, I play with ear phones so I can hear the noises and stuff better, and I was listening to the ambient noises at the home page on the server lists, and I heard what I think was a distant gunshot in the background, and also what sounded like a dinosaur, maybe a raptor purring, and then another far off noise like a herbivore.

And then we all know the AE signs with the DNA spiralling inbetween the two letters. We have been told it stands for Apollo Engineering. And then on the home page, it shows that big screen with the smaller screens on the top, showing, 'Observation Records Site (random numbers I can't remember).' What I thought was, 'Wait, thats not the only island in the games lore with dinosaurs on them?'

On Survival when you press Esc and then press the 'Character' button, it shows your growth development, that type of stuff. Then in the corner, it says, nest location. Then right beside it is a RADAR thing that says, 'Asset Location.'

And then we have stuff like tribals, mercanaries, and cannibals. Tribals are just local humans, cannibals look like something made illigally, and mercanaries are there because they were paid. I assume mercanaries are there because they are supposed to keep anything from getting off the island. But why are the cannibals there? And why are the hypos there, they look like genetic mutations to me. I think its obvious that all these things are related in some way.

I think that Apollo Engineering created dinosaurs and placed them on random islands and studied their natural behavior. They must've done something unethical and likely not legal to make the Cannibals. Something went wrong, and now they have to pay mercanaries to keep everything from escaping. judging by the games trailer, the mercanaries might be trying to escape themselves.

What do you think? I'm still trying to sort out what the word I saw was and how it and the doctor cross have to do with the lore of the game, but judging by what we see, it isn't a very pleasant back story.
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Floki 16. bře. 2018 v 15.58 
Very good observation. We still have little to no i dea of an actual story but what you wrote down is more or less a popular theory that is going around.
@ M.R. Smith- So, I have drawn my own conclusions with recent updates. Ya know the server loading screen? So, the backdrop is comprised of the stuff in genetics- ya know, typical genetic codes. But it's a hypo utah genome, in my opinion. And also, there's letters in it that spell a story. Which you are about to hear. And text appears at the top left. So....I put it all together, and...Well, here goes.

Adult female rex broke out. Gave birth with another escaped specimen. They killed, each, 2 and 3 scientists respectively on their way out. Both were modified. *cough*strains*cough*. Aaanyway, they had children, and those children were all the types we see today- Neuro, Tisso, Magna- In my lore, NyctaTyrannus is a child, with a diluted bloodline, of the tisso. I know it's not canon, but I had to work it in there. Aaaanywayy...The matriarch is a cannibal leader, right? In the most popular lore version, to my knowledge. She became...the way she is because she snuck in and ate an egg of one of these forms...probably the neuro, if I had to guess. Same with the hypo utah, but because they're both dinosaurs, it affected it similarly to how it affected the rex. Neuro spino, it got so bedazzled and confused by the original neuro's brainwaves, ya know? That it basically became the first edgy fanboy. From that moment on, it WAS a neuro. The very second, actually. Carno- repeat as utah. Gradually, these strains worked their way through the ecosystem, through various methods. They bred with other species, other strains, and these created the dark and terrifying monsters that lurk on the fringe of the island today. Never explore the deeper caves, especially on the coast, if you want to keep- not just your life- but your sanity. The cannibals are the Matriarch's children, btw. Freaky little tidbit. Aaand that's all folks, more to follow!
Wow, bit of a necro, but I still like the info. Good observations. I'm going to spend time looking for more easter eggs and stuff like that.
Naposledy upravil M.R. Smith; 8. srp. 2019 v 21.16
Haha, thx lol.
I will do the same.
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Datum zveřejnění: 16. bře. 2018 v 13.56
Počet příspěvků: 5