TransOcean 2: Rivals

TransOcean 2: Rivals

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PsychoCow  [developer] Apr 18, 2016 @ 3:18am
TransOcean 2: Rivals - Harbor List
[h1]English[/h1] [h1]Harbor List[/h1] Here an overview of the harbors in TransOcean 2: Rivals: [table] [TR][TD][b]Region[/b] [TD][b]Tug Company[/b] [TD][b]Refinery[/b] [TD][b]Wharf[/b] [TD][b]Repair Dock[/b] [TD][b]Upgrade Dock[/b] [TR][TD]North America - West [TD]Honolulu [TD]Anchorage [TD]Metro Vancouver [TD]- [TD]Los Angeles [TR][TD]North America - East [TD]Halifax [TD]Nuuk [TD]Georgia Ports [TD]Québec [TD]New York [TR][TD]North America - South [TD]Havana [TD]Houston [TD]- [TD]Manzanillo [TD]New Orleans [TR][TD]South America - West [TD]Balboa [TD]San Antonio [TD]- [TD]Lima [TD]- [TR][TD]South America - East [TD]Stanley [TD]Buenos Aires [TD]- [TD]Manaus [TD]Santos [TR][TD]Europe - North [TD]Reykjavík [TD]Bergen [TD]Helsinki [TD]Stockholm [TD]St. Petersburg [TR][TD]Europe - Central [TD]Le Havre [TD]Rotterdam [TD]Hamburg [TD]Dublin [TD]Felixstowe [TR][TD]Europe - South [TD]Ambarli Limani [TD]Odessa [TD]Gioia Tauro [TD]Lisbon [TD]Valencia [TR][TD]Asia - West [TD]Jebel Ali [TD]Salalah [TD]Port Said [TD]Jeddah [TD]Jawaharlal Nehru Port [TR][TD]Africa - West [TD]Algiers [TD]Dakar [TD]- [TD]Lagos [TD]Luanda [TR][TD]Africa - East [TD]Durban [TD]Mombasa [TD]Capetown [TD]- [TD]- [TR][TD]Asia - North [TD]Vladivostok [TD]Keihin Ports [TD]Shanghai [TD]- [TD]Busan [TR][TD]Asia - South [TD]Colombo [TD]Singapur [TD]Hong Kong [TD]Bangkok [TD]Kaohsiung [TR][TD]Australia [TD]Auckland [TD]Sydney [TD]- [TD]Fremantle [TD]Melbourne [TR] [table] --- [h1]Deutsch[/h1] [h1]Hafenübersicht[/h1] Hier eine Übersicht der Häfen aus TransOcean 2: [TR][TD][b]Region[/b] [TD][b]Schlepper-Reederei[/b] [TD][b]Raffinerie[/b] [TD][b]Werft[/b] [TD][b]Reparatur-Dock[/b] [TD][b]Upgrade-Dock[/b] [TR][TD]Nordamerika - West [TD]Honolulu [TD]Anchorage [TD]Metro Vancouver [TD]- [TD]Los Angeles [TR][TD]Nordamerika - Ost [TD]Halifax [TD]Nuuk [TD]Georgia Ports [TD]Québec [TD]New York [TR][TD]Nordamerika - Süd [TD]Havana [TD]Houston [TD]- [TD]Manzanillo [TD]New Orleans [TR][TD]Südamerika - West [TD]Balboa [TD]San Antonio [TD]- [TD]Lima [TD]- [TR][TD]Südamerika - Ost [TD]Stanley [TD]Buenos Aires [TD]- [TD]Manaus [TD]Santos [TR][TD]Europa - Nord [TD]Reykjavík [TD]Bergen [TD]Helsinki [TD]Stockholm [TD]St. Petersburg [TR][TD]Europa - Mittel [TD]Le Havre [TD]Rotterdam [TD]Hamburg [TD]Dublin [TD]Felixstowe [TR][TD]Europa - Süd [TD]Ambarli Limani [TD]Odessa [TD]Gioia Tauro [TD]Lissabon [TD]Valencia [TR][TD]Asien - West [TD]Jebel Ali [TD]Salalah [TD]Port Said [TD]Dschidda [TD]Jawaharlal Nehru Port [TR][TD]Afrika - West [TD]Algier [TD]Dakar [TD]- [TD]Lagos [TD]Luanda [TR][TD]Afrika - Ost [TD]Durban [TD]Mombasa [TD]Kapstadt [TD]- [TD]- [TR][TD] Asien - Nord [TD]Wladiwostok [TD]Keihin Ports [TD]Shanghai [TD]- [TD]Busan [TR][TD]Asien - Süd [TD]Colombo [TD]Singapur [TD]Hong Kong [TD]Bangkok [TD]Kaohsiung [TR][TD]Australien [TD]Auckland [TD]Sydney [TD]- [TD]Fremantle [TD]Melbourne [TR]
Last edited by PsychoCow; Apr 18, 2016 @ 3:48am
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Adrian Apr 20, 2016 @ 12:45pm 
in Black Sea, Constanta, Novorosisk there is a big ports, for tankers, bulk cariers no Odesa, Odesa is a small port compare with this two... Please insert Constanta and Novorosisk like a ports in Black Sea
PsychoCow  [developer] Apr 21, 2016 @ 1:37am 
In "TransOcean 2: Rivals" we are working with 14 regions à 3-5 ports. The routes within these regions shouldn't be to short, because otherwise balancing the game would be impossible. That's the reason why we chose the harbors shown in the list instead of others.
Last edited by PsychoCow; Apr 21, 2016 @ 2:11am
Filip13CRO Apr 22, 2016 @ 10:56am 
Add Venice, Trieste, Koper and Rijeka ports! :) It would be also nice if there is some editor where player can add its own ports
Adrian Apr 22, 2016 @ 11:11am 
Yes that we can edit our own ports will be perfect, maibe will be possible to add this in the game...
kingck May 7, 2016 @ 12:51pm 
no love for the great lakes like duluth and detroit
Bernardo May 8, 2016 @ 11:58am 
I like the idea of being able to add or rename ports. Understand the rationale of current harbour list, but would want to add Antwerp or Marseille for personal reasons!
xurlaw May 9, 2016 @ 3:02pm 
[quote=Adrian;364039531221106063]in Black Sea, Constanta, Novorosisk there is a big ports, for tankers, bulk cariers no Odesa, Odesa is a small port compare with this two... Please insert Constanta and Novorosisk like a ports in Black Sea [/quote] Like Valparaiso instead San Antonio in Chile BTW ...but is not a real issue.
hanne May 11, 2016 @ 2:23am 
It would be nice, if you add the port size to the list above. And i think it's a big problem that there are no repair docks in europe for ships size >2
Last edited by hanne; May 11, 2016 @ 2:26am
Bernardo May 11, 2016 @ 3:41am 
Yes adding port size would be helpful, +1! Also would like to get some intel on import/exports. E.g. oil is in supply in Durban and in demand in Mombassa (just making it up)...
species.7 May 18, 2016 @ 8:47am 
Why does each region not have a repair port? Does it really make sence that as a North America west region homebase I should have to sail through the canal to the other side of the continent to be repaired?? Can you imagine how ridiculous a cost that would be in real life?
gippermand Jun 29, 2016 @ 2:38pm 
Hi there I like to know some thing, and hope some one can and will help. I can see that there in update are new ships og much bigger, BUT where do i get this update. Im not specific happy with Steam, so when i buy something, its without steam. I also like to know where i find in the game, my savefolder, because i have over 2.8 billion, and like to copy that, so i dont Loose it. I also like to know, if i can make my own icon for the Compagny and even a new face Regards Per - Denmark
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