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Bit Questline Fixes - Foundation, Substantiation, Investigation
So, myself and a few other members of the community have been trying to look into and fix the issue regarding the bug on Substantiation.

Another important note - Project Junebug is NOT complete in the code I'm providing. If you have completed Project Junebug then you need to add into the mission flags (I don't know if the order matters, but for the sake of sanity, put it before bitPathStarted). The flag you need is this: E_Whit:DEAD

If you have not completed Project Junebug, just carry on with the fix as normal.

I wouldn't recommend screwing around with the files unless you're desperate for it to work - I'd wait until the developer confirms that it's been fixed, but this seems to work for some people.

You'll wanna open your save file first. Oh, and BACK IT UP. I don't know if this works for certain - a couple said it has, so it might work for you. But it might reset your progress, it might just crash outright - please back up before you do this, so if it does continue to break then at least you still have your previous save.

The following is the code you'll need, the first batch goes right down at the bottom of the code - your mission status should say NULL (or something along those lines). Replace the appropriate code with the following:

</network> </NetworkMap><mission next="BitPath/BitAdv_Intro03.xml" goals="Content/Missions/BitPath/BitAdv_Intro02.xml" activeCheck="False"> <email sender=" V " subject="Bit -- Substantiation">Excellent, TraceKill - as the name suggests, diverts active traces against you while it's running. It should make your work much easier. Let's begin. I've done some digging, after the last set - you saw that message too - he knew what was going on. Anyway, just the idea that whatever happened was linked to his work was enough to start with - I did some tracking and ended up with a bit of a list of his servers or relays - can't know how many of them are just virtual boxes running off the same machine, but it's a good start. The most promising one is linked at the end of this - it's a personal work server, something he was using to privately host copies of the version control repositories he was working on, apparently. This itself might be a clue - who keeps the backups of a corporate VC solution? Only three cases I can think of - either you're responsible if they ♥♥♥♥ it up, and you're surrounded by incompetents and you want to be sure, you need your backups and logs for legal reasons, or you're worried about something, and want records incase something goes down. Whatever's the case, this seems like the place to start digging - want to take a look? I've had a poke around, but didn't turn up anything substantial - cant decrypt the repo dumps. Let me know if you find anything - send over the IP address of anything strange if you dig up a link. -V </email><endFunc val="-1" name="" /><posting title="UNKNOWN">UNKNOWN</posting></mission><branchMissions>/n</branchMissions><AllFactions current="hub">

Then, you'll need the right flags (THIS MIGHT REMOVE SOME OF YOUR PROGRESS, WHICH IS WHY I DO NOT RECOMMEND DOING IT), the flags are right at the top of the save file.


There was a patch just as I was writing this, try that out BEFORE trying this, I don't want to break anyone's games because of my silly advice :c

This won't work for the Investigation bug, or any other mission but - only the Substantiation bug. That's because the code there has the correct flags and IDs for the Substantiation mission, if you want to fix the others then let me know and I'll see what I can do. Now that I think I understand how to do it it shouldn't take as long.

If you had the issue where you couldn't save and had to use diggadat's fix, then make sure you edit the save file that's in the remote folder (people who didn't have that issue will go to the same place). Editing the file that's in the Accounts folder that you created will not work. Thanks to Cheeseyx and Hansuki for alerting me to that, and basically fixing it!

So the above is for Substantiation.
This post is for Foundation - http://steamcommunity.com/app/365450/discussions/0/530649887208580632/#c530649887209387455

And this post is for Investigation -

If you're trying to continue the main story, but did Naix's storyline and can't progress, do this -
http://steamcommunity.com/app/365450/discussions/0/530649887208580632/#c530649887209295694 (courtesy of Aimeryan, thanks!)
Last edited by Aidy [MEMESLUT]; Aug 15, 2015 @ 7:16pm
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Showing 1-15 of 155 comments
Orann  [developer] Aug 15, 2015 @ 10:26am 
Thanks for posting this Aidy!

This happens because CSEC was previously auto-abandoning contracts when a new one was taken up, with really bad user feedback. I've improved this in the most recent patch, but those affected by it will still need to edit their save to get back on that mission that they left.
Sorry about this everyone!
Aidy [MEMESLUT] Aug 15, 2015 @ 10:28am 
Not a problem dude, it would've taken longer without the other community members looking into it as well!
CGAssassin Aug 15, 2015 @ 11:01am 
Cheers for that seems for me I just needed to set the mission text to get it to work.
Kelrak Aug 15, 2015 @ 12:36pm 
Ahh where are the save files located
*inhale* WRONG Aug 15, 2015 @ 12:52pm 
I have this problem on the Foundation mission. Know how to solve that?
ctiberious Aug 15, 2015 @ 12:56pm 
I'm also looking for the save file location. I thought I found it (Hacknet\Accounts) but changes I make to the xml file in that location don't show up in the game. In fact, if I delete the xml located there, then start the game up, I'm still able to continue my game. So I'm figuring the same game is located elsewhere.
EDIT: Oh. Found it. There's a copy in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<SteamUserID>\365450\remote Once I made the changes to both xml files, I was able to continue with the mission.
Last edited by ctiberious; Aug 15, 2015 @ 1:06pm
Fatboy-Cartman Aug 15, 2015 @ 1:04pm 
Savefiles are --> "...\steam\userdata\[user-id]\365450\remote"
Files are --> save.xml (or saveUSERNAME.xml)

