Lethis - Path of Progress

Lethis - Path of Progress

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sAiNtgOtEn 30 stycznia 2017 o 18:43
Game is very promising but seriously lacking polish...
Let me start off by saying I love these grid style city builders and have been playing them since Caesar III. Lethis is so far the best one since Emperor.

However I must say that whilst I love the game's setting and art, I am seriously disappointed by how little polish there is in this game. Some really big issues, sort of ranked:

1) Seasonal farming. This the most annoying one. Basically when the season stops, all your workers become unemployed and almost immediately unhappy. I've had games where they immediately revolted after the planting season. Unrealistic and annoying for maps where your main source of food and alcohol is crops.

A simple solution would be to have a 'grace period' for revolts, e.g. 4 months of unhappiness until the season is back. Or just tag the workers as seasonal and therefore not contributing to the unemployment pool.

2) Walker logic is horrendous. I know it's not a feature in any of the past games, but this is 2017. Walkers should not be taking the same path 20 times in a row if there is a branch. Can't you atleast make them start off in alternating directions?

3) Vendor logic is horrendous. Too many times the houses devolved because my lone vendor buyer can't get back from his shopping in time to restock food. This is silly. Zeus, Pharoah and Emperor all had marketplaces and individual market stalls: because a single vendor from the marketplace sometimes cannot buy everything in time if the production chain is too far away. And while we're at it, could we have some numbers on what each shop is currently holding? Rather than just 'STOCKING' and 'EMPTY'?

4) YOU LOSE. Why do I immediately lose for going into -1 florin? Why is there no grace period to make my money back, which is usually in the next instance? I think a grace of -500 florins for no more than 1 month is reasonable.

5) Unbalanced economy. Exporting is way too weak, however having just level 2 mansions and you're suddenly swimming in florins from tax. And whilst we're at it, could we have some information on how much each house makes in tax please?

Nice haves:

- level 2 -> 6 house improvements are too weak. I feel that it is a very viable strategy if you have a lot of space to just spam massive rectangles of level 2 houses. Although I feel like the water walker has a lot less range than the other vendors, but could just be me...

-A lot of errors in the campaign text and such. Some explanation on who you are playing as and what your goals are would also be nice...

-I miss having a military :(

I realize this game has been out for more than a year now so there's little incentive to patch the game, but, and I know this is a massive long shot, I like the game enough to offer to do it if you guys give me the tools, and I'll do it for free.
< >
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Sinsem  [producent] 31 stycznia 2017 o 2:34 
1) I know
2) We worked on various algorithms to enhance that, but we never found something we liked.
3) There are different buyers, one for food, one for alcoohol, and one for utensils. I've been playing a little bit of Zeus these past weeks, you have the exact same problem if your production is too far away.
4) If the Emperor likes you enough, you get 5000 florins for a second chance. If you don't honor the emperor requests in a mission, you lose that second chance. I know it's not clear enough.
5) That's not a feedback we got too many times, but yeah, you can't rely only on trade to make money

I get your frustration, Lethis - Path of Progress was developped in 8 and a half months by a team of newcomers, many mistakes were made, hard lessons were learn. That means working on the game again is kind of pain in the ass since nothing is really maintanable. We managed to provide several updates, the last one was last november btw.
But right now we're busy making another game (and have been since more than a year now), and we're not able to invest more time on this one.
Once it's over, we'll probably try to focus our energy on a proper sequel if we manage to get the funding we need.

I get that Lethis - Path of Progress is far from perfect, I'm the first one aware of it. But considering the context in which it was made, we gave it our best and i'm proud of what we achieved. That doesn't mean we can walk free of critisism, most of it is fair. The best we can do though, is making a great Lethis - Path of Progress II in the future :-)
sAiNtgOtEn 31 stycznia 2017 o 10:04 
Wow a response! I was really not expecting that :)

I will be looking forward to your next game, sorry for being so harsh in that mini review, I was looking for a classic city builder for a while and wanted it to be perfect I guess :)

Can I just ask how big your team is? And why did you give yourselves such a tight development schedule?
VeTaL 31 stycznia 2017 o 11:05 
I'm on 24th mission, i can say so far:

1. On the early stages, either have extra warehouse disabled and enable it during critical months, or (what i'm doing) play with taxes/salaries (available thogugh the ingame menu). Later on, you'll have lots of non-seasonal workers so problem would be dismissed (while unemployment is less than 20%, you're good to go - that basically means you have to have 4 times more workers than farmers - its a common in mid- or late game).

