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ImOnABoat Nov 3, 2022 @ 6:17pm
Venting about the kastski jump
Seriously F this @#$%, who thought it would be a good idea to put not ONE or TWO but FOUR (if you have to get out of the damn place) almost pixel perfect jump. Everytime it's the same ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ story, get the upgrade, get @$^@ed by some random ass crap spawning on top of me. Need to get out to refill and BOOM, lost all my lives because of that poor ass dime bin second rate castlevania crap jump... if ONLY it was just a pixel perfect platforming, I'd be ok but nooooooooooo, you gotta throw yourself of the damn thing, pray to all the gods you know to NOT hit that stupid ass ledge and THEN pray some more to get the correct timing and not $@#$ up the NOT ASSIGNABLE TO A SINGLE BUTTON sequence so that your ass is lifted back up to safety.

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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Eldin Nov 3, 2022 @ 11:15pm 
Not sure if you know, but in accessibility you can turn on infinite jumps which helps a ton and invincibility as well.
ImOnABoat Nov 4, 2022 @ 4:58am 
Yeah, I knew. but it feels like cheating all the way. I went back to it after a couple hours and I noticed that you can simply let yourself drop from the chain platform and THEN use the skill, which works pretty and I never failed it. There is s still one harder jump on the way back but 1 is better than 4.

Thank you, kind stranger
Evilnapkin Nov 8, 2022 @ 8:55am 
Grind to get more powerful and then do each dungeon in one shot. It's how I did everything except for the last dungeon that unlocks on a good playthrough, which I broke into a few dives. I probably only spent an hour total grinding and I maxed everything out. I used the screen just to the east of the first town early on, then when I got to Kastski I would drop down from the town, kill the top three enemies for like 140xp, then go back to the town and repeat. A little tedious but fast.
Last edited by Evilnapkin; Nov 8, 2022 @ 8:56am
Guantanamo Bae Nov 18, 2022 @ 8:16am 
Late to the party here but what I found is that trying to get outside of the dungeon and save your progress is a trap- it's honestly always better to push through to the boss and use potions to just outlast the bossfight. Trying to make your way to the entrance to preserve your progress (keys, items etc) sounds fine in theory but having done it both ways, it's just way more dangerous- many of the jumps are much trickier approaching them from the other side.
end_game_13 Oct 14, 2023 @ 1:10am 
This place has some terrible difficult jumps. Such a huge difficulty spike from the other keeps
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