Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

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Serge Lang 1 września 2013 o 13:00
Commanders getting kicked for arty kills is ridiculous
I don't always have good rounds as commander, and if I have a bad round I admit it and usually either switch class or ask someone else if they want to be commander. Sometimes I call in bad arty spots that get 0 or 1 kills. Sometimes I call in good arty spots that only get 0-1 kills. Sometimes I call in bad arty spots that get 10-20 kills, and sometimes I call in good arty spots that get 10-20 kills. The point is, I never intentionally grief with the arty.

However, I have been kicked many times from arty, and it is really starting to make me angry. Just now, I called in a pretty good arty spot. We were losing a point pretty decisively, I called in arty and the first salvo killed somewhere between 9-12 dudes. It went from losing the point very quickly to a 3-1 defensive advantage with one salvo. That is a good arty spot.

Next salvo, a few more kills.

Third salvo, and this was arty not mortars, a few team members, for no apparent reason, walked in, all died, and I was autokicked for team kills.

How is that my fault? What did I do wrong? WTF?

If you get a certain number of enemy kills with an arty strike, you should not get penalized for team kills. It is completely out of your control. Even if I cancelled the arty, the shells would have still landed and gotten the TKs. And, honestly, the enemy was still threatening that position and cancelling the arty would have been awful. Is it my fault the team didn't reinforce the defensive position in an area that didn't happen to be getting shelled? Its not like I called arty in the middle of the frickin point, I called it 15 meters in front of it, the max range of the arty gave you at least a 20-30 meter safe zone within the capture point, including the invincible frickin bunker..
< >
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Dad 1 września 2013 o 13:05 
Yes the way the game handles TK's period sucks.

The better you do in any class except sniper... the more likely you are going to get kicked for TK -

Kicking TL's for doofus teammates running into the 3rd Salvo of an Arty strike is absurd- as it is usually the killed players fault for not hitting T and seeing where the Arty is incoming too. ... then they don't type NP.

And nothing is quite as special as teammates running into your machinegun fire from behind you, and you getting kicked for that - People run around like headless chickes then get mad at you for killing them when they run into your hot LOF.
Serge Lang 1 września 2013 o 13:10 
Explosives should only count as TKs if you fail to kill an enemy with them. Same with fire. Then again, I'm pretty sure the main limiting factor of the flame thrower is the constant fear of being autokicked.
Fargoth 1 września 2013 o 13:18 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Thulsa:
Yes the way the game handles TK's period sucks.

The better you do in any class except sniper... the more likely you are going to get kicked for TK -

Kicking TL's for doofus teammates running into the 3rd Salvo of an Arty strike is absurd- as it is usually the killed players fault for not hitting T and seeing where the Arty is incoming too. ... then they don't type NP.

And nothing is quite as special as teammates running into your machinegun fire from behind you, and you getting kicked for that - People run around like headless chickes then get mad at you for killing them when they run into your hot LOF.
That happens all the time when I use MG's :c It's so annoying when they dont type np, I mean they dont have anything to lose by doing so do they, so what are they thinking!? "Eh meh guhd dis gai wuz on meh teem bot he keeled me wat a treitor i aint nevar fergivven dat gai evan dhoe id wuz mai fault he keeled meh"
FBlue 1 września 2013 o 14:04 
On the other hand there area people who drop ♥♥♥♥ arty and should probably be kicked. I have also seen some flamers that flame everything and let god sort it out.

With that being said I try and forgive arty kills immediately. Same thing normaly aplies to lmg. Also if it is people I have played with before I normaly forgive them before they even have a chance to say sorry.
Dad 1 września 2013 o 14:10 
Honestly though, for some reason I don't get killed by friendly arty all that much. But if I do, chances are its my fault and I always type NP.

I guess its because I hit T.

Or the TL lets us know that the arty is coming in close.- I have no problems sitting still and staying inside a bunker till the pain rain stops- and gotta laugh at the hundreds of teammates who I have watched over my time in RO - just not be able to stand in a room and not go outside, and get vaporized by FF.

Then of course the enemy gets the player zone advantage and caps the point....

