Fran Bow

Fran Bow

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Did I just see that? (spoilers)
Did I just see the house from A Nightmare On Elm Street in the final chapter?

Or was the ANOES reference in the first chapter when Fran comments on the crucifix falling down from the wall, on your head while you sleep? ;)

This was a game chock-full of references, without ever being cheesy.

Apart from that, you have the obvious Alice In Wonderland, The Wizard Of Oz, The Never Ending Story, Friday The 13th..

Anyone spot any other references?
< >
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Mia & Clara felt like nods to horror films such as The Shining, Human Centipede & The Ring. And anytime I see clowns portrayed as creepy/monsterous I think of Stephen King's It. Pan's Labyrinth is one of my favorite films & shares a ton of similarties with Fran Bow. I can't help but feel that whomever is responsible for coming up with the story for Fran Bow must have seen it & been a fan too. Some of the tentacled/bloody visions Fran Bow saw seemed like they were possibly inspired by Lovecraftian horror. In particular that version of herself that Fran sees on Itwards ship, after she takes the pills when trying to solve the chemistry puzzle. All those bloody, creepy tentacles with eyes at the end.. *shudder* And I wonder if there wasn't a touch of Harry Potter as well with the kalamas. In the final chapter the way the tree talks about them is reminicent of how dementors suck the positive emotions out of their victims.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on cataluna; 7.9.2015 klo 23.52
You're right, obvious Shining reference. How could I not see that? *facepalm.
< >
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 7.9.2015 klo 18.12
Viestejä: 2