Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

October 7th RO2/RS Update

  • Increased reinforcement numbers in classic mode to match other game modes
  • Fixed a issue reloading some weapons when down to the last spare magazine
  • Fixed an infinite spawn protection message that can happen when an objective is capped
  • The upgraded (level 26+) German anti-tank rifle no longer fires Russian anti-tank rounds
  • Fixed a commander role in Cold Steel that could spawn without a rifle
  • Fixed some cases of camera clipping while prone
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Показані коментарі 115 із 39
Thanks! Good job with the update!
A 230mb patch that addresses...just this?
Цитата допису ♥Rukh♥:
A 230mb patch that addresses...just this?

UE3 engine.
Nice little patch. I just hope they eventually adress the sillyness that is the hip fire mg 34. Such nonsense.
Цитата допису McBain:
Nice little patch. I just hope they eventually adress the sillyness that is the hip fire mg 34. Such nonsense.
If you can fire a MG42 from the hip, you can surely fire a MG34 from the hip ;-)
It's called sturmfeuer (assault fire) (It's only used like this as a last resort.)

Автор останньої редакції: °°pjz°°; 7 жовт. 2013 о 11:55
btw when did we get an mg42 in game,its one of the big things that ro2 misses behind more vehicles!?
Автор останньої редакції: PAiN; 7 жовт. 2013 о 12:21
German antitankrifle has never been a problem. The 26+ russian rifle however, kills a german tank in a couple of shots, no matter where you shoot.
I think the anti-tank class is bugged. When I spawn I get only the AT-rifle and nothing else and the rifle itself cant seem to shoot straight and doesnt leave the chamber open when I empty the mag. Is it just me or is anyone else having this problem too?
my game start crashing after this update :(
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Показані коментарі 115 із 39
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Опубліковано: 7 жовт. 2013 о 11:24
Дописів: 39