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Frick stormheim castle.
namely, the segments that put demon eyes and the wheels in the same room.
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Stock up on mana potions and use the lightning spell a lot. Honestly, I got killed by those stupid fishmen more during those sections.
Dernière modification de St. Haborym; 8 janv. à 17h36
Whoever designed this area is one of the biggest ♥♥♥♥♥ in developer history.
Wait for Kastka palace.
domuinor2 a écrit :
Wait for Kastka palace.
...which was a complete breeze compared to Stormheim, because there's no random movements from the eyes and mermen knocking you into the water. It's so confusing that you think the palace is harder than this, when that's just a linear section of easy jump-timings, while the route to getting the powerup in Stormheim is so long and difficult to survive with the limited lives you have. I found it the hardest and most frustrating section of the game ^^
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