Camera Obscura

Camera Obscura

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Vynil Aug 12, 2016 @ 4:46am
TAS tool for Camera Obscura (for Developers)

OK, So I'm speedrunning the game with Jongyoun7192 (the one you see averywhere one the Leaderboard), and I'm thinking about building a TAS tool for the game.

But for this, I need some more informaions on the game at first :

How can I have access to the Game Code ?

In what language as it been coded (I can figure it ou this one with the aswer of the first one) ?
--> Ok it's .XNB files, so it"s Visual Basic as Jongyon told me he read. This quesiton is fixed

That's all for the moment, but I'll may need some help along my work (from developers and anyone who wants to join the project), so I'll update this topic to get you informed of what I do, and discuss about it whit anyone who wants to.
Last edited by Vynil; Aug 12, 2016 @ 5:07am