Front Wars
Unit ideas
As the title says.

Note: No helicopters were invented in WWII so adding them is more likely fiction. Still go on and paste them if you like.

Perhaps tie units to one fraction, making the sides a bit different as they currently are exactly the same

Add historical easter eggs if you like

Unit ideas...

Maus: Extra large tank used by the Nazis. Moving range is reduced hardly but can take down heavy tanks easily

AA-Jeep: Allied Anti air jeep that is as mobile as a jeep and has the attack stats of heavy infantry

Huey: Allied Helicopter, can attack fro air to ground, light HP, cheap to make

SDKFZ: Nazi vehicle, stats like a jeep but much more HP and can carry units (only 1 at a time and only infantry)

Flamethrower: Both sides unit, can nullify defense of sorroundings but is extremely costy

Gustav: Nazi artillery, can only fire once every 2 rounds, only moveable on streets or 1 field next to them, very short moving range. large range in general, instakills enemy units on ground

Swimmer: Allied Tank that is like a light tank but can cross rivers like infantry.
Отредактировано MANFACE!; 2 авг. 2016 г. в 18:36
Дата создания: 2 авг. 2016 г. в 18:35
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