SteamVR Developer Hardware

SteamVR Developer Hardware

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Keith Sep 21, 2018 @ 10:22am
SteamVR Unity Plugin v2.0
The SteamVR Unity Plugin has been updated to version 2.0 and now includes support for the new SteamVR Input features as well as an updated Interaction System. Instead of hard-coding a bunch of button ids and offsets per controller model you can now leave that up to the binding outside your application. Developers setup defaults for common controllers then users can add new bindings and customize the defaults to suit their needs.

For more information see the SteamVR blog post here.
For a short tutorial on getting this working see the guide here.
To discuss source code check out our github page[]
For a more full fledged example of this system see source to the Knuckles Tech Demos - Moondust project[]

The plugin itself is available on the Unity Asset Store[]

We still want your feedback moving forward. We recommend that all developers subscribe to the SteamVR Beta branch to make sure their applications work with the newest versions of SteamVR.

The full changelist is up on GitHub here.[]

In case you still need access to the old input system version 1.2.3 of the plugin will still work. You can find a copy of that on the github releases page[]
Last edited by Keith; Oct 8, 2018 @ 9:48am
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Showing 1-15 of 63 comments
TheWorst Sep 21, 2018 @ 10:25am 
Last I knew users on the beta branch had issues with reprojection and reverted to stable branch.
LordDaniel Sep 21, 2018 @ 12:10pm 
Nice! Time to go back to Unity and figure out how to use it ( plus deleting my own WIP interaction system which probably isnt even 10% as good as valve solution).
Jeremedia Sep 21, 2018 @ 1:41pm 
Getting: "error CS1061: Type `Valve.VR.SteamVR_Render' does not contain a definition for `trackingSpace' and no extension method `trackingSpace' of type `Valve.VR.SteamVR_Render' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?" after deleting the old SteamVR folder and installing 2.0.
Jeremedia Sep 21, 2018 @ 1:54pm 
Originally posted by Jeremedia:
Getting: "error CS1061: Type `Valve.VR.SteamVR_Render' does not contain a definition for `trackingSpace' and no extension method `trackingSpace' of type `Valve.VR.SteamVR_Render' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?" after deleting the old SteamVR folder and installing 2.0.

Had to quit Unity and Rider before removing remnants of the SteamVR folder that I suppose were still "in use" and not actually deleted.
Suprised! Sep 22, 2018 @ 9:07pm 
I am wondering if the Interaction System rig would be able to expose controller button presses similar to "SteamVR_TrackedController" script and / or is there a way to use a laser pointer system to interact with the UI while using the Interaction Rig similar to the style in "steamvr_laserpointer"?
Last edited by Suprised!; Sep 22, 2018 @ 9:08pm
sinfiery Sep 23, 2018 @ 5:03pm 
This is amazing for developing on Unity with a WMR headset for a SteamVR release. Thanks!
Felewin Sep 23, 2018 @ 5:22pm 
Do the Knuckles controllers work at all with older VR apps made with the Unity SteamVR plugin 1.x?
jashan Sep 24, 2018 @ 6:34am 
This looks very awesome - but I have one important question:

Will this also work with native SDKs of other VR platforms, or Unity's generic input system?

While our primary platform is SteamVR, we also need to be able to support PSVR, a mobile AR platform with its own controller API, Rift, Windows MR ... and probably others in the future. I don't mind writing something in C#/Unity that routes the respective APIs into the SteamVR plugin (that's essentially how I have approached it with the old SteamVR plugin - only that its API is one of the sources to my own, fairly lightweight and simple input abstraction); as long as the SteamVR Unity Plugin 2.0 gives me an easy way to use API to route into it.
Pumpking Sep 26, 2018 @ 10:47pm 
Can you please make a detailed tutorial or something? I`ve been struggling even with running the sample scene. There are tons of errors while setting up the input module.
VhunTerD Sep 27, 2018 @ 1:04pm 
I read in the pdf that there are ways to use in the API in C#. I attempted doing the sample script but I had trouble getting the axis froma action type single. Are there more examples to look through on the C# portion?
aurialLoop Sep 29, 2018 @ 9:07pm 
What is the recommendation on the new SteamVR_Behaviour_Pose script with Vive Trackers? When you add that script onto a gameobject in Unity, your input source options are: Any, Left Hand, and Right Hand. There seems to be no way to select a particular tracker (that aren't either your left or right hand controllers), so we have to default back to the SteamVR_Tracked_Object script, which does allow you to select the trackers by their index number.

Last edited by aurialLoop; Sep 29, 2018 @ 9:10pm
kavanavak Sep 30, 2018 @ 4:07pm 
GrabTypes Pinch vs Grip ?
I don't get what the Valve VR InteractionSystem Default GrabTypes are supposed to reflect...

I get a trigger grab (uses trigger) and a grip (one would think would be the side grip buttons though I think that's the default 'sqeeze" action) BUT what is the PINCH grab type?

I can't find a clear breakdown of these, and there are no script notes in the GrabTypes.cs
VhunTerD Sep 30, 2018 @ 4:32pm 
Originally posted by kavanavak:
GrabTypes Pinch vs Grip ?
I don't get what the Valve VR InteractionSystem Default GrabTypes are supposed to reflect...

I get a trigger grab (uses trigger) and a grip (one would think would be the side grip buttons though I think that's the default 'sqeeze" action) BUT what is the PINCH grab type?

I can't find a clear breakdown of these, and there are no script notes in the GrabTypes.cs

You can use the Input Live under windows to determine what is being pressed and at what point.
VhunTerD Oct 1, 2018 @ 8:16am 
I believe I found a glitch. In SteamVR Input when I create a new action set, and the first letter is capitalized, and I open the binding UI, nothing will show up. If any letter is capitalized, the binding will be blank.

This is only for the name of the action set.
Nebuch Oct 2, 2018 @ 2:08am 
Does anyone how to get trigger, grip, touch inside code without create actions? Old projects and assets cannot upgrade for this. And btw creating SteamVR_Input profile is taking 3-4 hours and counting? What's going on Valve? Where is a proper tutorial?
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Date Posted: Sep 21, 2018 @ 10:22am
Posts: 63