Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

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NETSCAPE 5. maj 2014 kl. 16:16
Would you like a honor level/XP required server?
New players are good. There are plenty of servers open to new players. With the recent massive inflation of new players it can become quite annoying finding a good match or server. Lets not go into a discussion of why the free weekend was blah blah blah, we know.

I was thinking of either requiring a certain honor level or in-game hours to play on said server. If all else fails the server could require a password that you would get after being approved. This would at least somewhat increase chances that your team as well as enemy is experienced. The goal is obvious; to gurantee only experienced ro2/rs vets are on said server.

Let me know your thoughts, specifically if this is something you'd be interested in. Please don't just erupt in arguing or trolling non-sense.
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Viser 1-15 af 19 kommentarer
R5CYA 5. maj 2014 kl. 19:17 
it would keep the guys spamming arty with hacks out! what level would you think high enough? i thought we'd have seen lots of servers with minimum honor levels, but it never happened. makes the whole honor system moot.
NETSCAPE 5. maj 2014 kl. 20:31 
I'd say no lower than 30. Somewhere between 30 and 60. I'd like input from people to determine a figure. And yeah it would avoid a lot of pesky B-S from people who don't take the game serious. I mean we are here to have fun but 1 idiot can ruin it for 60+ other people.
SensitiveTick 5. maj 2014 kl. 20:39 
Personally I feel that 30 is reasonable
NETSCAPE 5. maj 2014 kl. 20:47 
R5CYA you have so many in-game hours you're like Emperor status dude.
30 or 50 honor level are both good benchmarks for a player to have at least some experience. Personally I think it would be cool if there was a server side option to set minimum honor levels for certain classes. Like anyone can play on the server but only honor lvl 50+ can be commander (unless there isn't a lvl 50 present) or SL. Another idea would be that anyone could take the commander spot but someone who is lvl 50+ could push them out of it (like a battlefield commision) if they were below lvl 50.

Personally I don't mind playing with inexperienced or new players it is just annoying when your team loses because some lvl 10 takes commander and doesn't know what he is doing. Then you check and sure enough all your SLs are rank 15~20 and hiding in the back (worst of all DYING WITH UNUSED SMOKE).

But I digress. 30 or 50 honor would be good in my opinion.
Keijo 6. maj 2014 kl. 2:16 
Another problem is with the sls, like sometimes you play like god as sl 4 but the sl 1 and sl 2 are complete idiots so you end up losing the map while you would have won as sl1.

So some ranking system for them that the best ones go to sl1 and 2 would be cool.
SW00$h 6. maj 2014 kl. 3:27 
Your experience is not neccessarily shown in your honor lvl. You can be the world bigges donkey and reach lvl99 with enough time. And you can be lvl 20 an be better than most of the lvl 99. And XP does not neccessarily show your influence on the match, everybody who plays RO should know that the pure amount of kills does not win maps, mostly because everything is about the capzones, and sometimes it means rushing into it without minding the KD ratio. Selecting by lvl is just unfair.

And even a rookie could do well in an important role, or at last sometimes you have to learn to play the role. Best advice is to go to an active clan server where people get kicked by blocking important classes.

Seriously, i do not get angry about noobs, because they play bad because they are new. I get ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ angry about lvl 60 SL which does not use smokes or attacking all the time frontaly and don't even try to flank.
NETSCAPE 6. maj 2014 kl. 10:59 
Oprindeligt skrevet af 死神 Bullet Sponge:
30 or 50 honor level are both good benchmarks for a player to have at least some experience. Personally I think it would be cool if there was a server side option to set minimum honor levels for certain classes. Like anyone can play on the server but only honor lvl 50+ can be commander (unless there isn't a lvl 50 present) or SL. Another idea would be that anyone could take the commander spot but someone who is lvl 50+ could push them out of it (like a battlefield commision) if they were below lvl 50.

Personally I don't mind playing with inexperienced or new players it is just annoying when your team loses because some lvl 10 takes commander and doesn't know what he is doing. Then you check and sure enough all your SLs are rank 15~20 and hiding in the back (worst of all DYING WITH UNUSED SMOKE).

But I digress. 30 or 50 honor would be good in my opinion.

I totally agree. I've been saying for awhile now that SL & CO roles should require a certain lvl. If it's possible to implement a feature like this on a server, I'd like to try it out.

Oprindeligt skrevet af Scytale:
Your experience is not neccessarily shown in your honor lvl. You can be the world bigges donkey and reach lvl99 with enough time. And you can be lvl 20 an be better than most of the lvl 99. And XP does not neccessarily show your influence on the match, everybody who plays RO should know that the pure amount of kills does not win maps, mostly because everything is about the capzones, and sometimes it means rushing into it without minding the KD ratio. Selecting by lvl is just unfair.

And even a rookie could do well in an important role, or at last sometimes you have to learn to play the role. Best advice is to go to an active clan server where people get kicked by blocking important classes.

Seriously, i do not get angry about noobs, because they play bad because they are new. I get ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ angry about lvl 60 SL which does not use smokes or attacking all the time frontaly and don't even try to flank.

