TyranoBuilder Visual Novel Studio

TyranoBuilder Visual Novel Studio

★ TyranoBuilder Summer Game Jam 2018! ★
The TyranoBuilder Summer Game Jam contest homepage is now live at

The contest is for games created in TyranoBuilder Visual Novel Studio, and we have $1,000 in cash prizes to be won!

Submissions open June 21st at 12:55 PM EST and close at midnight on September 21st, so you have three months to make your novel perfect!

Visit the contest homepage for full details, rules, and to submit your game.


If you plan on entering or just keeping up with the entries please join the steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OfficialTyranoBuilderJam as we dont want to flood the main hub with jam related info.

GOOD LUCK and we look forward to seeing your games!

Our Jam wouldnt be as special without our guest judges, please check out our guest judges below:

Dinmoney, Developer, AGL Studios [www.aglstudioart.com] (Faulty Apprentice, Paramedium)

Reuben Mount, Content Editor, Rice Digital [www.ricedigital.co.uk]

Jesika_art, Developer, AGL Studios [www.aglstudioart.com](Faulty Apprentice, Paramedium)

Jay Rab, Chief Community Officer, Nyu Media [nyu-media.com]
Dernière modification de jay_rab; 22 juin 2018 à 11h09
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Affichage des commentaires 1 à 15 sur 33
Can I ask for submission requirements "Game Length: Playtime should be approximately 30 minutes."
It is must be 30 minutes or it can be more? (for example, what if the game have 60 minutes length)
Thank you.
One route should only take 30mins "at most", while you can have multiple routes anything past 30mins we will not have the time to look at all routes. The time is in place so that the judges are able to look over all the novels in a reasonable amount of time.

A suggestion would be to have a judges route as an option at the start of your novel that focus on what you want to showcase and then a normal route that plays through however much time you desire, that way you dont have to restrict your project just for times sake.

Of course, I'm in for this!

Though, are there any restrictions for our entry game? (blood, violence, gore, swearing, etc.) or does it have to be family-friendly? Would a censored version be okay? (Both simple and in a soft way "Danganronpa" did.)

I don't see in the rules about it or I'm either blind, so I better ask early before I try to plan anything ahead. In the meantime, good luck to those participating~!
22RII a écrit :
Of course, I'm in for this!

Though, are there any restrictions for our entry game? (blood, violence, gore, swearing, etc.) or does it have to be family-friendly? Would a censored version be okay? (Both simple and in a soft way "Danganronpa" did.)

I don't see in the rules about it or I'm either blind, so I better ask early before I try to plan anything ahead. In the meantime, good luck to those participating~!

So the simple answer is try to stay away from 18+ content.. there are not rules against it but its advised to keep your novel relatable to as many parties as able. We generally talk about this every year and this is my best response that breaks it down. Generally anything pg13 or below can be regarded as a 'safe' zone https://steamcommunity.com/app/345370/discussions/0/133258593381287504/?ctp=2#c133259227521638409
I'm in, Let's do it!! :pixelprompto:
Can I do a diary of what I'm doing in my facebook? or is it like "not showing anything 'till the end of the contest"?
Tete-chin a écrit :
Can I do a diary of what I'm doing in my facebook? or is it like "not showing anything 'till the end of the contest"?
Please do make a diary! You are more then welcomed to share your progress and is highly suggested.
Moxie 20 juil. 2018 à 22h44 
A bit late to the party but will have something done by the end.
Moxie, I needed the whole month just for the assets XD there's still time -_-
Thanks for the encouregment. XD
Hello! I'm really new to making visual novels - but I'd still LOVE to participate! It sounds like way too much fun to pass up ^_^b

I do however have one small question.
I do see in past entries from the 2015 summer jam featuring art entirely made by each creator. If I wanted to use artwork that were allowed for commercial use, and given permission to (and I will be crediting them as well) - is that allowed?
Try a écrit :
Hello! I'm really new to making visual novels - but I'd still LOVE to participate! It sounds like way too much fun to pass up ^_^b

I do however have one small question.
I do see in past entries from the 2015 summer jam featuring art entirely made by each creator. If I wanted to use artwork that were allowed for commercial use, and given permission to (and I will be crediting them as well) - is that allowed?
As per our other rules: - Assets must be free of copyright claims (i.e. original or available for use without infringement of license)

This means that as long as you able to use it without any creator claiming that you have no rights to using it legally then you are free to use it. We had to make this rule due to us showcasing the winners on our site.
jay_rab a écrit :
Try a écrit :
Hello! I'm really new to making visual novels - but I'd still LOVE to participate! It sounds like way too much fun to pass up ^_^b

I do however have one small question.
I do see in past entries from the 2015 summer jam featuring art entirely made by each creator. If I wanted to use artwork that were allowed for commercial use, and given permission to (and I will be crediting them as well) - is that allowed?
As per our other rules: - Assets must be free of copyright claims (i.e. original or available for use without infringement of license)

This means that as long as you able to use it without any creator claiming that you have no rights to using it legally then you are free to use it. We had to make this rule due to us showcasing the winners on our site.

Thank you! Okay :friendship:
Some idiot posted a 'satire' of DDLC to the jam. I am sure you saw Petalbook's topic and the creator's "classy" retort to it. Is that DDLC fangame still being considered for the jam? The creator of DDLC has asked that people NOT post fangames to itch.io.

As another note, he's lifted the UI from the game, so yay. Extra class.
Dernière modification de psionichelmsman; 18 sept. 2018 à 20h41
I'm hoping I can at least put together a demo for my game before the jam ends. Gonna have to crunch some time but I think I can do it, I hope.
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Posté le 22 juin 2018 à 11h09
Messages : 33