Gremlins, Inc.

Gremlins, Inc.

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Ενας φίλος  [developer] Feb 15, 2016 @ 4:30am
(EN) Fair Play Rules

These rules were first created and published on 15/02/2016.

The latest update to these rules has been made on 31/01/2020.

Mandatory nature of these rules for all ranked sessions

If you do not agree with the rules, please do not play ranked sessions: these rules apply to everyone who joins ranked sessions in the game.

Main principles

  • To promote competitive fair play. In this game, every player’s chances are equal, and the game requires both skill and luck to win. When two or more players in a ranked session share information about their cards and/or plans, this gives them an unfair advantage over the other participants.

  • To cherish positive-minded player community. We love the friendly and supportive player community of Gremlins, Inc., which is home to a lot of nice people from all over the world. Hate speech, verbal abuse, personal attacks and other forms of aggression have no place in this community.

  • To help newcomers make the most of the game. As most chess communities around the world, we're very happy to see new players starting on their journey with our game. We pledge to support new players with advice, encouragement and information.

Fair Play Rules

  1. Players who violate Steam Discussion Rules & Guidelines will receive a warning or will be suspended from ranked sessions for a period between one week and three months. Players who display a history of offending others on the forums may be banned from the discussion boards of the game permanently.

  2. Using a username that violates Steam Discussion Rules & Guidelines will, in addition to the consequences listed in section 1 above, also lead to the removal of the player from all ladders in the game for the duration of the ban, with the rating being reset to the default value.

  3. Players who abuse game mechanics (for example, use the game to give others bad player experience by deliberately stretching the time, and so on) and/or who practice unfair play may be subject to a protest by other players.

  4. Players who use multiple Steam accounts controlled by the same person in order to play ranked sessions may be subject to a protest by other players. Where such behavior grants advantage over other players (taking multiple positions at the top of ladders, preventing opponents from winning by using low-ranked accounts, and so on), all Steam accounts of such player will be banned from participating in ranked sessions.

  5. ‘Unfair play’ is a systematic use of game mechanics by 2 or more players to advance their interests by disadvantaging other players through sharing of information and coordination of actions that such sharing allows. Ranked sessions are intended to be played anonymously and against random opponents. When 2 or more players who are familiar with each other purposefully join the queue for ranked sessions in order to participate in the same session, we consider this to be “unfair play”.

  6. Any player is allowed to attack (or not attack) whoever they see fit; acts of revenge, sub-optimal play, and play for the second or third place in the session are within the scope of fair play – as long as each player acts independently and in their own interest. There is no “correct” way to play Gremlins, Inc. and we must respect the freedom of choice of every player, as long as they play independently.

  7. A protest can be filed by any player competing in a ranked session:

    • Create a new thread on this forum. All discussions in this forum are conducted only in English language to keep the review process transparent for the whole community.

    • Provide the time of the session as shown in the list of previous sessions in your in-game profile and the name of the server where this session happened; indicate the format of the session (ranked or tournament); post the links to Steam profiles of players whom you suspect of breaking the Fair Play Rules (these links are available via the list of your previous sessions).

    • Any screenshots or video footage of the session that support the protest are appreciated, but are not necessary.

    • Additional requirements for protests against the use of multiple accounts: please provide (A) links to all known Steam accounts of the suspected player; (B) an explanation as to why you believe these accounts are controlled by the same player; (C) an explanation as to how such player's actions violate the Fair Play Rules.

  8. Within a few days of receiving the protest (the review period lasts longer during busy seasons), the protest committee issues the ruling declining or supporting the protest.

    When a protest is supported by the committee, the player whose actions are deemed to violate the Fair Play Rules receives (A) a disqualification from the current tournament, with the score set to DSQ (lowest possible in any ladder); and/or (B) a penalty that changes rating points to the default value of 100.00; and/or (C) a suspension from ranked sessions for a period between 1 week and 3 months; and/or (D) a permanent restriction to participate in ranked sessions with certain other players.

The rules above are neither final nor exhaustive; we reserve the right to ban users who cause bad player experience for others even if their behavior doesn't directly fall under these rules (for example, those who personally attack other players, whether in public or in private).

Please play fair and let’s all enjoy this game in a competitive but friendly manner!
Last edited by Ενας φίλος; Jan 31, 2020 @ 5:51am