Heaven Forest NIGHTS

Heaven Forest NIGHTS

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I cannot find find Heaven Forest NIGHTS at store page
I tried searching up Heaven Forest NIGHTS, but it does not appear at the store page.
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It's because the game was removed from the store
Origineel geplaatst door BattleChaing:
It's because the game was removed from the store
I noticed all the publisher's games seem to have vanished from Steam. No mention on the dev/publisher website about it either, as fas as I can see, the Steam links are still up there.
Any idea what happened?
Origineel geplaatst door Dowlphwin:
Origineel geplaatst door BattleChaing:
It's because the game was removed from the store
I noticed all the publisher's games seem to have vanished from Steam. No mention on the dev/publisher website about it either, as fas as I can see, the Steam links are still up there.
Any idea what happened?
All the story is reported on delistedgames.com. It is related to the former publisher Chubby Pixel that is no more in operation :
Origineel geplaatst door Syagrius:
All the story is reported on delistedgames.com. It is related to the former publisher Chubby Pixel that is no more in operation :
Interesting site. Thanks.
(The cite function doesn't work for me now.)

I suspect the reason why so many games pages disappeared from Steam is that Steam charges for the listing. Steam is overly motivated by cash and so instead of leaving the basic game info public, it allows it only as part of offer presentation. So when the publisher stops paying and selling the game, the basic info about the game sadly disappears. Shouldn't be needed to say this is very wrong.

Sadly that makes Steam idiotic half-dysfunctional stub, leaving people with libraries of games with no info. Quite a big potion of my games now lack the info. It's like Steam threw to garbage can all the original boxes of the games you purchased, without asking your permission. Users then cannot see any info about the games they have in their library and for which they paid, having to search info for each game they own separately on the internet. This Steam's practice or architecture is hard to understand because the community content is still there but not the basic info. So when people search their library to choose what to play, they can't see what the game is it.

Like me now - I bought the game long ago, didn't have time to play, but I am good customer of Steam so I bought many games for later. Now that I want to play, even if I look into the community content, I still do not see the game's basic info, not even know whether it is virtual reality game or standard PC game. So idiotic...

It would be very easy to have the basic info not as part of selling page, not as part of offer, but as part of a catalogue. But Steam is much after money, so disrespectful and violent, that it sees having such "catalogue" info as loss of money - in their eyes it would potentially promote the game still without being paid for that. Sad violent times.
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Geplaatst op: 24 sep 2021 om 11:41
Aantal berichten: 6