Making History: The Calm and the Storm Gold Edition

Making History: The Calm and the Storm Gold Edition

KittyBunker 6 AGO 2022 a las 1:38 a. m.
Air Missions? And other observations
So I have been having a hard time finding information on how the game mechanics work, in detail. Contrary to my hours on steam, I am a veteran player of this game. I started playing as a child when it came out, with my dad. I would say I easily have 2k+ hours on this game. I generally know what most things in this game do. However I did find out recently that your amount of available mpus is relative to your food production. When I play as the US I try to get all of the continental cities in country to an output of 200 ipus. This usually leads me to conquering China if I can, or I will go after Mexico as they have around 9k mpus by that point. Sometimes my game gets weird, because I give heavy, heavy support to Japan, Germany, Communist China and Italy..occasionally Poland as well. This has led, China siding with Germany and Japan siding with the UK. Poland tends to do their own thing with Romania and the oddest part of all, USSR stayed out of war, completely, not even an embargo. Mind you, this game got to turn 1,200 and they stayed entirely neutral, very weird. The entire time the surely but slowly built up their economy and army...the whole time I also had an embargo on them. The UK ends up losing India and it gets split between Japan and India most times as I generally get China for the mpus and then I completely dismantle all of their cities...I do the same with just about any country I get and I reroute all of the dismantled ipus to the mainland US. It's led to me having something like almost 5,500 ipus as the US, almost or a bit more then 5,000 of them being in the mainland. Sorry for my rambling, I just love this game so much and it's fun to discuss but I have no friends that would even remotely enjoy this game. With all of that being said, the main reason I came on here was to ask if anyone understood in-depth, what an air mission does? I guess I am trying to figure out how exactly it is different from just patrolling a region. Any info would be helpful, and I hope you all enjoy my little story on my most recent play through.

Thank you
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KittyBunker 6 AGO 2022 a las 1:47 a. m. 
Update: I just now...after all these years, bothered to check my local files where the game is installed and would you imagine that, I found the user manual. LMAO
Haven't read it all yet but it seems highly detailed, more than anything on the internet I have found to date.
KittyBunker 6 AGO 2022 a las 1:59 a. m. 
Also another thing I was curious of, has anyone noticed if the AI conducts itself differently depending on which victory type you select for your game?
Larry 12 JUL 2023 a las 1:03 p. m. 
Would be nice to play multiplayer
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