King of Dragon Pass

King of Dragon Pass

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Clan split
I seem to have gotten a hugely successful clan.
I forced 5 neighbouring clans to leave their tula and took it over I have so much farmland I can barely farm it all.
Yet I'm constantly being harassed to split the clan off, I have already split the clan 4 times, yet still every 1-2 years they come back again to split it off.

This doesn't seem fair at all, 25% of my goods is too high a price without getting anything in return from this new split off clan...
I thought they'd at least be allied given that they just took thousands worth of goods for free. But no the buggers don't even like me.

This is just a REALLY frustrating mechanic.
How can I avoid it or make the most of it? It kills the joy of most runs...
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Your clan splits when it gets big enough. Inviting more people or having more children accelerates this. If you turn off any childbirth increasing blessings and turn on fyrdwomen, your clan's growth will slow to a crawl and you'll be able to stay at a stable population.

Personally I like to split off one clan after I form a tribe, and bully that one with raids. This aparantly doesn't count as kinstrife and since the split clan won't be in a tribe, attacking them won't negatively affect relations with other tribes later down the road.
Editat ultima dată de Curiousfellow; 9 nov. 2023 la 13:29
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