Yeah Scytale I agree to an extent but taking or defending capzones gets you points/XP whether kills are involved or not. Basing server privilage on a honor system isn't full proof but at least it guarantees that x-amount of time has been spent in game.

I will say one of my issues with gaining XP/honor is the fact that you can do it with bots...I only realized this when I was like lvl 50 and wanted to "try out" commander.

In general new players are a good thing but the massive increase caused by the promo weekend has changed the game play a lot. When you have a few new guys on your team that's fine. When 50-80% of a team is noob it's kind of annoying to people who have played the game a lot and expect a certain gaming experience. I have played as commander recently and had 2-3 awesome matches in a row where all the noobs really get on board and listen to their SLs and CO. But it never lasts and it's followed by 2-3 matches that are terrible... And I'm talking about playing on a few servers that have always had great players & solid team work. Above all, the TK-ing issue isn't my main concern. What really annoys me is not doing your job, not doing team work, and disregarding general tactics and orders.

R5CYA 6. maj 2014 kl. 12:00 
i've always wished that sl's and commanders had to pass the traning levels before they couls command and that the training levels were longer and harder.
- Stich - 6. maj 2014 kl. 12:07 
I think having an honor level to join certain servers would do wonders for the game. 2nd FJG, TWB and 40-1 are mostly veteran players. There should be a minimum honor level to play on the 'veteran' servers.

Some players have said "well, help the noobies out!". F*ck that, I have helped noobies out time after time.

Every 3 months or so another crop of noobies/hackers/undersirables floods into this game by TWI giving the game away outright or charging a pittance to get it.

Enough, learn the game on your own, sink or swim. Go to a bot server and tk the f*ck out of each other, not the vets, we shouldn't have to put up with your crap. Figure sh*t out, don't punish the vets by your idiotic behavior.

And on top of that its not my responsibility or desire to have to "help" other players out, I'm here to play my game, not handhold a bunch of f*ckups which is what most of them are.
Sidst redigeret af - Stich -; 6. maj 2014 kl. 12:10
- Stich - 6. maj 2014 kl. 12:16 
Oprindeligt skrevet af R5CYA:
it would keep the guys spamming arty with hacks out! what level would you think high enough? i thought we'd have seen lots of servers with minimum honor levels, but it never happened. makes the whole honor system moot.

Yeah, even before RO2 launched I remember them talking about the honor system like it was designed to separate the players by skill and level. If one had low honor he wouldn't be allowed on certain servers. I guess TWI threw that out the window like they did with RS and allowing the Japanese to pop up out of spider holes. That whole thing just died a quiet death.
ron_moron 6. maj 2014 kl. 12:51 
Or you could, you know, join a clan.

Public servers are public servers and they should be open to all. It's where noobs get to see hot the game SHOULD be played and what will give them the most enjoyment. If we're all locked away in private servers how many of the new players will get to see how great the game really is?

Do your duty, fight in public and try to keep the new recruits alive.
NETSCAPE 6. maj 2014 kl. 13:08 
I imagine a honor based system would get more traffic than a clan. I could be wrong. And I'd still play other servers as well. I mean do people only stick with one server? I stick with like 4.
Kowalczyk 6. maj 2014 kl. 13:19 
I think a level limit would be good. I would say about level 20-25 would be enough. Of course, people say that the level doesnt show how good you are, but all I expect a TL or Sl to really know is:

1) they have smoke nades
2) they know you need to mark arty
3) you know you can call recon
4) you can send arty
5) you know the maps well enough not to send arty on your own guys

That's all. Other than that, I don;t expect a TL or SL to play perfectly, of course they will learn the role through experience and natural talent will help.

What I hate is this attitude that everybody needs to take the TL and SL roles to learn from the beginning, what a load of bull, and also, the attitude that if you use a mic, you are suddenly 100% better than a TL without a mic - also total bull.
R5CYA 6. maj 2014 kl. 13:19 
Oprindeligt skrevet af - Stich -:
Oprindeligt skrevet af R5CYA:
it would keep the guys spamming arty with hacks out! what level would you think high enough? i thought we'd have seen lots of servers with minimum honor levels, but it never happened. makes the whole honor system moot.

Yeah, even before RO2 launched I remember them talking about the honor system like it was designed to separate the players by skill and level. If one had low honor he wouldn't be allowed on certain servers. I guess TWI threw that out the window like they did with RS and allowing the Japanese to pop up out of spider holes. That whole thing just died a quiet death.

it's not TWI that's at fault here. it's the server owners that decide what the minimum level is. with the low player count, i think they all pretty much decided to let anyone in.
Oprindeligt skrevet af ron_moron:
Or you could, you know, join a clan.

Public servers are public servers and they should be open to all. It's where noobs get to see hot the game SHOULD be played and what will give them the most enjoyment. If we're all locked away in private servers how many of the new players will get to see how great the game really is?

Do your duty, fight in public and try to keep the new recruits alive.
you know there really hardly any "public" servers. the "public" servers are the ones TWI owns and the ones that are up as an advert for their server company. all the rest are owned by private individuals or clans. most are open to all, but i'll only play on ones with active admins, because i hate getting shot in the back on prupose.
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Dato opslået: 5. maj 2014 kl. 16:16
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