Fran Bow

Fran Bow

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Killmonday  [developer] Aug 27, 2015 @ 10:56am
Bug thread!
Hello you awesome!

Can't progress through the Killmonday logo or having a black/white screen on startup or does the game freeze on a game screen? Here's a solution you can try!

You need to change the VertexBufferMethod to either 0 or 2 in the options.ini that comes with the game folder. Also might need to put AlternateSyncMethod to 1!

How to find the options file:
1. Right click Fran Bow in your library and choose properties
3. Find the file called "options.ini" and open it
4. Here are some changes you can try to make the game run:

Change the VertexBufferMethod line to read like this:


then save the file, and try to play the game again.

If it still doesn't play, then change that same line to this:


then save the file again, and try to play the game.

If the game still doesn't play, then there are other parameters you can change. Please refer to this post on Steam: (fourth bullet point down) for the complete instructions.

A reminder, once the game is running, you can change the resolution of the game screens, as well as playing the game in Full-screen mode or in a Window, and with Shaders on or off and VSync on or off. Once you change any of these parameters, you can change these settings back to the game default by pressing the F10 key when you are either on the Options Menu or the Main Menu.

Please also look at this thread (called "Windows Gamers, Troubleshooting Tips if the Fran Bow Game Doesn't Play") here: for other troubleshooting steps to try if changing the "options.ini" file parameters don't allow you to play the Fran Bow game.
Last edited by Killmonday; Sep 7, 2016 @ 1:48am
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Showing 1-15 of 452 comments
m662 Aug 27, 2015 @ 3:28pm 
Possible bugs regarding chapter 3

System information Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (Bootcamp)
Intel Core i7-4850HQ CPU @ 2.30 GHz
Geforce 750M 2GB DDR5

Chapter 3 math puzzle has a reproducible crash when ever a player tries to move a number tile over the first or second tile.

Error code:
action number 1
of Mouse Event for Glob Left Released
for object obj_libpuz_8:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Get, -2147483648)
at gml_Object_obj_libpuz_8_Mouse_56

Chapter 3 seems to stay locked in the chapter menu after completing chapter 2. Thus if a player accidently clicks on chapter 1 or 2 in the chapter menu the progress thusfar gets lost.
I found this out when crashing on the math puzzle above.
Killmonday  [developer] Aug 27, 2015 @ 4:57pm 
Nice, thank you for that detailed find!!
itmecardi Aug 27, 2015 @ 10:08pm 
Chapter 3 math puzzle has a reproducible crash when ever a player tries to move a number tile over the first or second tile.

Error code:
action number 1
of Mouse Event for Glob Left Released
for object obj_libpuz_8:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Get, -2147483648)
at gml_Object_obj_libpuz_8_Mouse_56

^will that be fixed soon?
Great game so far, but I found one problem. This is probably something no one else will do, however it's still undesirable behavior.

The bug: After I reached Chapter 3, I exited to the main menu to take a break. Then I clicked the "Chapters" menu item. Not thinking, I clicked the Chapter 2 button and the game started me off in Chapter 2 as it should. I exited and went to the "Chapters" menu again, but Chapter 3 was unavailable and showed as locked. Due to the fact that you only can have 1 save point, the game starts me off in Chapter 2 instead of 3. Now I have to replay all of Chapter 2 to get to where I was again :/. Am I missing something here?
Last edited by Giant Elephant Games; Aug 28, 2015 @ 10:25am
Killmonday  [developer] Aug 28, 2015 @ 10:33am 
Originally posted by Giant Elephant Games:
Great game so far, but I found one problem. This is probably something no one else will do, however it's still undesirable behavior.

The bug: After I reached Chapter 3, I exited to the main menu to take a break. Then I clicked the "Chapters" menu item. Not thinking, I clicked the Chapter 2 button and the game started me off in Chapter 2 as it should. I exited and went to the "Chapters" menu again, but Chapter 3 was unavailable and showed as locked. Due to the fact that you only can have 1 save point, the game starts me off in Chapter 2 instead of 3. Now I have to replay all of Chapter 2 to get to where I was again :/. Am I missing something here?

