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Matyranitar 30 abr. 2017 às 22:02
Possible fix for co-op campaign map desync
As many of you, my friend and I have had many desync problems (god knows how much I despise them) on the campaign map, and until now we had managed to get past them by loading a previous save and continuing from there. Unfortunately, that didn't help with the last one we had, and neither did replacing my saves with his (he is the host), as we had in Rome II (another serial desync spawner), and some other solutions we found on the Internet.

However, in a desperate attempt not to lose all progress and abbandon the campaign, I tried the silliest: not watching the AI movements on their turn (an option that can be set while you are waiting for the other (human) player to end his/her turn). Magic. Both of us ended our turns, the other factions ended theirs, and no troll desync sign prompted.
The thing is that it works only when I, specifically, set that option; whether he sets it or not, the desync happens again (in our case it happened when a certain dwarf army made a move). To be sure that was the cause, we reloaded, I left the original "Limited" AI movement option, and we got a desync. Reloaded, my friend changed it, I did not, got a desync. Reloaded, he didn't, I did, it worked again. We had the favour of the Lady.

I can't believe that what I did is a definite solution, in fact I think that it won't work the next time I try it, but as it worked for me, it may work for some of you, with a bit of luck.

I should mention that, surprisingly, we have never experienced problems during a battle (at least until now).
I am playing as Bretonia, and my friend as the Empire, if that's of any help to anyone.
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A mostrar 1-8 de 8 comentários
Ivan 1 jun. 2017 às 12:32 
Friend, your month old thread just saved our campaign from an abrupt end. We tried everything, we even thought it was because of the Varg moving a fleet into a town, so we tried making peace with them, giving them gold, etc. The campaign ending desync bug had us thinking our progress was all over.

Me and my friend thank you. For the record, we were playing Bretonnia and Elves, so possibly this bug has to do with Bretonnia.
Matyranitar 2 jun. 2017 às 15:52 
Great news Ivan! I'm glad this worked for you.
I don't think it has to do with Bretonia, as it's a bug that has been happening since Shogun 2 times as far as I know. It happened to me in Rome 2 as well, and I've read hundreds of posts about people not playing as Bretonia and still experiencing them.
Still, bear in mind that this is not a definite solution, just some kind of a one-time lifeguard. Me and my friend are still getting desyncs every now and then.
I hope you don't get another deshi... sorry, desync again :)
Ivan 2 jun. 2017 às 16:02 
Yeah, you were right again. It was a temporary fix and now things went back to ♥♥♥♥, whatever we do, the game keeps desyncing, to the point that our campaign has become unplayable.

We are really, really bummed out about that. Our campaign was finally getting interesting.
Matyranitar 2 jun. 2017 às 16:08 
Well, joy didn't last long I guess.
May I ask you when you're getting this desyncs? Is it during some AI faction's turn?
In our case, we started getting them at the beginning of my turn (I go first). Using the in-game desync tool is currently helping.
Ivan 2 jun. 2017 às 16:20 
I'm the host, but my friend has the first turn. The desync happens whenever we end my turn and the AI turns roll down the screen, then very last AI does its move and desync happens just as my friend's turn is beginning. It happens every time now, at first, cycling AI movement to OFF helped after one or two tries but now it just doesnt.
Matyranitar 2 jun. 2017 às 16:58 
Just as it happended to us. Try choosing the resync option when it promps, rather than leaving the game. That worked for us...
g_9 26 jun. 2019 às 9:20 
For Total War: WarHammer 2 desync issuesProblem seems to be caused when old mod files (In this case GCCM Island Battle) are still detected in the games data folder.

Mods live in --- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\594570

Mod Data gets extracted to (or it used too) --- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Total War WARHAMMER II\data

Easy but long fix -- Delete both folders then verify game files

(basically you delete almost ALL game data [but not saves, those live here FYI "%AppData%\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Warhammer2\save_games_multiplayer"] so when you delete the pack files in the data folder its going to redownload about 30gb) (this method was not tested but in theory should work, report back if it does not)

Technical but Fast fix --
Go to %AppData%\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Launcher

Open Launcher_Log.txt (NOT Launcher.txt)

Ctrl+f look for "Published mods returned from Steam:" Under this you MAY SEE the following

-- Detected movies pack file '@gccm_naval_battles.pack (could be some other file name too)' which has been neither published nor subscribed in directory 'F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Total War WARHAMMER II/data (could be some other file path)'. Assuming it to be a game pack.--

Whatever .pack files you see listed as "Assumed to be game pack" go to the location mentioned and delete the offending .pack file.

Included are screen shots of a fresh install of a Warhammer Data folder as of 6/26/2019. Compare to your data folder and remove any pack entries you dont see listed in screen shots. Worst case, game wont load and you have to reinstall the game or verify game files.
Bodeken 25 jul. 2019 às 6:51 
What if it happens during a battle?
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