Tom Clancy's The Division

Tom Clancy's The Division

Delta c-0-1302 Bug
I always get the Delta c-0-1302 error when i try to log in. wtf is that ♥♥♥♥?
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Beiträge 115 von 26
same here cant join in :td_Ferocius:
I keep getting delta everywhere, in safe house, in mission, on the street. Never finished one mission since this GE started. Also, stuck in loading screen that says "connecting".
Zuletzt bearbeitet von bean O'Neil; 21. Mai 2018 um 1:38
first mission was ok for me. in the second mission bommbang game kicked me and i get this error
21. Mai 2018 um 1:50 
3x delta in less than 10 min...
i can only play 1 times the this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ delta 5 times now ♥♥♥♥ game
lol all time the same...
Same problem here ........
same =-="....i just got dc-ed twice on 1302 error...i was playing my alt and leveling it up....
cant game it atm... error all 10 mins... why its all time the same? and why ubi not fix it?!!!!
ye bik gayi ha ubisoft , ye sub mil ke chutiya bana rahe he humko madarchod ke bache .. it ne gand phatike bhadwe ...
Zuletzt bearbeitet von TripleTea; 21. Mai 2018 um 2:06
Hawk 21. Mai 2018 um 2:07 
It's almost like Ubisoft and their underlings can't be trusted to do anything. I'm so very sure that in the next NEXT version of "the division" they will finally figure out how to run basic servers, just keep giving them $90-110 that'll teach them...

Seriously have people not figure out that Ubisoft and the development teams within their fold that they are completely and utterly inept? How many Global Events have to turn out exactly the same way, in this manner before people realize that these "people" can not be trusted to do anything or make any sort of corrections or fixes?

Figure it out guys they have to know that every time they run these events that their piss poor servers crash under the weight of a few thousand players playing at once yet they can't seem to fix the problem and it's been a known issue since they did the first global event. That should tell you all that you need to know as to why these disconnect errors keep happening.

(Yes this has happened to me already, lost at least 3 or 4 commendations from a single run and now I have to get them all over again. Too bad I have no idea what I got since their DRM requires always online so when the game DCs it looses ALL data.) And again more then 3/4ths of the way through Russian Consulate, DC "we're aware and are looking into it" yeah funny did they reuse that same Twitter post because I could have sworn I saw that same post all the other times that this was an issue, funny that. Nothing like wasting my time to make me really consider buying any more products from Ubisoft.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Hawk; 21. Mai 2018 um 2:28
21. Mai 2018 um 2:19 
Over two years, and still the same s***!
I thought they had enough time to fix Delta after the last GE.
madrachod randi ke vacjha uvisoft thi karo vahen chodo
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Geschrieben am: 21. Mai 2018 um 1:28
Beiträge: 26