2. Make them walk straight and you'd not be dissapointment. For example, try to connect a group of mines with 1 straight road, touching all the mines - and put maintainer at the end of the road. Works perfect for me.

3. I see that as a gameplay problem that you have to solve as a gamer. Taking that behavir into account basically means "empty storehouse doesnt always mean a problem" - go slow and you'll figure our "sweet" proportions of buildings amount.

4. Yea, but once you get used to it - you'd not notice that as a problem at all :)

5. The only point i'm 100% agree on :)
While you go slow (not building tons of stuff at once), taxes from houses 6+ level are enough to cover stable growth expences. When you start stable trade - you're getting more than enough.

This is awesome game, i'd give it 9/10. Cant wait for Lethis 2 :)
Sinsem  [producent] 2 lutego 2017 o 4:24 
Początkowo opublikowane przez sAiNtgOtEn:
Can I just ask how big your team is? And why did you give yourselves such a tight development schedule?

Right now we're 4, it's going to change though. We were 6 for the developpement of Lethis - Path of Progress. Things had to go fast because we didn't have enough money to pay for a longer dev :-)

Again, we don't mind criticism, you made your points, it's fair game. If I wasn't ok with random people insulting me on Internet, I wouldn't do this job. So when someone it's disappointed by my work and is being polite, I get it.

Our next game, Lethis - Daring Discoverers, is really different. It's a weird exploration game which borrows elements from Choose Your Own Adventure books, roguelikes, and a few surprises along the way. I think it was best for us to take a break from city building and try something new. So you'll have to wait a bit for Path of Progress 2 ;-)
Buntkreuz 16 lutego 2017 o 5:21 
Im kinda sad that you go for a different genre with your next game. I played Lethis' gog version and i have to say ... i nearly cant find any words ( yeah i know this sounds ironical considering the length of this text).
This genre is so rare. I mean, there are so few games in this genre and all have something that the others dont, but lack the rest of it. Currently the only safe pick is Anno (1701), and that Series went into a bad direction, even without multiplayer anymore.
Which means people have to go back to the older Anno Series. Then i start up the old Impression games, starting with Emperor and i realize that those are great, but simply too old. It starts with inconveniences like no Widescreen, no camera control (zoom for example) and unresponsive UI. Anno delivers in every aspect but thats one game in different versions.
Then i look at new City Builders all from Indie Teams.
Hearthlands, 1889 and Lethis.
Lethis has incredible art and a really cool theme.
Its overall mechanics are interesting and well made, the buildings and production chains interesting.
But it lacks diplomacy, military, a bigger Worldmap, Multiplayer, Random World Generation/MapEditor/Scenario Editor.
Hearthlands achieved to be good at the WorldMap aspect, has many Military options and diplomacy, but looks horrible. In the end i return to play Anno 1701. Its quite old, but technically quite perfect, has diplomacy and military aswell as Multiplayer and a Map Editor.

I really hoped you would continue making a game in this genre. Taking the work you already have done with Lethis, implement the above features in it, maybe even a split campaign like in Caesar (military or economical), having multiplayer (2-4 players on one world map/empire building each on their citymap, maybe make them visitable), get an editor and slap a 40€ price on that package.
If the game was filled with more stuff and features, i wouldnt hesitate to pay a triple A price for it.
People who are fans of the strategy genre and who like to play City Builders have no choice at the moment. And you and your team are actually talented enough to get into that bracket and create a perfect game filling all the holes.
People like me love the old Impression games, but they are simply not up-to-date anymore. I need something fresh and Lethis could have been it. Its good enough to let me forget that lack of good build-up strategy for some time.
But its sad that this genre dies such a slow death and lacks a game delivering all that is needed and proven to be good. No new The Settlers, no good new Anno, no new City Builders.
Currently im hoping for Folk Tale to be somewhat good, it is but its still not done.
And even if, its only one type of Build-up game and again without multiplayer.
I hope you finish work on your second game fast enough. I dont really need another exploration game with roguelike elements, no matter how nice the art is. There are loads of those games. And then i hope that your sequel will have the mentioned features. I dont want to play Anno forever. I have quite some strategy games in my list, even build up games.
But there is still a game missing, that does the old games like Pharao any justice, continues with similar mechanics, new technology, higher resoluted art and more features.
No one does such a game.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Buntkreuz; 16 lutego 2017 o 5:24
Sinsem  [producent] 26 lutego 2017 o 13:11 
Początkowo opublikowane przez NemesisZidar:
Im kinda sad that you go for a different genre with your next game.