Did you get past the title for chapter 3? Where it says Chapter 3: Vegetative state? Will have a safeguard fix for that either way in the coming update!
Originally posted by Killmonday:
Originally posted by Giant Elephant Games:
Great game so far, but I found one problem. This is probably something no one else will do, however it's still undesirable behavior.

The bug: After I reached Chapter 3, I exited to the main menu to take a break. Then I clicked the "Chapters" menu item. Not thinking, I clicked the Chapter 2 button and the game started me off in Chapter 2 as it should. I exited and went to the "Chapters" menu again, but Chapter 3 was unavailable and showed as locked. Due to the fact that you only can have 1 save point, the game starts me off in Chapter 2 instead of 3. Now I have to replay all of Chapter 2 to get to where I was again :/. Am I missing something here?

Did you get past the title for chapter 3? Where it says Chapter 3: Vegetative state? Will have a safeguard fix for that either way in the coming update!

Yes I did.
XX // Aug 28, 2015 @ 3:42pm 
i've noticed there is a suspicious lack of screenshots on the community hub. i copy/paste my issue here:

my steam overlay appears to work fine (popups, chat etc are all working), but i can't take any screenshots in Fran Bow.

i tested in a bunch of other games and steam overlay screenshots are working 100% as normal in those. i also made sure to install any/all updates for my OS (Win7) and restart my computer + steam in case that was it. didn't fix the issue - in Fran Bow, i can hit the overlay shortcut and it works - but the steam screenshot button does nothing.

i checked afterwards: definitely no files of any kind were created, i dont get any kind of aural or visual notifications for screenshots as usual either.

i do know how to manually create screenshot folders and upload them as community content, but that is time consuming and annoying. i notice in games that have issues with screenshots that the comm hub often completely lacks them or only has a handful. right now the only one could easily have just been manually uploaded.

so did anyone successfully screenshot this game with the overlay? what should i do? thank you.
Bladderbloat Aug 29, 2015 @ 2:15am 
Today we will be working on the issues found after release and will have a patch for it either tonight or tomorrow that will hopefully fix a lot of them :O
Axel Aug 29, 2015 @ 3:28am 
That is good news to hear, thanks a lot.
thefool Aug 29, 2015 @ 9:32am 
Hangs on start. Just loading screen and nothing more.

Windows 10
GT 840m
8 gb ram
Killmonday  [developer] Aug 29, 2015 @ 10:00am 
If you can't get past the loading screen, try this as a quick-fix solution maybe!

"The Lenovo Y50 I mentioned has a switchable graphics card, and when I switch it to the more powerful, dedicated card (GeForce GTX 860M) it runs just fine."

So if you have switchable graphics cards, try switching between them!
Marbass Aug 29, 2015 @ 11:35am 
hello! I have bug, where in the game since chapter 1 every location in game restart my progress. I lose all inventiry items, when i REenter 1st location with a bed - i see animation how Fran gets up from it. All items (key, hook) return to their places in locations etc. I reinstalled, checked cache, updated directx - nothing helps.
Win 7 64
12 gb ram
gtx 780
Killmonday  [developer] Aug 29, 2015 @ 11:50am 
Originally posted by Marbass:
hello! I have bug, where in the game since chapter 1 every location in game restart my progress. I lose all inventiry items, when i REenter 1st location with a bed - i see animation how Fran gets up from it. All items (key, hook) return to their places in locations etc. I reinstalled, checked cache, updated directx - nothing helps.
Win 7 64
12 gb ram
gtx 780

Hello! This was a new one!! Thank you for reporting it! Just to make sure, when you quit the game and get back, do you go through CONTINUE? Or do you choose chapter 1 from CHAPTERS?
XX // Aug 29, 2015 @ 11:53am 
Originally posted by Bladderbloat:
Today we will be working on the issues found after release and will have a patch for it either tonight or tomorrow that will hopefully fix a lot of them :O

is this patch going to address the ability to take screenshots with the overlay, or is that not possible?
Bladderbloat Aug 29, 2015 @ 11:58am 
Originally posted by ӾӾ is going to regret this:
Originally posted by Bladderbloat:
Today we will be working on the issues found after release and will have a patch for it either tonight or tomorrow that will hopefully fix a lot of them :O

is this patch going to address the ability to take screenshots with the overlay, or is that not possible?

I hope it will, because it worked a few updates ago!
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