i try also to Fix the "Bit -- Foundation" Mission... but it fails all the time...
Last edited by Fatboy-Cartman; Aug 15, 2015 @ 1:04pm
Aidy [MEMESLUT] Aug 15, 2015 @ 1:18pm 
I'll look into the Foundation one for you guys when I get back to the game.
Dhs92 Aug 15, 2015 @ 1:22pm 
Could you post a fix for the investigation mission please? I'm stuck on that one still.
Aidy [MEMESLUT] Aug 15, 2015 @ 1:23pm 
I'll get that one too, I've seen a few people are having issues with that. I'll try to be quick!
Aimeryan Aug 15, 2015 @ 1:52pm 
Currently stuck too. This is my first playthrough, so I can't be sure that I am not just missing something (but if I am it must be pretty obscure).

I got the contract from Entropy to remove the Macrosoft file from Naix's node via the email "Agression must be Punished", which I did the contents of, triple checked (including all three Naix-related computers), but I can not reply ("Mission Incomplete"). I got the Naix counter-hack chain, went through those, got to the /el board, did the SecuRom (deleted the deleteme file) and the Polar Head stuff (got the SQL hack, and the white x-server.sys) - no notification/confirmation/email from any of that if there was meant to be.

This is where I am at. From looking through the files and such I think I am meant to be invited to CSEC next, but I have got no email of that sort. The last email I have is the Naix one: "An Important Link", and the last Entropy one is the "Agression must be Punished", which I can not complete for whatever reason.

My save reads like this:

<HacknetSave generatedMissionCount="2" Username="Aimeryan">


<mission next="lelzSec/CSEC_TransferMissionDelay.xml" goals="Missions/BitMissionIntro.xml" activeCheck="False">
<email sender="Polar Star" subject="Unsent">This should not be seen</email><endFunc val="-1" name="" /><posting title="UNKNOWN">UNKNOWN</posting></mission><branchMissions>/n</branchMissions><AllFactions current="entropy">
<EntropyFaction name="Entropy" id="entropy" neededVal="5" playerVal="5" playerHasPassed="True" /> <Faction name="lelzSec" id="lelzSec" neededVal="1000" playerVal="0" playerHasPassed="False" /> <HubFaction name="CSEC" id="hub" neededVal="10" playerVal="0" playerHasPassed="False" /></AllFactions><other music="Music\Ryan10" homeNode="lelzSecHub" homeAssetsNode="lelzSecHub" /></HacknetSave>

Note that the next mission seems to be the CSEC transfer; I think there is meant to be a delay and then an email is sent to me, but unless the delay is over an hour (or more!) I think something has gone wrong.
Last edited by Aimeryan; Aug 15, 2015 @ 1:55pm
Fatboy-Cartman Aug 15, 2015 @ 1:59pm 
V | Bit -- Foundation

This won't work, but i guess it should look something like this

<Flags>TutorialComplete,progress_entropy_Unlocked,eosPathStarted,BootFailure,CSEC_Member,progress_csec_Unlocked,BootFailureThemeSongChange,themeChangerAdded,csecRankingS2Pass,csecBitSet01Complete,bitPathStarted,decypher,trace_close_Unlocked,clock_run_Unlocked</Flags> <mission next="BitPath/BitAdv_Intro.xml" goals="Content/Missions/BitPath/BitAdv_Intro.xml" activeCheck="False"> <email sender =" V " subject="Bit -- Foundation">Hey, So, this is a bit unorthodox, but I pulled some strings. You'll be the one that did the Bit contract before - looking for what happened there. I'm after some more information, and I wanted the same person on it. If you're getting this, it means you've just finished your assigned contract, so we're good to go. To be frank, the term "pulling strings" with CSEC isn't something you really use lightly, and in this case it's even more so. You got results fast, and I want you on this case too. More collaboratively this time. If I sound confident you'll want to join in here, I've good reason for it - there's a very substantial incentive waiting for you on the CSEC asset server: Look for ~/bin/TK/TraceKill.dec Decrypt it with password "dx122DX" Get a copy and reply me back. As always, the admins are paranoid about their security, so it'll be anonymously routed back through their system to me - whatever. Just reply here when you're ready and i'll let you know what's next. </email> <endFunc val="-1" name="" />
<posting title="UNKNOWN">UNKNOWN</posting>
Last edited by Fatboy-Cartman; Aug 15, 2015 @ 2:01pm
Aidy [MEMESLUT] Aug 15, 2015 @ 2:02pm 
Originally posted by Aimeryan:
Currently stuck too. This is my first playthrough, so I can't be sure that I am not just missing something (but if I am it must be pretty obscure).