Seriously... the vast majority of Friendly Fire arty kills is directly responsible for the person who got killed, not the TL.
FBlue 1 września 2013 o 15:09 
I have gotten hit because I was trying to get in a bit closer to cap and died. Have died because my sl was too close to it and spawned close it. And there is times a commander drops it unanounced. But really people who don't forgive a commander should ask themselves if they would rather have no arty on their side and while the other team uses it. And how many cap zones need arty? How many caps can you extend out in time because of no arty and lose because you ran out of time? It is real simple, forgive the commander or enjoy losing.
The_U.S._internet 1 września 2013 o 15:33 
Początkowo opublikowane przez FBlue:
I have gotten hit because I was trying to get in a bit closer to cap and died. Have died because my sl was too close to it and spawned close it. And there is times a commander drops it unanounced. But really people who don't forgive a commander should ask themselves if they would rather have no arty on their side and while the other team uses it. And how many cap zones need arty? How many caps can you extend out in time because of no arty and lose because you ran out of time? It is real simple, forgive the commander or enjoy losing.

Oftentimes, the most effective artillery is one that lands in the back side of the capzone. I tell my teamates repeatedly to stay near the back of the cap to cap it, and I still get hate from players telling me to cancel it when they run into the middle of it when they could sit at the back and cap from there.
Dad 1 września 2013 o 15:42 
I never cancel artillery - I tend to not call bad ones though.. Canceling it, is just as wasteful as calling rockets.

Although yes, I did just get kicked from a server that has its TK trigger set at 2.... and of course couple of teamamtes run into my MG suppressing fire at an enemy entry point to the flank--- of course our team should be way back there....

Tk system for this game sucks.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Dad; 1 września 2013 o 15:43
BuntClaster 5 września 2013 o 10:30 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Scallywag:
A few team members, for no apparent reason, walked in, all died, and I was autokicked for team kills.

How is that my fault? What did I do wrong? WTF?

I know that feel, bro, and you did nothing wrong.

By TL:s view, there are two kind of stupid players:

a) Attack missions: players, who doesn't listen or take any orders or warnings. TL can only pray while those jackasses running straight in own artillery strike and usually get killed. "Suicide by the commander", so naturally TL get banned. Now that's what i call a justice.

b) Defence missions: when team lose cap zone, some players refuse to retreat and they decide to stay middle in target area. Then 20 enemies come from nowhere. So: if TL order the strike and kill all 20 enemies, he killed those campers too and get banned, because team killing. Bad option, so TL decide to wait and hope those campers get killed soon by the enemy. But when enemies finally killed last of the campers, they usually getting too far for the target area. Then TL order the strike and kill maybe 2-3 enemies. VERY frustrating.
{ubb-1}Bull 7 września 2013 o 0:59 
Its done in the server settings,I adjusted our servers so that you dont get kicked unless you make 1000 tks. But when i launch arty i call my troops back for the 6 salvos,tnen it will minimise the TK's.As soon as its finished i send the troops back into the fray at the point the arty was aimed before the enemy gets a chance to re-populate the position.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: {ubb-1}Bull; 7 września 2013 o 1:12
There's tons of kids with downs syndrome in this game that listen to nobody no matter what, don't feel bad, they deserve the arty fire they walk into.
Praxius 7 września 2013 o 3:14 
Since the mod days I have always... Always communicated everything. I tell my team where and when I'm calling in a strike. I tell them the sector grid on the map so there is no confusion... I tell them what kind of arty is coming, I then remind them of all of this as k call it in. I remind them again to keep clear of the sector and how many salvos are remaining.... Then I tell them when the last one if come and when it is clear to rush in.

If someone doesn't see any of that and runs in and dies, it is certainly not my fault and can be pretty damn annoying especially if they don't NP. Being auto kick for arty tk's is probably one of the most annoying things in the game
Sinistral 13 września 2013 o 14:18 
Would be nice if when a firendly artillery strike was in there would be an audible warning like, "Incoming artillery. You are in area of effect." I think friendly kills with artillery should be -1 instead of -2. Seems like a large portion of players don't even know np exists - didn't used to be like that cause everyone would say sorry and you'd get a np back.
SQUIDMAN 13 września 2013 o 23:52 
Deep down you shouldn't be kick, just be automatically replaced as commander. And No one should be kicked unless they are a troll team killer. Make it point loss prohibitive for team kills
-100 points for every human player you kill, -25 for the stupid bots. Had a young Russian player
with gun envy come up and say he wanted my gun thompson level 78. I didn't know I could just hit the use button and drop it for him, so he shot me and got my gun. I flamed him on respawn
and continued the game. I will try to hit np more often, think there should be a simple button for that! If there is let me know!
Pte Maylam 14 września 2013 o 1:37 
Usually teamkills don't result in dropped items, to specifically discourage murdering your mates for better weapons.
< >
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Data napisania: 1 września 2013 o 13:00
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