King of Dragon Pass

King of Dragon Pass

Statistieken weergeven:
Linux, SteamOS
So, I'm nothing short of ecstatic about seeing one of the greatest games I've ever had the pleasure to play release on Steam. I've been hoping this would happen for a long time.

However it'd be even more awesome if I and other Linux users could run this natively. Can we expect you to make a Linux / SteamOS port in some near future? It's the only gap you've left in your crossplatform lineup after all. I expect your codebase to be flexible by this point and it shouldn't be too hard. If you haven't considered it yet, please do, it'd be grand!
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I, too, would love to see this game on Linux. I sunk many wonderful hours into this game back when I still used Windows and it would be great to be able to play it again.
Plus one.
+1 for Linux version.
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