Armed with Wings: Rearmed

Armed with Wings: Rearmed

1. lis. 2016 v 19.22
**I NEED Your Support**
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I'll do what I can to help, I love this series (-:
I never knew anything about this game and I guess I followed it to keep an eye on it and so I get notified when it releases but I'll check it out and give it a rating, since its free I'm guessing unlike this game(I never pay for Early Access titles).
Its on Newgrounds and they have been posting it on there front page and advertising it like crazy. that is how i found this although on there trial version the boss is there tank mascot.
Highest I ended up getting is wave 6. What wave does the trial go to?
i believe its endless on newgrounds i saw the highscore was 45,386 but i honestly dont know i got to wave 10 before i got beat.
The Actual game is really good i got it at like 2 in the morning and started to play XD i just beat the story mode and been going at the Boss survival mode for a good hour.
The Sun of Man  [vývojář] 1. lis. 2016 v 19.59 
Thank you everyone. @dynastystar I'm so glad you have decided to follow my game even though it's in Early Access! I'm working hard to make sure it blossoms into a great game!

Newgrounds has been great to me! I could not have been happier with the NG promotion, it has help in a very meaningful way! We really need to replicate that success on Kongregate - it's gaming audience VERY large.

Also please understand, Flash isn't exactly growing. The axe above it's head has been looming for many years, and it could come down soon. Rearmed Trials could be my last Flash entry, and it would be devastating if it never shined on Kongregate due to a lack of discoverability.
you said 'vote'. I think you mean give it a rating out of 5 stars, right? (I'm just trying to figure out if I have to sign up on that site or not)
The Sun of Man  [vývojář] 2. lis. 2016 v 3.30 
@Mr. Red You will need to make an account to vote. I'd LOVE 5 stars, but I'm not asking for 5 starts. Honest votes will reflect the games quality - and I'm confidant that it will be good.
@Daniel Sun, Mr. Red didn't say "you mean give it 5 stars, right?" I think you missed the "rating out of" part.
yes..the game is awesome and it deserves it
Hey man I've been around for a while and didn't know about this game. I remember being excited when the 3rd flash related to this came out 5 star from me for sure you have worked hard many years man its your baby.
I love this to bits, a perfect example of the games combat systems at present, although, I noticed there was some keys that were still thinking I pressing them down and so I had to push down the key again to get it to stop, thats probably just me, on the other hand, I would love for somthing like this to be in the main game, and seeing as your staying up till 2am (-___-) I am not sure that would be possible.

instant five stars, making multiple accounts to give 5 stars, because it deserves it!
I feel very obliged, this is a community i've grown up with. I've always loved the combat system and level design. The artwork and graphics are beautiful. My greatest dream has always been to see an armed with wings fighting game, or at least pvp in the games, every aspect of the combat is so gorgeous it'd just be wasteful not to have a tad of versus. I feel like this could take a large place in the hearts of those in the fighting game community. Sorry for starting a rant, but anyways keep doing what you're doing Dan, I hope to see this community thrive. You truly deserve it.
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