Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

Why PES16 doesn't use NVIDIA GPU??? (Почему запускает игру со встроенной видяхой..)
Sorry for my bad Eng, 'cause I'm from Russia... So, when I start a game, PES16 uses Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600, BUT I HAVE GTX 860m! I tried to start it with 860m, but the game still starts wtith Intel.... What is the problem?
Для русских: ПЕС запускается со встроенной видяхи почему-то. Пробовал запускать и с GTX 860m, но игра отказывается это делать. В чем проблема?
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Показані коментарі 14 із 4
Maybe you can turn of the Intel HD GPU in the BIOS? That way you ''force'' the game to use your GTX GPU.

Also (altho maybe I'm having it wrong, but if I remember it correctly PES on PC has this) there is an out-of-the-game settings menu, where you can adjust basic settings. Maybe that will give you the option to chance the used GPU?
Go to 'Nvidia Control Panel' from right-clicking on the desktop.
There, you can manually manage and set the preferred graphics processor to specific application you want to apply.
1. Select a program to customize (select Pro evolution soccer 2016 and the settings)
2. Select the preferred graphics processor
After that, open the settings file which is located in the steamapp folder.
change the graphics to 'High' and also change the resolution.
Цитата допису d3eiel:
Go to 'Nvidia Control Panel' from right-clicking on the desktop.
There, you can manually manage and set the preferred graphics processor to specific application you want to apply.
1. Select a program to customize (select Pro evolution soccer 2016 and the settings)
2. Select the preferred graphics processor
After that, open the settings file which is located in the steamapp folder.
change the graphics to 'High' and also change the resolution.
Thanks, man!
If that didn't solve your problem, It might aswell be caused by using d3dwrappers like SweetFx. I had that happen with PES 15 on my laptop. Disabling/removing sweetFX made the game use the actual assigned gpu.
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Показані коментарі 14 із 4
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Опубліковано: 16 верес. 2015 о 19:50
Дописів: 4