red_lion 2023년 10월 28일 오전 1시 47분
Saves location
Hi! Since there is no cloud sync functionality for this game, I would like to pick the current saved progress from one PC to another one. Where are save files stored? I am looking into the prefix, but I can't find something that looks like a save location.
Thank you very much
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4개 댓글 중 1-4개 표시
Flaming Toaster 2024년 2월 13일 오전 9시 36분 
Looked into it because of pure curiosity, and it looks like that on windows playerdata is stored inside the registry, which is a bit odd.
In my case registry path is:
Maybe this will help people in the future.
Also, if anyone that is reading this don't really know much about registry and what is he doing, please proceed with caution - if you screw with registry on windows you can f*ck up your system.
red_lion 2024년 2월 18일 오전 10시 27분 
Hi Flaming Toaster!
I looked into that: I have two players in my locoland game but inside the registry file I can only find one. This is quite weird. I have tried moving the config lines from a different computer (with a different progress) and nothing seems to happen. In my case looks like the saves are stored elsewhere
Flaming Toaster 2024년 2월 18일 오후 4시 05분 
red_lion님이 먼저 게시:
*post above*
Played around with values in the registry, added new player even, I'm able to "unlock" all the levels and change some stuff around.
I'm running Windows 10 and Polish version of the game - don't know if that changes anything, but if it does i'm leaving that info here.
Another note since first reply:
Registry path seems to be specified in the steam.cfg file in the game folder (steam game local files), so make sure you are searching in the correct location
If that still yield nothing, I'm on the discord server mentioned in one of the posts in discussions, an if you'd like to we could work this out
spacenerdy님이 먼저 게시:
red_lion 2024년 2월 24일 오전 8시 15분 
Ok, after some more investigations, I found the issue.

As suggested i checked in the steam.cfg file, from which I got the idea:

Title=Steamland v 1.02 RegPath=SOFTWARE\Gromada\Steam DefaultSave= ;default save path

In the end, values where stored not in the system.reg of game's proton prefix, but in my user wine's installation registry file.

thank you very much :) really appreciated
red_lion 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2024년 2월 24일 오전 8시 17분
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페이지당 표시 개수: 1530 50

게시된 날짜: 2023년 10월 28일 오전 1시 47분
게시글: 4