Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

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raze 13. sep. 2013 kl. 18:35
Play Rising Storm and make a difference in someones life! (for real)
Heres how:

STEP 1 right now book your place here [www.gameforacause.co.uk] to play on our server
STEP 2 on Sept 21st play Rising Storm as you normally would :-) yes that easy
STEP 3 those suffering from cancer will benefit
STEP 4 if you donated you may end up with some prize game keys too


Game for a Cause EVENT#1 Rising Storm / Red Orchestra 2 campaign
WHERE GAMING IS GAME CHANGING - we are running events to raise awareness and donations for several cancer related charities. Please join us to have fun and support a great cause.

Our first event date has now been set in stone. September 21st will see us running Red Orchestra 2 and Rising storm.

The game will be played from 19:00 GMT to midnight on the iOGC.co.uk RO2 Server.

There are 64 slots available and our booking system at www.gameforacause.co.uk is ready to receive players. There will be a prize package available for this event, the package will include game keys from several developers. To be included in the prize draw a donation to the teams Virgin Money Giving site will need to be confirmed. When you make your registration there is a comment box where you can add a proof of donation text. A donation is NOT required to join in but would be much appreciated. You will require a password to join the event and that will be issued to you when you register for the event using the booking system.

Name: Game For A Cause hosted by iOGC

Hosting group: http://www.iogc.co.uk
Charity Page: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/iogc
Teamspeak will be available on the event day!
Password: charity
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Viser 1-4 af 4 kommentarer
redsprite 14. sep. 2013 kl. 2:54 
cu cheers !
BTVHawk 14. sep. 2013 kl. 5:22 
I've signed up....... Looking forward to this for many different reasons Good luck GFAC !!
Broadsword 14. sep. 2013 kl. 7:06 
I will see you guys on the battlefield. Good luck all.
raze 21. sep. 2013 kl. 20:33 
Great games this evening and great to see the 64 slot multiplayer server full. So far we have raised £656.10 with gift aid. Thanks to all who participated and donated to charity. And here are the lucky prize winners:

Fabian Buchmaier

Each player will receive a Killing Floor complete Bundle (donated by Tripwire) and ArmA 2 Combined Operations and PMC addon (donated by Bohemia Studios) and will get an email containing their steam activation keys. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors.

Watch this space for our next event in November where amongst other prizes we have a SIGNED Portal Gun from Valve up for grabs!!
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Dato opslået: 13. sep. 2013 kl. 18:35
Indlæg: 4