Pixel: ru²

Pixel: ru²

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Prutser Jun 1, 2015 @ 8:01am
My two cents
I've played through the current levels quite a few times, getting all the data bits etc. Very enjoyable. Took me about 45 minutes to complete them for the first time (Runtime Error was my favourite).

I feel the combat system (in these levels at least) adds very little to the game. I had finished all current levels before I even realised you could shoot (and even now, it seems easier/faster to just avoid/push the enemies). Then after a few more times I noticed you could change weapons and colours, it seems a bit complicated and unnecessary to me. But maybe with some other levels it could work.

In the score option at the end I would like to be able to see how much data/viruses I missed.

Sometimes I could switch the gravity while jumping, but it is fairly hard (precise timing with the peak of the jump), this seems unintentional.
I also tried to make a brief workshop level showcasing another glitch/feature that I found amusing, but I don't think it worked correctly, not sure what went wrong.

Also damn it takes a long time to get the card drops. I understand the game will become bigger etc, but ~10 hours for all cards seems a bit extreme.
Last edited by Prutser; Jun 1, 2015 @ 8:14am
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Wolfenhex  [developer] Jun 1, 2015 @ 11:10am 
Thank you for your feedback.

We're still working on the combat system, we feel it can add a lot to the game, it just needs to be tweaked right and done correctly. One of the main issues is the lack of variety of enemies as well as just the lacking of enemies on some levels. We can do more things with it, but we also want to make sure what we do can be done easily by people using the level editor. We had a few good suggestions from the last convention we went too that we'll be looking into implementing.

Good idea with the end score. Maybe have it say something like "2 / 3 viruses killed." Might even add some bonus points for getting everything to help encourage doing everything.

The gravity switch while jumping is a bug, it's difficult to do but it can happen. We're already working on fixing it.

Can you please give more details as far as the workshop level?

The card drop rate can't be changed once it's set, so we set the rate high because we're planning on having a lot more levels and content and for people to be playing levels again and again to compete on the future online leaderboards. Right now it seems high for what we have, but in the end we hope it feels right.
Prutser Jun 1, 2015 @ 12:12pm 
When I click on publish I just seem to publish empty files.
Can't seem to change the visibility either, so not sure if you can even see it. Might just be me being an idiot though.
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=453356465 (added the screenshot manually)

Also the meta data seems to get deleted when loading a level.
Wolfenhex  [developer] Jun 2, 2015 @ 5:18am 
I'm able to see it because I'm an admin, but no one else can.

The way Steam Workshop creates content is by first creating an empty item, then adding data to it. If something goes wrong in the second part, then you'll be left with just an empty item. Meta data happens in the second part.

There's a workshop log that might tell you what happened in:

I will investigate as well to see if I have the same issues.
Prutser Jun 4, 2015 @ 3:38pm 
[2015-06-01 17:23:36] Create new workshop item for AppID 351170 by AppID 351170: 453356465 (OK)
[2015-06-01 17:23:40] Uploaded new content ( ManifestID 8489849286980687120 ) for item 453356465.
[2015-06-01 17:23:41] Failed to upload workshop preview file F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Pixel\Levels\Workshop\453356465\453356465.png (I/O Operation Failed)

Keep getting the same (I/O Operation Failed) error.
What I meant with the meta data being deleted was unrelated to the steam workshop. When I save a level with metadata and then reload it, the metadata seems to disappear.
Wolfenhex  [developer] Jun 8, 2015 @ 11:40pm 
We're still waiting to hear back from Valve about this. I'm suddenly having the same issue and none of the workshop code was changed. I can't find any existing instance of this error, so it might be something new.
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