

 Ce sujet a été épinglé, cela doit être important
Peter  [dév.] 21 sept. 2017 à 0h23
Lights out.
I believe that this is old news at this point but for the sake of closure, I am making this statement:

The last few months have been the most difficult time of my life as I was constantly considering the future of D.U.S.T.: to end or to continue. To be frank, I have taken a very long time to decide, and in some ways, may have neglected to make the decision promptly.

I kept delaying as I was not able to decide, and I suspect that this was due to my attachment to the project. D.U.S.T. is my first project and I have spent so many long nights on it. The level of excitement and the passion I experience was unprecedented, Afterall, I was making a multiplayer FPS game.

The rest is history, my overworked self, and the financially tight environment slowly killed the project, the community and ultimately, me. Looking back, I was naive to believe that I could do all this by myself - without sufficient resources, funding and the people. I just had a grand goal. My skills, experience and the ability to make the right call was just not ready to take on the challenge.

For these reasons, D.U.S.T. is retiring its service and from Steam completely and in its entirety. D.U.S.T. will no longer be developed or supported.

I have to admit that my transition from being an ordinary gamer to a game developer came to me as hard as it can and have taught me invaluable lessons as a developer. I am just sorry that those who supported the game had to go through it as well.

I hope that I can come back to you with a game worth supporting and enjoying. It honestly is my greatest shame that D.U.S.T. never made it out of its infancy and Early Access.

Once again, thank you for all the love and support.


Dernière modification de Peter; 21 sept. 2017 à 3h25
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Is there any chance a collector such as myself could get my hands on this game?
I would also like to know if we can possible get the game some way still?
If you could make the game available for a day or 2 before full closure, a lot of collectors, such as myself would buy a copy for our collection before it is gone forever.
Please consider.
Or atleast provide us with an outlet to purchase a copy so our collections aren't missing a title as good as D.U.S.T. please.
It's a bad decision to remove a game without prior notice. Two games were removed in the last 2 days and they both had prior notice and both have had 30 to 40 activation's at the last minute on the steam data bases. A massive spike in sales.
I concur with Ego.
Last Hurrah sales should be mandatory, I'd also like a copy before it is gone!
pad 21 sept. 2017 à 1h37 
I join. =)
Same, I don't mind the state of the game and would be willing to still buy it.
I'm in the same situation as everyone else above me, I'd also be interested in a copy. I'm sure we can work something out.
Also interested in a key, please tell us your actual email maybe, so we can contact you.
Peter  [dév.] 21 sept. 2017 à 3h08 
I am sorry but I think it would be inappropriate to further sell any copies at this point - even for collectors.

Hope this helps.
Peter a écrit :
I am sorry but I think it would be inappropriate to further sell any copies at this point - even for collectors.

Hope this helps.

We have no requirements or expectations and just desire to have the game. We do not post negative reviews or go around slandering developers. In this case I think many would agree that you did quite a honorable thing (considering the circumstance) and took the game down. All we want to do is just own a peace of Steam history.

If you would have posted your announcement at least a day prior we would all have flocked and bought it. So please, give us an opportunity to buy some keys.
Peter  [dév.] 21 sept. 2017 à 3h39 
I completely understand, and it is an interesting notion (game collection) but I think it would not be an honorable thing to do to those who supported this game.

I am truly sorry about this, but there won't be any further sales or transactions.

Hope this helps.
Peter a écrit :
I completely understand, and it is an interesting notion (game collection) but I think it would not be an honorable thing to do to those who supported this game.

I am truly sorry about this, but there won't be any further sales or transactions.

Hope this helps.

How is it unfair to others? We, at least some of us, are willing to pay the same price as anyone else. If anything it should be a benefit to you and hopefully help you with your next project.
Peter a écrit :
I completely understand, and it is an interesting notion (game collection) but I think it would not be an honorable thing to do to those who supported this game.

I am truly sorry about this, but there won't be any further sales or transactions.

Hope this helps.
maybe you can just give some copies away then? there's only like 200 of us anyway, right guys? :)
I'd also be interested in a copy, also, Phrost is right, only like 200 of us :]
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