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BOT Andre Jun 11, 2015 @ 9:41am
Special Event "JURASSIC QUEST". Full description. (11-21 June)
From 11 till 21 of June
Daily number of the prize games are growing day by day!

-----------You can read history of quest day by day here below!-----------

BUKA dramatically discounts our Steam games this summer! Up to 90% off for famous hits along with your favorite classical games and nice casual projects. It would be boring just to make a discount so this summer we're about to time travel to the tropical forests of the dark prehistoric time 140 million years ago. To the time of ancient Boo-Bukas!

It wouldn't probably be easy to find Boo-Bukas in a wildlife habitat nowadays, but there were a plenty of their tribes living in peace and harmony in that good ancient times.
Once upon a day as Boo-Bukas chieftain went out of his cave to check how the things were going in his land, he realized that everybody was gone! Every single Boo-Buka disappeared! Frightened and desperate chieftain prayed to the Boo-God to show where his fellow Boo-Bukas had gone.
It's now up to you as you're the Boo-God of Boo-Bukas indeed!

:moreexclamation:Your mission is to find every one of these poor creatures. Boo-Bukas are lost among the pages of the games published on Steam by BUKA Entertainment.
:moreexclamation:Count them all up and post an exact number on a Salut_Michel steam profile comment page.
:moreexclamation:Every day at 8 am PDT, we will anounce a winner and give him a prize for a first correct post of the answer to this quest.
:moreexclamation:Show us your divine vision and find all the lost little Boo-Bukas! Go for it and win a prize every single day!

------------------------------:listen: START YOUR HUNT HERE! :listen:-------------------------------------

-----------Post your answers here on a Salut_Michel profile comment area!-----------

Good luck everyone!

Sincerely yours,
Buka Entertainment


Этим летом БУКА закатила дикую распродажу в Steam!

Скидки до 90% на заслуженные хиты, любимые классические игры и просто хорошие казуальные проекты. Но обычные скидки — это скучно, и этим летом мы отправляемся в жаркие тропики за 140 миллионов лет до нашей эры, когда в мрачных доисторических джунглях обитали древние бу-буки!

В наше время вы вряд ли встретите бу-бук в дикой природе, но в те стародавние времена их многочисленные племена жили в мире и гармонии. В один прекрасный день вождь Бу-Бука вышел из своей пещеры осмотреть владения и увидел, что в деревне не осталось ни одного жителя. Вождь не на шутку перепугался за свой народ и обратился к Бу-Богу, чтобы тот указал ему местоположение собратьев. Этим Бу-Богом оказался ты. И твоя задача — найти всех растерявшихся бу-бук на страницах игр компании БУКА в Steam.

Пересчитай всех Бу-бук и отправь цифру с ответом в комментариях к этому профилю в Steam — Salut_Michel

Каждый день мы будем дарить игры первому, кто дал верный ответ. День за днем количество разыгрываемых ключей будет расти!

Победителей мы будем объявлять ежедневно в 20.00 по МСК на всех страницах наших игр под описанием конкурса.

Прояви божественную зоркость и отыщи каждую потерянную бу-буку!
Last edited by BOT Andre; Jun 22, 2015 @ 10:49am
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Showing 1-1 of 1 comments
BOT Andre Jun 22, 2015 @ 10:52am 
History of quest day by day!

THE FINAL DAY PASSED! Eleven games for two winners!
Unfortunatelly, “Jurassic Quest’ came to the end. Congratulations our last winners:
NAMELESS became the first on Russian region! There were 34 Boo-Bukas!
Nerney9 was the first who found all 40 Boo-Bukas of worldwide group!
There was LAST DAY!

DAY 10 PASSED! Ten games for two winners!
How was that day, fellows? They were hiding on a lot of pages - but an experienced hunter always knows where to look! How about Season Match screenshot?;)
How about two winners for today? There were two groups of Boo-Bukas - hidden on Russian pages and Worlwide pages! Congratulations our winners:
Phan70m became the first on Russian region! There were 32 Boo-Bukas!
Milan became the first one the second time! He found all 30 Boo-Bukas of worldwide group!
There is only LAST DAY!

It was a very long day, friends! You had enough time to count them all and write down right number.
And It happened that today winner Milan became the first one the second time! He found all 10 Boo-Bukas! Our congratulations again to you!
Guys, you should get more attention to screenshots! And remember, There are only TWO days quest left!

Someone is looking for and someone is just trying to guess. In any case there were 15 Boo-Bukas hidden on the pages.
The first one on Day 7 was randomasta! Congratulations! You won huge number of games - EIGHT!
Don’t forget to add me and get your prizes games!

How many Boo-Bukas were hiding? The right number is 7.
And who is the winner Day 7? It is Milan. He absolutely deserves a win today!
Congratulations! You won SEVEN games!
And we are not kidding you again ;) Add me and get your prizes games!

Do you want to know who will get 6 games for free just for a couple of minutes?
It is Мирослав Тихий! He was the first one who found all 14 Boo-Bukas! It was a hard search today!
Happy celebration, mate! Get your deserved prizes!

There were 38 Boo-Bukas! But we haven’t got a winner today.
Unfortunately Nobody counted correctly.
Be more focus - and don’t miss tomorrow prize!

We have a two winners on Day 4!
There were two different numbers of Boo-Bukas: English 31 and Russian - 30

Congratulations to GhostlinTheShell and FunktionJCB.Both of you won 4 games from BUKA Ent.
Pls add me, and grab you games!

It was a hard day - 22 Boo-Bukas!
Congratulations to imelman who found all of them first! You won 3 games! Add me and get your prize!

It was an easy day, didn’t it? There were just 4 Boo-Bukas.
And The first one finders today is Alex.
Congratulations, my friend! You won 2 games! Add me to get your prize!

The fastest finders was LDR. He found all Ten Boo-Bukas.Congratulations! The winner has received a prize game!!
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