

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
SilverAura  [developer] Dec 25, 2020 @ 9:46am
Important Update
This news will only impact those with release override keys granted to them by myself personally, many of whom I've already communicated this with. For anyone I may have missed though, I wanted to post here to ensure you're all up to date.

As of now, the "Main" copy of this game will no longer be receiving new updates until release. Of course I want to iron out some confusion that might arise, so here we go.

As of yesterday, public testing was made available with a number of people already granted access. This build of the game is separate from the one you're accustom to testing. You will need to request access to the Playtest build either via the store page or by contacting me directly so I can provide you immediate access.

Once you have access, you will have two copies of the game in your library. One simply titled "Diamond", what I refer to as the "Main" copy. This is because the way Steam handles Playtest's involves two separate Game ID's and two separate builds. To keep things streamlined and ensure that everyone is running the same version of the game, all further updates will only be made to the "Diamond Playtest" copy of the game throughout the duration of public play tests. So if you've still got the game installed, please uninstall the Main copy of this game and focus your attention on the Playtest copy.

Anyone chosen to take place in more experimental, potentially game-breaking updates will be provided a passcode to get access to an experimental branch of the game. This access is strictly reserved to whoever I provide it to and should not be given to anyone else as these updates will not be vetted for end-user quality and may have a number of tools, visible sensors, and error consoles to help identify issues I would like help with on a direct contact basis.

If you're not granted access to this branch, don't worry. It's nothing personal. This branch is only intended to be used with whoever I'm in direct contact with at the time updates are being made to it. As such, this branch will often not be the most up to date version and will only be updated when focus testing on a 1:1 basis with myself. So you should be sure to take yourself off this branch after we're finished focus testing and the build we've worked on is live for all testers.
Date Posted: Dec 25, 2020 @ 9:46am
Posts: 0