Final Strike

Final Strike

Question about the number of missiles.
Will we get a huge number of missiles and gatling ammo or will it be more restricted like in real life?
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Well when i look a the trailer it seems like a huge ammo count or maybe even endless ,also i noticed is the lock on target seems very easy resulting in smash button fest, i'm guessing the developers are aiming more towards arcade movie style then simulation. But for all i know i could also be wrong lol. I hope a developer can answer this better maybe even give us information about the mechanics how we can fly and lock and shoot :)
after watching the trailer, the level of simulation in this game is pretty dam low. of course this could change come release.

I love the idea, but. I dont know if I will enjoy the playstyle. I would like it to be far more of having to fight a much stronger aircraft (using alien adantages) while mastering your own aircraft kind of deal. rather then a hored style of combat such as ace comabat games like to do.
SoalBurner97  [Fejlesztő] 2015. jún. 15., 12:36 
Right now the weapons are on a infinite timed reload, i.e. some weapons such as missiles take a longer reload to prevent you from complete spam. Due to the nature of the game, a weapon refresh in required to complete the level missions, otherwise the mission would autofail. Lock on system is still being refined, but is based on distance plus degrees from conical center.

We could add weapon pickups, but this is hardly pushing the theme into more simulation.
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Közzétéve: 2015. máj. 23., 5:22
Hozzászólások: 3