Runestone Keeper

Runestone Keeper

Goddess of Benevolence doesn't work properly. Also, picky forgetfulnesess
As in the title.
1. Her first tattoo is broken. It says 2hp will be restored upon collecting a soul point, but it only adds one on top of the goddess' default ring bonus (it should be specified in the description that it's 2 points instead of the basic 1 and not 2 on top of it) and it doesn't even work when you've betrayed/been freed from the goddess. Like, then it's just back to 0hp per soul point. Both of those issues make it not consistent with the other tattoos and should either be fixed or specified somewhere in the text imo.
2. Her loyalty event is broken, too. If you choose the correct answer after she asks you about the souls of creatures you've slain, you are told that your stats have been boosted, but your strength stat (which you should get +1 of) doesn't get the buff at all, staying the same as it was before the event occured.
3. Unrelated to the goddess, but still worth mentioning imo: making the monsters forget their skills seems really not consistent sometimes. If an enemy has a skill that makes it ignore your shields despite having a pure physical attack type, one would expect that their attacks would no longer penetrate the player's armor after they've used the mask or the magic sword on them, but it doesn't work. It makes the ranged enemies forget how to fire with every move, so why wouldn't it also make your foes forget how to pierce through your defences?