Camera Obscura

Camera Obscura

Statistieken weergeven:
Level 8-2 (Second Sun)
Before delving further, I have completed the level and have gold medals on both categories. What I do wish to find out is how to complete the level in the, presumably, intended way. I am able to press every button except for the one to the left of the goal/end of the level (the one on the gray platform) and the one furthest to the left (the one nearest to the left side of the level). I assume the latter is the only one for I can't see further.

I'm more interested in getting to the one next to the goal. My guess is that it requires either flashing the green platforms to the right properly to be able to jump on the gray platform, or dropping the crawler thingy from above to the button. I couldn't do either after a bit trial-and-error so no idea how to get to that button.

The second, I would assume, should be accessable after pressing the button mentioned on the previous paragraph. I haven't gotten even close to reaching the left-side of the level so can't say if it's easy or not.

I don't understand the point of most of the left-side buttons since I am able to complete the level by activating just the upper-left button (the one below the crawler on the left side of the level) and all others to the right. After that it's just manipulating the green platforms below the goal which is really easy and at first I thought was the intended way to complete the level.

So, if anyone has beaten the level by activating all of the buttons I'd like to know how to do it, since I'm at a complete loss.
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Haven't done it either, but I can point you out on how to get to the furthermost left side - you gotta stand above the moving blocks platform, where you'll jump first and then flash while you move left, so that the afterimage of where you're at goes in between the two light stones.

From that ledge you just created you'll easily access the left side, which isn't hard a puzzle on itself. Wasn't able to get on its roof, only inside to where the button is.

If you can, I'd love some insight on how to get inside and across the moving blocks - they never stop lined up, so when I kill the critter they're always at least a bit out. The closest I got to a clear path still got me crushed, even though they were completely stopped.
Thanks for the advice, hadn't thought about the gap between those stones. Couldn't get to the roof either, but it seems there's nothing there anyway. With the left-side button pressed the "button next to the goal" in my original post wasn't a problem anymore since the left button turned off the green light from the stone below it.

I'll try to explain as well as I can the moving blocks. Once the green stone above the critter is turned off (for lack of better wording) you need to wait for both the alternating red-green buttons to be red, and then kill the critter with the afterimage after it presses the yellow button (second from the left). I waited first for the critter to turn the right-most button red, then the left-most button, and immediately after that I killed it once it had pressed the yellow button. Once you do that the blocks go out of the way and you can press the button between the platforms.

I guess it's possible to do it the other way around (critter turns the left-most button red first) but it was highly inconsistent for me and that scenario happened so rarely I wasn't able to test it many times. Also the jump back from the gap between the platforms can be quite tricky.

Here's a short video I made that shows you how to do it:
Laatst bewerkt door JezzC; 6 jan 2018 om 6:33
oh my god thats amazing. i really should do a "exploitless" or "skipless" run of this level. all buttons or something.
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