XIII Century

XIII Century

(SOLVED) how to fix access violation - black screen - CTD
access violation - black screen - CTD

XIII Century ( the oldest game this is the hardest to get running )
Real Warfare
Real Warfare 2: Northern Crusades

XIII Century - and that why i will explain from that game point of view

lets start with we all have diffent graphic card's so you dont have to have
same issue as i did but here is what i did

run configure - use auto detect, and that crash like bigtime no matter what i did
so i also read on if you see black screen in main menu first pinned down topic
and it did help bring back game in a low-end solutions , but that was ugly like hell

after that gfx issue i lost game interresse...
then i found the video on the net, game is not that bad as i my view
then i tty figureout this issue...fail

and it was 1c that figureout that my 2 monitor( big telly is the cause) ws=30hx with 2 device

so i have remove it now...

i run the game in 1980*1080 60hz and all setting is on and crash again...

then i notice huge light issue at video
you need to turn off. psudo HDR ( turn it off )

the new thing thats also diffrent is pixel light on grass ( turn it off )

all this was found out because i try start game with low gfx settings and then game actual start up
and it fail to start up at ultra

now game run fine with max setting's
with 2 effect that has been the cause why i crash
psudo HDR ( turn it off )
pixel light on grass ( turn it off )

this is a nvidia gfx card 580 sli i have ...you might have same problem in with your gfx card
i use newest driver's
somehow pixel light on grass actual worked in real warefare1&2, but not in XIII Century
but after i found this out i turn it off anyway

and i have no idea if this work for AMD cards or INTEL

dont forget game says it require a 3D Hardware Accelerator Card Required
so some onboard gfx card dont have what it require...

Can your computer run that game?
( its just ID the hardware, it do not say current driver is update..
i have added the link because,some get the game and don't have the hardware to run it or operation system or in right Direct X mode 9/10/11 ? )
Naposledy upravil Iceira; 7. úno. 2015 v 9.47
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verify game cache content is a most.
right click on the game - Properties
from Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game.
some win7-8 need "run as administrator" this is not all PC's, but some have upgrade to win8/&,1
and some need to re-install gfx driver after this also...
is "steam client service" running ? either set it on files or re-install steam
recommend re-install steam overwrite steam same place...
and check again if service is running now ?
How to check ... right click task-bar see service's or control panel
administrator tools – services
or add "run as administrator" to "steam.exe" and the game "######.exe" file first
and watch out for desktop shortcuts they also need this set
restart steam
worst case is you missing "steam client service" in service
the you need to add it maybe on all games.exe file and that's why i want you to re-install steam and overwrite current one. Maybe refresh steam files can help

refresh your Steam files

but that might not count as a fix it, because games was install without this rights set, so delete local content per game and re-install with administrator rights set or service running special older games can have such problem...
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 7. úno. 2015 v 6.37
Počet příspěvků: 2