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Please include a THIRD-PERSON view perspective option
For those who would prefer to play the game in this manner.

Thank you kindly.
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Showing 1-15 of 37 comments
CivilSavages Jul 14, 2015 @ 11:11pm 
Thanks for the suggestion. We'll think about this issue.
76561198030043640 Jul 15, 2015 @ 1:52am 
I appreciate your placing of my suggestion under advisement.

I am sincerely grateful.
Renji Jul 15, 2015 @ 11:57am 
please regard that suggestion ...this is a horror game not a action game...to be horror the first person view is the best...dont screw that :/
Tigercml Jul 16, 2015 @ 3:24am 
Originally posted by Lagger:
please regard that suggestion ...this is a horror game not a action game...to be horror the first person view is the best...dont screw that :/

There's nothing wrong with options. You don't have to use it. Some people would like it. I would love a thrid person option because I prefer thrid person view in games. If you think it would ruin the experience then don't use it. Simple as that. Plus you don't even own this game so it wouldn't even affect you.
Last edited by Tigercml; Jul 16, 2015 @ 3:28am
はげ Jul 16, 2015 @ 5:25am 
I want TPS, too
2ndForm Jul 16, 2015 @ 5:32am 
Originally posted by Lagger:
please regard that suggestion ...this is a horror game not a action game...to be horror the first person view is the best...dont screw that :/

Hi, just passing through with general interest, saw your post, thought I would just say:

Silent Hill.

Jus sayin. Plus, the whole first person crawling at a slow pace through a dark area thing is getting old fast. Third person, in space, could really add some character and make the game more unique to other games in this genre on PC currently saturating the market.
Also, like that other person said, adding the option dont limit anyone... hows that screw anything? Pffffsh.
KripTed Jul 16, 2015 @ 5:36am 
i honestly think the first person gives it more of a horror feel, third person is not as scary, as in first person, that monster is right in your face. that'd be like Doom 3....in third person.....it would be dumb lol.

if there was to be a third person, it would have to be as an option only, for ppl who would want to switch, but i think it would be a useless suggestion, no offense.
Last edited by KripTed; Jul 16, 2015 @ 5:36am
2ndForm Jul 16, 2015 @ 5:46am 
Originally posted by KripTed:
i honestly think the first person gives it more of a horror feel, third person is not as scary, as in first person, that monster is right in your face. that'd be like Doom 3....in third person.....it would be dumb lol.

if there was to be a third person, it would have to be as an option only, for ppl who would want to switch, but i think it would be a useless suggestion, no offense.

Once again... Silent Hill.
FPS is great for jump scares, which is appealing mainly to demographics 12 to 16. Srsly no offence but its true. Which is why youtubers with those demos do so many of them, and they are hella popular.

If all you want are cheap jumpscares, thats fine, but its just that, cheap.
If you want a more psycological scare, a dense narrative, you have to dig deeper. The reason third works so well for that kind of thing, is you can use film theory as a base.
Camera angles/establishing shots; filling the scene with information (and knowing for sure the player will see it); atmosphere that cant be handled in FPS; camera shots/pans/zooms whatever that dont break immersion because its simply a camera move/not a break from character.

First person is so overdone, very much so in horror, theres a reason so many students make FPS horror games. You can have barely any mechanics, dont have to worry about player animations, and you can drench your scenes in so much darkness that you can get away with truly horrible art.

That isnt the case here, the art is what pulled me in here to be honest, and the setting. But devs, you are up against the Aliens out thar, and the game seems pretty generic at first glance.
No doubt youll get easy interest and funding from people still flocking to this sort of game, but it really does seem to be a fad, you def aint gonna win any creativity awards (maybe thats not your interest, no judgement here).
I would be a heck of a lot more interested in a third person game in this setting, than a first.
KripTed Jul 16, 2015 @ 5:50am 
Originally posted by 2ndForm:
Originally posted by KripTed:
i honestly think the first person gives it more of a horror feel, third person is not as scary, as in first person, that monster is right in your face. that'd be like Doom 3....in third person.....it would be dumb lol.

if there was to be a third person, it would have to be as an option only, for ppl who would want to switch, but i think it would be a useless suggestion, no offense.

Once again... Silent Hill.
FPS is great for jump scares, which is appealing mainly to demographics 12 to 16. Srsly no offence but its true. Which is why youtubers with those demos do so many of them, and they are hella popular.

If all you want are cheap jumpscares, thats fine, but its just that, cheap.
If you want a more psycological scare, a dense narrative, you have to dig deeper. The reason third works so well for that kind of thing, is you can use film theory as a base.
Camera angles/establishing shots; filling the scene with information (and knowing for sure the player will see it); atmosphere that cant be handled in FPS; camera shots/pans/zooms whatever that dont break immersion because its simply a camera move/not a break from character.

First person is so overdone, very much so in horror, theres a reason so many students make FPS horror games. You can have barely any mechanics, dont have to worry about player animations, and you can drench your scenes in so much darkness that you can get away with truly horrible art.