I got the contract from Entropy to remove the Macrosoft file from Naix's node via the email "Agression must be Punished", which I did the contents of, triple checked (including all three Naix-related computers), but I can not reply ("Mission Incomplete"). I got the Naix counter-hack chain, went through those, got to the /el board, did the SecuRom (deleted the deleteme file) and the Polar Head stuff (got the SQL hack, and the white x-server.sys) - no notification/confirmation/email from any of that if there was meant to be.

This is where I am at. From looking through the files and such I think I am meant to be invited to CSEC next, but I have got no email of that sort. The last email I have is the Naix one: "An Important Link", and the last Entropy one is the "Agression must be Punished", which I can not complete for whatever reason.

My save reads like this:

<HacknetSave generatedMissionCount="2" Username="Aimeryan">


<mission next="lelzSec/CSEC_TransferMissionDelay.xml" goals="Missions/BitMissionIntro.xml" activeCheck="False">
<email sender="Polar Star" subject="Unsent">This should not be seen</email><endFunc val="-1" name="" /><posting title="UNKNOWN">UNKNOWN</posting></mission><branchMissions>/n</branchMissions><AllFactions current="entropy">
<EntropyFaction name="Entropy" id="entropy" neededVal="5" playerVal="5" playerHasPassed="True" /> <Faction name="lelzSec" id="lelzSec" neededVal="1000" playerVal="0" playerHasPassed="False" /> <HubFaction name="CSEC" id="hub" neededVal="10" playerVal="0" playerHasPassed="False" /></AllFactions><other music="Music\Ryan10" homeNode="lelzSecHub" homeAssetsNode="lelzSecHub" /></HacknetSave>

Note that the next mission seems to be the CSEC transfer; I think there is meant to be a delay and then an email is sent to me, but unless the delay is over an hour (or more!) I think something has gone wrong.

I ran into that bug too just before whilst playing around. I don't have a fix for that yet, it's a little more complicated. If you were to go back to the Aggression Must Be Punished mission, it'll clear the progression you've done with Naix and /el.

I think the best thing to do with /el is to wait until you've completed the main story, then go back and do that - so keeping Naix's IP around is a good idea so you can go back and trace him afterwards.
Last edited by Aidy [MEMESLUT]; Aug 15, 2015 @ 2:03pm
Aimeryan Aug 15, 2015 @ 2:16pm 
Originally posted by Aidy:
I ran into that bug too just before whilst playing around. I don't have a fix for that yet, it's a little more complicated. If you were to go back to the Aggression Must Be Punished mission, it'll clear the progression you've done with Naix and /el.

I think the best thing to do with /el is to wait until you've completed the main story, then go back and do that - so keeping Naix's IP around is a good idea so you can go back and trace him afterwards.

Just been looking around, going from mission to mission in the Mission folder; the Naix chain ends with the email "An Important Link", which is the MessageBoardIntro.xml in the Missions\lelzSec folder - the odd think here is that the MessageBoardIntro.xml has:


Now, looking at my save file it seems to think I am still in Entropy:

<AllFactions current="entropy">

I am wondering if this is the cause of the bug. I'm going to try changing it and see what happens, presuming the id would be "lelzSec". However, even if that is the root of the issue it might not solve it for me now where I am at.
Last edited by Aimeryan; Aug 15, 2015 @ 2:20pm
Aidy [MEMESLUT] Aug 15, 2015 @ 2:17pm 
Originally posted by Aimeryan:
Originally posted by Aidy:
I ran into that bug too just before whilst playing around. I don't have a fix for that yet, it's a little more complicated. If you were to go back to the Aggression Must Be Punished mission, it'll clear the progression you've done with Naix and /el.

I think the best thing to do with /el is to wait until you've completed the main story, then go back and do that - so keeping Naix's IP around is a good idea so you can go back and trace him afterwards.

Just been looking around, going from mission to mission; the Naix chain ends with the email "An Important Link", which is the MessageBoardIntro.xml in the Missions\lelzSec folder - the odd think here is that the MessageBoardIntro.xml has:


Now, looking at my save file it seems to think I am still in Entropy:

<AllFactions current="entropy">

I am wondering if this is the cause of the bug. I'm going to try changing it and see what happens, presuming the id would be "lelzSec". However, even if that is the root of the issue it might not solve it for me now where I am at.

Let me know how it goes, I'm still focused on fixing the other two Bit missions that're bugged out currently. If I fix those and you still haven't figured it out, I'll give you a hand and look into it too.
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Date Posted: Aug 15, 2015 @ 10:22am
Posts: 155