Chocolatier: Decadence by Design

Chocolatier: Decadence by Design

Flickering cursor
Hi, I have an issue when I run the game in full screen - the cursor flickers all the time :( I have the pointer trails disabled in Windows, the latest graphics card driver, no luck.. I would even play it in the windowed mode but it is way too small. Does anyone have any solution to the flickering cursor, please, or alternatively, a way how to make the windowed mode bigger? Thanks a mill!
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Same here, commenting in case of an answer :)
Willow 27 iul. 2017 la 9:13 
I have this same problem but it also crashes a few minutes after launch and I used to just change the screen to windowed mode which would fix the problem but now it is not allowing me to change the screen mode from fullscreen which is extremely disappointing because I have loved this game since I was very young and wanted to buy it on steam for that reason but now I can't even play it. I would even adjust to the flickering of the curser eventually but I can't even play it anymore:/ I really hope this can be fixed eventually. If anyone knows how to fix this or at the very least request a refund(actually reach someone who can do something about this)
Soralka 27 iul. 2017 la 13:15 
Guys, I cannot say I have found a fix but - perhaps an alternative if you happen to have a laptop. The game works out without cursor issues on my laptop. No idea why but it does!
Willow 27 iul. 2017 la 16:21 
I have a laptop as well:P
Soralka 29 iul. 2017 la 3:08 
Cool, so try it! :)
Willow 29 iul. 2017 la 13:13 
no meaning ive been on my laptop the whole time
same probllem here
colinq93 15 aug. 2018 la 18:46 
It’s likely a resolution issue. Change your display resolution to less than 1080p to see if any work.
Birda 8 febr. 2019 la 10:01 
I left the "full screen" mode and the mouse improved, just as it stopped locking too! I can play normally now !!! Thank you for the tips!
saraam 13 mai 2019 la 23:48 
Hi :) The mouse flickering is happening to me. It doesn't happen in windows mode, only fullscreen. It does not matter what resolution I set my display or what compatibility mode I run the program in, and I have tried several other methods to resolve it. I hate running in windowed mode as the game is very small. Does anyone know how to actually set the game to run at a specific resolution in a setting file or by another method?
Got the game running on Windows 10 without Graphic glitches with this combination:

Start the game --> Options --> window Mode

then pressing [Windows]+[PLUS] to activate the Microsoft Magnifier and setting it to 175% (may differ on your screen)

This way I got nearly full screen mode and had no graphic glitches
That solution still gives me graphic glitches, unfortunately
Taigan 10 sept. 2020 la 18:42 
I got it! for me I just switched to compability with Windows 95, it stoped the flickering.
The best way to not let this happen is to go into windowed mode. It might be a bit smaller, but you won't get curser errors. Btw @Taigan, how did you switch the compatibility? Quite curious!
I had the same problem about flickering cursor AND crashing every 3 or so minutes when I first tried to play. I looked at the comments and adjusted my screen so that it was not full screen. That worked and now I was able to actually finish making 3 recipe assignments.
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