That isnt the case here, the art is what pulled me in here to be honest, and the setting. But devs, you are up against the Aliens out thar, and the game seems pretty generic at first glance.
No doubt youll get easy interest and funding from people still flocking to this sort of game, but it really does seem to be a fad, you def aint gonna win any creativity awards (maybe thats not your interest, no judgement here).
I would be a heck of a lot more interested in a third person game in this setting, than a first.

i honestly am 28 years old, and this game makes me freak out at times. i've played several third person games from silent hill all the way to dead space and etc. third person is not as scary at all. The Evil Within doesn't even scare me that much, Resident Evil never really scared me that much, it must have been because it was third person. the games that have scared me the most are:

Slender: The Arrival
This Game
Doom 3

and guess what? they are all first person. like i said, it can be an option, i think it would take away from the horror feel, but that's just one mans opinion.
Last edited by KripTed; Jul 16, 2015 @ 5:50am
2ndForm Jul 16, 2015 @ 6:00am 
Doom 3 scared you... I jus...
Guess what, thats a general taste. Alien Isolation is different in a lot of respects because it invovles a lot of atmosphere, and a lot of cool tricks.
Other than that you have a lot of jumpscare. The kind of thing which is pretty much like Freddy Krueger flicks or the like... I, and quite a few grown adults, just find them generally amusing.

Sure, you might jump a little when something enters the shot at a hundred miles and hour, and your speakers screech at you. Then you just kinda chuckle.

Im more for story, and get involved and follow narratives, if you didnt find the themes in Silent Hill, the universe and lore, scary or intimidating then Im going to put that down to the following:
You didnt so much follow the story, as you did play it like a Res Evil game.
If you did, you really didnt get the symbolism or meaning behind what was going on.

Some people find the idea of a psychopathic murderer who spends the majority of the film hacking blood and gore everywhere 'scary', a lot more just think its... well pretty juvenile, and in no way realistic enough to scare them.

That said, some people like and are still naive enough to be scared by the James Wans of the world, whilst others prefer the more Hitchcockian flavour, that play on human insecurities, that wakes you in a cold sweat in the middle of the night pondering the chaos of the universe and your own mortality.

Big scary monster? Heh.
Pondering the abyss after death? Hold me.
KripTed Jul 16, 2015 @ 6:30am 
Originally posted by 2ndForm:
Doom 3 scared you... I jus...
Guess what, thats a general taste. Alien Isolation is different in a lot of respects because it invovles a lot of atmosphere, and a lot of cool tricks.
Other than that you have a lot of jumpscare. The kind of thing which is pretty much like Freddy Krueger flicks or the like... I, and quite a few grown adults, just find them generally amusing.

Sure, you might jump a little when something enters the shot at a hundred miles and hour, and your speakers screech at you. Then you just kinda chuckle.

Im more for story, and get involved and follow narratives, if you didnt find the themes in Silent Hill, the universe and lore, scary or intimidating then Im going to put that down to the following:
You didnt so much follow the story, as you did play it like a Res Evil game.
If you did, you really didnt get the symbolism or meaning behind what was going on.

Some people find the idea of a psychopathic murderer who spends the majority of the film hacking blood and gore everywhere 'scary', a lot more just think its... well pretty juvenile, and in no way realistic enough to scare them.

That said, some people like and are still naive enough to be scared by the James Wans of the world, whilst others prefer the more Hitchcockian flavour, that play on human insecurities, that wakes you in a cold sweat in the middle of the night pondering the chaos of the universe and your own mortality.

Big scary monster? Heh.
Pondering the abyss after death? Hold me.

like you said, it comes down to a personal taste. i never said they weren't good games, or had good stories. everyone knows Silent Hills storylines were amazing. this game isn't going to have cut-scenes, and most of the story will be through notes/pdas. everyone loves jump scares, it gets your heart racing and pumpin faster, and gives you those chills for a brief moment. while on the other hand, Silent Hills games make u sit down and think, and ponder. while also first person view, hides a lot of stuff you cannot see, which makes it scarier, cause u can't see what's behind you, or past your field of view. while third person, you can totally see that thing coming from behind you, and thus the element of surprise is gone.

oh and for the record, Doom 3 scared quite a bit of people when it first came out dude.
Last edited by KripTed; Jul 16, 2015 @ 6:37am
2ndForm Jul 16, 2015 @ 9:24am 
If I walk up behind you, and pop a paper bag, youll be scared (better word is shocked) for a brief moment.
Jump scares are cheap. Cheeeeeap.
Not everyone loves them, not out of fear, but because its an overused and worn out device.
Games like this are a dime a dozen, and like I said above, theres good reason so many student games rely on the same mechanic.
KripTed Jul 16, 2015 @ 9:24am 
Originally posted by 2ndForm:
If I walk up behind you, and pop a paper bag, youll be scared (better word is shocked) for a brief moment.
Jump scares are cheap. Cheeeeeap.
Not everyone loves them, not out of fear, but because its an overused and worn out device.
Games like this are a dime a dozen, and like I said above, theres good reason so many student games rely on the same mechanic.

games like Silent Hill are dime a dozen as well.
2ndForm Jul 16, 2015 @ 9:32am 
No... they really aren't. Which is why I think you maybe missed the point, and its just another Resident Evil style game to you.

They are especially not common on PC.

edit: That also doesn't stop jump scares being a cheap, tacky, overused device.
Last edited by 2ndForm; Jul 16, 2015 @ 9:33am
KripTed Jul 16, 2015 @ 9:42am 
Originally posted by 2ndForm:
No... they really aren't. Which is why I think you maybe missed the point, and its just another Resident Evil style game to you.

They are especially not common on PC.

edit: That also doesn't stop jump scares being a cheap, tacky, overused device.

well, all the silent hill games i played were practically the same stuff, ur always looking for someone, ur daughter, ur brother, ur wife, etc. but to each is own man, this game has a lot more potential then just jumpscares, or at least i think so. i just personally don't think it should be in third person (but maybe only as an option).
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