Good Robot
TheGZeus Apr 5, 2016 @ 1:44pm
Any chance of a Linux release?
Just curious. I got this as a gift, and Linux is my primary platform. Added it to my inventory before I noticed ;p
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
Bubbles Apr 5, 2016 @ 1:56pm 
According to a comment on
To my very great relief, the game seems to run well under Linux, despite the lack of official support. For the record, I’m using PlayOnLinux to run the Steam client for Windows, as the Steam client for Linux (perhaps sensibly) will not allow you to install a Windows-only game. Keyboard and mouse work very well.

One of the developers answers the question about a Linux release in his release-date announcement at:
tl;dr: "looks like it’s not going to happen. At least, not at launch."
TheGZeus Apr 5, 2016 @ 2:16pm 
Cool. Most things run fine in Wine these days, but it's always nice to not have to switch steam clients, and it would have made Streaming easier.
Maximum Napkin Apr 5, 2016 @ 7:21pm 
For what it's worth, it *is* possible to trick the Linux version of Steam into downloading the Windows versions of games, which can then be launched through Wine.

It's a bit fiddly, but this[] is the method I've used successfully in the past.
niconico Apr 5, 2016 @ 10:16pm 
I'd appreciate a linux version as well.
glub♥Linux Apr 6, 2016 @ 9:34am 
Screw WINE. I'm only interested if there is a native GNU/Linux build of the game.

TheGZeus Apr 6, 2016 @ 9:57am 
Originally posted by glub ♥Linux:
Screw WINE. I'm only interested if there is a native GNU/Linux build of the game.

Agreed. Right now while it runs in Wine, the graphics are wonky and the controller support is borked. (The latter is common in Wine)
Serith Apr 6, 2016 @ 4:30pm 
Originally posted by TheGZeus:
Originally posted by glub ♥Linux:
Screw WINE. I'm only interested if there is a native GNU/Linux build of the game.

Agreed. Right now while it runs in Wine, the graphics are wonky and the controller support is borked. (The latter is common in Wine)

As someone who has been following it since it's creation (developer has a decently popular blog/youtube show) I can say that Linux support had been on his list of really important things he wanted to have for the game. He apparently put a good amount of time keeping the game Linux capable straight through to the end.

Unfortunately, the decision to scrap the Linux version was purely a business decision.

Essentially, Linux users account for a dramatically small number of sales comparatively, however they are also by far the most likely to have technical issues due to the widely varied versions and types of Linux (no single standard.) Apparently they did a lot of research into steam analytics and a fair number of indie games had their scores tanked by Linux users with technical issues.

So while the developer actually has a version that works pretty much on linux, it hasn't been tested on dozens of different linux boxes, with different linux OS and specifications for the developer to feel safe enough to release it from a business standpoint, and considering how small the indie company is, it isn't likely to change unless the developer feels safe. (Unlikely)

So that's what it comes down to; there is a Linux version, but it stands in direct contradiction to business sense to officially support, even if it works; since it will likely not work on some peoples systems and the vocal minority can have a dramatic effect on reviews.
TheGZeus Apr 6, 2016 @ 7:54pm 
Originally posted by Ilseroth:
Originally posted by TheGZeus:
Agreed. Right now while it runs in Wine, the graphics are wonky and the controller support is borked. (The latter is common in Wine)

As someone who has been following it since it's creation (developer has a decently popular blog/youtube show) I can say that Linux support had been on his list of really important things he wanted to have for the game. He apparently put a good amount of time keeping the game Linux capable straight through to the end.

Unfortunately, the decision to scrap the Linux version was purely a business decision.

Essentially, Linux users account for a dramatically small number of sales comparatively, however they are also by far the most likely to have technical issues due to the widely varied versions and types of Linux (no single standard.) Apparently they did a lot of research into steam analytics and a fair number of indie games had their scores tanked by Linux users with technical issues.

So while the developer actually has a version that works pretty much on linux, it hasn't been tested on dozens of different linux boxes, with different linux OS and specifications for the developer to feel safe enough to release it from a business standpoint, and considering how small the indie company is, it isn't likely to change unless the developer feels safe. (Unlikely)

So that's what it comes down to; there is a Linux version, but it stands in direct contradiction to business sense to officially support, even if it works; since it will likely not work on some peoples systems and the vocal minority can have a dramatic effect on reviews.
I have issues running Barony from the Steam client due to a library conflict. My version of Linux isn't supported. My bug was closed. I said "Fair enough. I can run it from a terminal at least. Cheers!"
If you make list version(s) will get support, then no one can really complain.

Hell, I'm not complaining now! I'm just saying "percentage" is short-sighted when "total potential sales vs time" is the bigger factor. If you sell, say, flooring you don't just stock the most popular brand or products, because you're just costing yourself potential sales if other products _also_ sell.
If the other products take up more space/time than reasonable potential sales, then of course it doesn't make sense, but "percentage of the market" is a poor measure. Just sayin'.

" will likely not work on some peoples systems and the vocal minority can have a dramatic effect on reviews."
That sounds rather... paranoid.
I mean, test it on Ubuntu, Debian and Arch, and you're pretty much good. You can run all these off of USB sticks, and all that will affect is disc access speed. List the video cards that it was shown to work with as supported. If someone uses something else, then they can't expect support.

