Discouraged Workers
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Discouraged Workers

İstatistiklere Bak:
Bu konu kilitlenmiştir.
Avast flags the *.exe as infected
Just to let the Dev. know.

Win32:Evo-gen [Susp]
< >
16 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
I might do that. The SHA256 Hash are identical.
My bitdefender just deleted the exe and marked it as gen:variant.fakealert.25
Yeah my antivirus (gdata) also detected it as a virus, which made me uninstall it, is it save?
Bit Defender refuses to let the game install or even download. I tried forcing it but that thing is really stubborn. This should be repaired.
En son MiMi tarafından düzenlendi; 14 Ağu 2015 @ 2:35
Considering the fact that this is the FIRST time Avast has EVER flagged a Steam game as being malware, I am going to continue assuming it IS malware and asked that it be changed/repaired.

No offense, but the dev's word just isn't good enough in this case, especially with all the shady developers on Steam these days. ;)
Avast, and most likely many of them, flag EVERYTHING they do not know as Malware/virus/Trojan.
So you will be using another module? As it is we can't install the game.
Ahh.. it got flagged as a trojan by Norton. This isn't the first time my antivirus ♥♥♥♥ with my steam games.. (Cough, did it to Dark Souls, Hell even CoD:MW2.)
My AVG removed it immediately as a trojan too.
I use McAfee and it also detects trojan from the exe file. Hope this issue can be fixed soon.
En son OneMoreGame tarafından düzenlendi; 20 Ağu 2015 @ 6:57
İlk olarak Lee Yunseok tarafından gönderildi:
@MalkavianChilde Today, AVG has been detected as a safe.[www.virustotal.com]

I just tried running the game and AVG once again removed the exe as a trojan.
Same as Malkavian, I sent it for analyze to AVG few days ago but still the same result, instantly moved in quarantine. :/

It's also the second time that trying to launch the game close Steam on my computer.
En son Pardalys 💜 tarafından düzenlendi; 22 Ağu 2015 @ 14:52
Yup it works now!
AVG is still detecting a threat, the threat is now listed as an 'unknown medium-severity malware' instead of a trojan. It's no longer automatically deleting the exe file but it does ask to remove it, my Steam also froze until I did. Sigh!
< >
16 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
Sayfa başına: 1530 50

Gönderilme Tarihi: 3 Ağu 2015 @ 11:36
İleti: 16