Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

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🕹️ Join Active Communities Here! (2024)
UMVC3 Group on Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/chat/invite/nFl8zA3w
A Steam Group Chat community with 875+ members owned by HeoMeo.

The UMVC3 Discord : https://discord.gg/XxyTgSDsCS
Discord community with 9,000+ members with matchmaking channels and game discussion moderated by EMP_Obama and Eternal Yoshi.

Rise of Rookies - UMVC3 : https://discord.gg/riseofrookies
Discord community with 1,600+ members focused on helping new players learn UMVC3 and providing a ranked ladder for the community. Owned by Puma, GiveTHawkAGun, ScamLikelyy, and PA_Sword.

Tampa Never Sleeps : https://discord.gg/PVvQkuH5d6
This server provides weekly UMVC3 Parsec tournaments along with other fighting games. Owned by Tong.

HAVENGERS HQ : https://discord.gg/havengers
This server provides weekly UMVC3 and modded UMVC3 (clone engline build, palette swap) tournaments. Owned by Kevin Ha.

Dry Games on Parsec EU : https://discord.gg/rV5DNwz
UMVC3 Discord based in EU.

UMvC3 対戦募集サーバー : https://discord.gg/T3srhg3U7t
UMVC3 Discord based in Japan.

Marvel vs Capcom Oceania : https://discord.gg/dPFJX7QSQX
UMVC3 Discord based in Australia/Oceania.

UMVC3 Brasil Parsec : https://discord.gg/U75wQafBhJ
UMVC3 Discord based in Brazil.

UMVC3 EX : https://discord.gg/NkDTDy8ABm This server was shut down.
A Discord server where discussion of UMVC3 modding takes place.

UMVC3 Modding : https://discord.gg/KzpDP7RTfE
The NEW Discord server for all modding needs!
Last edited by lilmonix3; May 20 @ 5:04pm