I don't see what the big deal is... Do an Arma III and stick a beta out there for people to use, maybe...

"If I ges more sales, some people might be unhappy and ruin my review score"? Is that what you're saying is going on?
Most Linux users are very understanding of technical issues. "Aw, dang" when something outright doesn't work, at worst refunding, sometimes just saying "Maybe the next driver version will fix that" or "I'll try tweaking something else later".

Sure, there are some loudmouth blowhards out there. Some of them even use Linux. More of them use Windows.
Statistically sound statement ^

Look, it was a gift. I'm fine. I've lost nothing. I just don't think "a relatively small increase in sales could lead to a large decrease in review score" is a very sensible argument.

Come to think of it, why was this in my wishlist? Was this listed as SteamOS compatible before release?
If so, that's kinda weak. Would have been better to not have done that (if that's the case, though I can't think of why it would be on my wishlist otherwise) than to go back on that.
_That_ will get the goat of many in the community.

Just a 'for future reference on what the 'vocal minority' of the Linux gaming community do:
Linux support at launch "woo-hoo!"
No Linux support at launch, but eventual support: "oh, cool!"
Promise of support at launch, but late. "Booo..."
Promise of support at launch, but never deliver. *Boycott*

Personally, I don't go that extreme, but it is something I see.

Hell, when Two Worlds II had an announcement of a future Linux release people were excited, and that game looks like total garbage!
(I'll give it a try, I got it in a bundle or something. If I hate it, Ok, but it's cool that the ported it...)
Last edited by TheGZeus; Apr 6, 2016 @ 7:58pm
glub♥Linux Apr 7, 2016 @ 2:11am 
Originally posted by Ilseroth:

This is some serious Microsoft shill, if I haven't seen one! :)

Half of my Steam library is comprised of games supported on Linux. Many of them are very 3D oriented games. They run well in most cases.
I have not badly rated any of them so far.
I do rate Windows-only titles badly on that basis though. So be prepared!

Seriously though, I'm not even going to debate with you. I think you're lying, that's for sure.
If the dev really is not willing to build his game for Linux, it's not for any of the reasons you mentioned.
It could very well be that his game is actually very bad, and he's aware of it. Which explains why he doesn't want to even bother.
In which case, that will be a double bad rating from me.
Last edited by glub♥Linux; Apr 7, 2016 @ 2:12am
TheGZeus Apr 7, 2016 @ 5:00am 
Originally posted by glub ♥Linux:
Originally posted by Ilseroth:

This is some serious Microsoft shill, if I haven't seen one! :)

Half of my Steam library is comprised of games supported on Linux. Many of them are very 3D oriented games. They run well in most cases.
I have not badly rated any of them so far.
I do rate Windows-only titles badly on that basis though. So be prepared!

Seriously though, I'm not even going to debate with you. I think you're lying, that's for sure.
If the dev really is not willing to build his game for Linux, it's not for any of the reasons you mentioned.
It could very well be that his game is actually very bad, and he's aware of it. Which explains why he doesn't want to even bother.
In which case, that will be a double bad rating from me.
...I don't think you're helping things.

The game seems fine. There genuinely are people who think the way this person is claiming the dev does. It's _silly_ but some people do think that "there's a slightly greater chance of issues on Linux, so it will hurt my reputation". In reality you'll just get feedback and bug reports. It's Linux. We're used to filing bug reports. FOSS devs like bug reports.

The question is this: is it worth the potential number of sales (considering the popularity of roguelikes on Linux, I think it's a fair bet, but it's as much a gamble as releasing a game at all) to put in the time.
If the answer is no:
I recommend writing a game with cross-platform compatability in mind from the start. It saves trouble down the line. If this is a Unity game, this isn't that hard to do.
That said, it can indeed be more work, and if the dev would rather use that time doing something else, that's their decision.

^ this is a reasonable response, glub. Your flaming doesn't help anyone.
Last edited by TheGZeus; Apr 7, 2016 @ 5:02am
Serith Apr 7, 2016 @ 5:18am 
Here's the thing, apparently when he coded this engine from scratch he did build it with Linux in mind; when he paired with a development team (instead of continuing solo) that is when they decided to shelf the linux version.

That site is the developers blog, he literally says exactly what I said. Look for the Q&A section with the title "I am a Linux user, can I play?"
glub♥Linux Apr 7, 2016 @ 6:24am 
Alright, I take it back and I apologize then, sorry. Thanks for posting this! It makes sense now. The developer seems honest at least.
Such a shame things are how it is, really.
Last edited by glub♥Linux; Apr 7, 2016 @ 6:24am
TheGZeus Apr 7, 2016 @ 12:26pm 
Originally posted by Ilseroth:
Here's the thing, apparently when he coded this engine from scratch he did build it with Linux in mind; when he paired with a development team (instead of continuing solo) that is when they decided to shelf the linux version.

That site is the developers blog, he literally says exactly what I said. Look for the Q&A section with the title "I am a Linux user, can I play?"
That's sad.
Passing on sales out of paranoia, and (if memory serves) pulling a promise of support.
meraco Apr 12, 2016 @ 10:24pm 
Originally posted by glub ♥Linux:
Such a shame things are how it is, really.

But not unexpected. :)
flesk May 10, 2016 @ 6:58am 
It must have had Linux listed as a platform at some point before release, because I had it on my wishlist. Not that it matters now.
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