Gryphon Knight Epic

Gryphon Knight Epic

Any chance of co-op?
would love to see multiplayer co-op mode. Any chance it will be added in?
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Sandrinus  [dezvoltator] 20 aug. 2015 la 20:34 
We would love to do it :). It was one of our strech goals... but the cost for that is quite high. If the game sells good enough we might do it :D
GYMMER 3 sept. 2015 la 20:08 
One more vote for co-op, and i'd buy the game
Co-op would be a fine addition! Hope you guys are able to do it some time, maybe on your next game.
Muell 6 sept. 2015 la 11:29 
This would make a great game for my arcade cabinet. If only it were two player. I would love to make an entire gryphon knight themed cabinet
+1 Local Coop! (Online welcome as well)
Sandrinus  [dezvoltator] 10 aug. 2020 la 14:12 
Hey guys! For you who asked for Co-op. We announced our GKE:Definitive version... and guess what's the main update?
First of all, congratulations for your game, I had a good time playing it. I am happy to see you achieved to implement the local coop feature, I will take it into account.

However, I have to ask it. In the video we can see a second player helping the protagonist, but it seems he just helps shooting a normal basic attack. In the HUD we can see the protagonists normal information, health, powers (but I haven't seen any of these related to 2nd character)...

The 2nd player seems to be an extra addition, not a fully-fledged character because it lacks the main things that made the game a nice experience. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the game and I will always recommend it, I may even end up buying it again, but this doesn't seem the local coop experience expected to have with a friend. I am conscious that there may be many reasons behind this: difficulties when programming another totally powered character, the problem of having the double of firepower against the foes...

Congratulations again, I just wanted to be honest. You can be proud of what you have done.
Sandrinus  [dezvoltator] 13 aug. 2020 la 17:01 
Hello Katukinabarra,

Thanks for the congratulations! I'm super happy you had a good time with the original GKE.

Yes, you are right.. the co-op is more an assistant instead of a full fledged character. The game would have to go trough too much change to fit a whole new character with own squires, potions and weapons. Unfortunatly we didn't have the budget for it... but since it was a feature we (and our players) wanted to get into the game for so long we chose to implement what could be done. :) And we think it's a nice way to play with your significant other or a son/daughter who don't mind playing the assistant now and then :).

Thanks for you honesty and hopefully you give it a try and enjoy the game!
Thank you very much for your honesty. If the budget is the main reason, that is clearly understandable. I think your effort should be valued.

I have wishlisted the game and recommended it to my nearest friends.

I may play this edition after some time ( I have beaten the first edition not very long ago ).

Carry on with the good work!
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