Space Beast Terror Fright

Space Beast Terror Fright

tony_statman Dec 29, 2021 @ 5:19pm
Editor question
I know that norn has made an editor available, and already the levels are amusing to see. My question: is there a way to upload a "complete" map rather than create maps one by one? The reason I ask: *IF* it is the case that the maps are stored as, say, a text file, then I would be happy to make available for free a "level randomizer" that I have come up with that creates maps. I'd also be happy to let norn incorporate it for free for SBTF2, as a sign of how much I have enjoyed the game :)
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nornware  [developer] Jan 4, 2022 @ 5:38am 
No current method of uploading a file, but it would potentially be possible to support an import pipeline.

I did something similar behind the scenes once online storage was implemented as the initial editor saved files locally.

Looking at the code now it appears that the import code is still in the current release; I'd have to document the file format (it is indeed text) for you -> I'll put that on the backburner as I'm still deep in netcode right now.
tony_statman Jan 17, 2022 @ 10:57pm 
Originally posted by nornware:
No current method of uploading a file, but it would potentially be possible to support an import pipeline.

I did something similar behind the scenes once online storage was implemented as the initial editor saved files locally.

Looking at the code now it appears that the import code is still in the current release; I'd have to document the file format (it is indeed text) for you -> I'll put that on the backburner as I'm still deep in netcode right now.

I look forward to whenever you get around to it; I think you might be interested in the "hex" maze idea I've developed, I think it really captures the feel of a horribly confusing hive, if I say so myself! :)
Just a little note to say that, *IF* you have time to document how to import code, I'd be happy to donate an endless supply of maps and map ideas :) Thanks -- as you can see, I'm still shilling for the game! :)
Originally posted by nornware:
No current method of uploading a file, but it would potentially be possible to support an import pipeline.

I did something similar behind the scenes once online storage was implemented as the initial editor saved files locally.

Looking at the code now it appears that the import code is still in the current release; I'd have to document the file format (it is indeed text) for you -> I'll put that on the backburner as I'm still deep in netcode right now.
would be awesome to add Super upgrades,And a new datacore (Red-Green color),so Super upgrades are upgrades that are the HARDEST ONES TO GET,physicly,first super upgrade is 1000 ammunition (if thats going to be added then 1500,felling nostalgic yet?),2 one is Instant Movement Motion, (bascily changes the original Motion to the Demo version),
Sheild (Gives you a shield with litteraly tanks a whole 2 hits from a xenormoph,preventing death,HOWEVER,Will cost you the fact of a 15 seconds System shut down,meaning,flash and other such things arent enabled,),Infinity Battery(Inf battery,OR Gives you battery limit to 250),Walking ammo (Makes you have 2500 ammo but other people can interact with you to grab 350 ammo,only 2 times and after that they neither have to die or do it in the next mission),Mythicality (Gives you ALL OF THEM,will cost you normal upgrades,all of them btw,this makes you have a Special Name tag and a Skin with makes you even more bulky and fat,diffrent visor/hud if used it,) didnt i forget it?,The Floor Upgrade (lets your motion see all floor/breaches/sentries with out needing normal upgrades,)
Special upgrades can be gotten from The Ultimate Datacore (the red-green datacoer)
If special upgrade is lost,you can only get it after one mouth again,meaning each upgrade needs to be very secured,)
Finnaly the other stuff not the upgrades!
Walker Sentry (Sentry wtith is a walker,CAN BE CONTROLLED THOUGH THE GUARD PANEL,i will tell you later what is that)
Camera (camera,camera..nothing special,can be uesd though a Camera Panel or Guard panel,can be destroyed if was seen moved by an Astro creep or any sorta new enemy your thinking,)
Finally,Walking Armory/Medical (they just roam around,can be killed after that they turn intro a path blocker,and cant move but can be used,a bit worse then the actuall ones but eh ig)
thats it for today?
i guues....
I promised to tell whati s the Guard panel,bascly you know the Security map?,its the safe thing but you can View every single Turret,Station,Camera Views,you can enable them disbale,open/close doors,etc,THIS WILL REQUIRE YOU TO BE A ENGINNER CLASS
As a wishlist, here are things that I think would be great to add as a level editor [or to add to STBF2 :) ], and I don't think it ought to be too hard (but I've not seen the code, so... :) )

* Ability to toggle whether setting off the reactor starts a countdown timer or not

* Ability to turn OFF reactor countdown [so that some missions can START with timer, and the goal is to do XYZ and get the countdown to STOP]

* Create a new kind of door ("bulkheads") like the reactor shielding doors: heavy, slow, can't be battered down. This could create interesting strategies about whether to keep doors closed (safe against Beasts, but prevents quick exit -- equivalent to welding doors in Aliens)

* Have option for an exit to be at some point other than initial airlock [could create missions of "go from point A and exit out a NEW airlock"]

* Ability to turn TOGGLE power, not just restore it. [Could create missions where objective is behind multiple lasers; so need to turn off power, but that shuts down ALL barriers...]

But just having a level editor that can read in a text file would alone be great, I'd love to get people's feedback on the "random nonlinear Hive" maps I've created... :)
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