We needed to to something else. Things then took a strange turn, and we're certainly not where we expected to be almost two years later.
I don't know what will happen after the release of our next game, but one thing is for sure, if we're able to make a third game, it will be Path of Progress 2 :-)
GameMaster 5 marca 2017 o 22:22 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Sinsem:
Początkowo opublikowane przez NemesisZidar:
Im kinda sad that you go for a different genre with your next game.

We needed to to something else. Things then took a strange turn, and we're certainly not where we expected to be almost two years later.
I don't know what will happen after the release of our next game, but one thing is for sure, if we're able to make a third game, it will be Path of Progress 2 :-)
That's interesting to say the least. As a fan of the old city builder games of yore, I'm hopping that you'll come back with more awesomeness this time around. :)

I would take ideas from other of the old games like the Caesar series, Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom, and Pharoah/Cleopatra.

Anyway, what was your fave old-school city builder game? Right now it's Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom for me. Just enough Pharaoh/Cleopatra for me not to immidately mess up but better than the rest of the series in many parts to make things more interesting.
muttala 19 marca 2017 o 5:01 
Dev, could you do some tiny patch to the game?

For example on seasonal farming #1, simply assume the worker idle at the farm by fixing the population stable to remove such annoyance
sAiNtgOtEn 26 marca 2017 o 10:25 
Początkowo opublikowane przez GameMaster:
Początkowo opublikowane przez Sinsem:

We needed to to something else. Things then took a strange turn, and we're certainly not where we expected to be almost two years later.
I don't know what will happen after the release of our next game, but one thing is for sure, if we're able to make a third game, it will be Path of Progress 2 :-)
That's interesting to say the least. As a fan of the old city builder games of yore, I'm hopping that you'll come back with more awesomeness this time around. :)

I would take ideas from other of the old games like the Caesar series, Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom, and Pharoah/Cleopatra.

Anyway, what was your fave old-school city builder game? Right now it's Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom for me. Just enough Pharaoh/Cleopatra for me not to immidately mess up but better than the rest of the series in many parts to make things more interesting.

Indeed, we could say that emperor was the culmination of all the lessons learnt by impression games from caesar, pharoah and zeus. We could see every good idea in those games implemented (like seasonal farming, roadbloacks, nobility based military) and every bad one (annoying god invasions because you didn't make that 10000 denarii temple nuking your granary just after harvest and essentially ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ your city) removed. The problem with emperor is that I really don't like the setting :(

If they made caesar 4 instead of what the extremely mediocre (but fun I admit, for about 10 hours anyway) thing that came out 10 years ago, I'd still be playing the game.
hashimoto4life 17 kwietnia 2017 o 0:16 
I just recently bought Lethis and I have to say Im glad I did. I have played Pharoah and Zeus back in the day and this game is exactly what I was looking for. I really don't understand why the developers have been getting negative feedback - this game is immense fun. I just wish military would be added via a DLC.
Buntkreuz 17 kwietnia 2017 o 7:29 
Początkowo opublikowane przez hashimoto4life:
I just recently bought Lethis and I have to say Im glad I did. I have played Pharoah and Zeus back in the day and this game is exactly what I was looking for. I really don't understand why the developers have been getting negative feedback - this game is immense fun. I just wish military would be added via a DLC.
i think negative feedback was targetted at specific things within the game, not the game itself.
Like certain mechanics or design choices, which is fair and good feedback.
Another critical position was due to technical issues which were caused by some problems internally and apparently a dispute between a coder and the rest of the team. And since this coder acted the way he did, they were unable to fix a crucial issue that many players had (more on a sticky post here).
I also wished they would give this game a military component.Wont happen though.
< >
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