Hashtag Dungeon

Hashtag Dungeon

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rynz500 Oct 2, 2016 @ 9:51pm
How is Opening a Portal Activated?
Is it activated by how many rooms you've cleared, or so? Because I've finished a small player dungeon with some leftover rooms left, but got the portal to open. However, when I played, what seemed to be, a big player dungeon, I opened the portal with a few rooms left as well. So how is a portal activated? Number of rooms cleared?
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Mara 🐿 Oct 16, 2016 @ 2:09am 
It feels percentage based, so if you clear 90% of a dungeon the portal opens?
Probably with a minimum amount of rooms remaining of 1 so you don't have to 100% the smaller dungeons.
OxyOxspring May 9, 2017 @ 9:39am 
It's a percentage!
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