Nameless ~The one thing you must recall~

Nameless ~The one thing you must recall~

Favourite Route?
As the titles states, which route did you enjoy the most? (regardless if the boy was your favourite or not).

All of the routes are enjoyable but right now it's a tie between Lance's and Tei's Routes as the routes I enjoyed the most.

Lance's route for me was the most lighthearted route and I can really apreciate seeing Lance becoming a warmer person towards Eri and becoming less insecure with what he feels his lack of identity

I loved Tei's becuase his route delved more into the main plot with the creepy bastard ripping Eri's memories. Not to mention, I wanted to see Tei's character explained, I loved his backstory and his confession to Eri about his past was really heartwretching.

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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
This one is hard. The only route I was unimpressed with was Yuri's, though I LOVE that butter bucket.

Red/Tei/Lance/Yeonho's routes were all brilliant in their own way. And Nameless' was as well -- super satisfying.

If I had to pick a route based on character bias then... Tei? I love Tei. The themes of mental illness (past owner), abuse, and love in his route hit me so hard. Tei in general is such a fascinating character to me. Such a mix of self-deceit, hope/despair, attentiveness and care, all wrapped up in a single person.

Plus his voice actor made the route simply divine.
Ladyhawke Jan 11, 2015 @ 5:46pm 
I loved Yeonho, Tei, and Lance. Pretty much in that order.

Yeonho's story and personality is the first one I'm going back to, as soon as the game isn't so fresh in my mind.

The voice acting is excellent. The tone really got me in numerous scenes through all routes, not just Yeonho's. But Yeonho's voice actor stuck with me the most. One scene in particular I just can't get out of my head. Same with that opening song. *sigh*
Remedy Jan 13, 2015 @ 10:20am 
Red's was my favorite. Lance was second. Watching your character essentially lose her mind with her memories and having Red stay by your side was the most meaningful and emotional part of the game for me. His dedication, understanding, and compassion gave you hope when all you could do was watch your character become confused, lost, and toyed with.
watcher6161 Jan 19, 2015 @ 5:24pm 
Tei/Red surprisingly, tied. Tei was a shock. Red was the only one of the routes that made me cry. Lance comes in third because, frankly, some of his route is hilarious and surprisingly nummy. Yuri's route, unfortunately, didn't pull off enough tension and seeing Eri brush him off so often in other routes made her finally accepting him a bit of a hard sell. Yeonho is last not necessarily because I dislike him, but I never really saw him as a love interest, so the ending kinda made me go "I feel like I'm macking on a ten year old." He did however, have a lot of the elements otherwise that I adored in Tei's route.

I wasn't expecting Tei's crazy since during Yeonho's route, I managed to avoid one of the bad endings. Through the first three routes Tei seemed to have this unrequited love thing going on that I'm a sucker for. Then I get to his route and find out he's absolutely nuts. I find it a little... wierd/unlikely that he'd regain so much self control so quickly during the resolution, but then, this is a game where dolls suddenly have human avatars running around, so some stretches in psychology are likely to happen.

I found Red's route absolutely heartbreaking, which was a huge shock given how boisterous he is in all the other routes. I got to him thinking I was going to be bored silly and wound up bawling my eyes out at the sheer amount of faith and steadfastness he displayed once he understood what was going on. It also drew up interesting questions about what it means to be a 'hero,' in the last place I expected to find it.
Ladyhawke Jan 20, 2015 @ 1:10pm 
@watcher : I agree with everything you said about Red's route. Yeonho is still my absolute favorite though, but now I'm feeling a little creepy about macking on a 10 year old....o.o

Ubusika Mar 19, 2015 @ 4:39pm 
I am VERY impressed with Yeonho's path. (I have only done him and Lance so far)

I was expecting to suffer through a boring path, because I have less than zero interest in the "cute little boy" type, but wow!
There is so much emotional intensity and some borderline creepiness. Not to mention some of his bad endings are way freakier than Jisoo in Dandelion...

I also enjoyed his voice actor. He really threw himself into the emotions!
SongPhoenix Mar 20, 2015 @ 10:57am 
Red was my favorite with Lance and Yuri right behind him. Red was so dedicated and adorable that I couldn't help but love him. <3 I loved Lance's character progression and I loved Yuri for his love of music. :csdsmile:
yenquest Mar 24, 2015 @ 1:33pm 
- Lance's route is pretty generic, which is nice for those who just started playing these visual novel dating sims (typical aloof-ish guy). Since I got him as my 1st love interest/route, there's a bit of bias in loyalty here. So... Not really a #1 favorite, but somewhere in the middle ground.

- Yeonho's route was a bit of fresh air for the "motherly instincts" perspective (based on my experience with otome games at least). He's probably up there on the list just for the uniqueness alone, not in a way of love interest though.

- Yuri is probably the most amusing route of the 5, but that's typical for a playboy character. Being tsundere-ed by playboy characters are hard to beat in terms of gaming enjoyment for me. #1 route for me, maybe?

- All I got from Tei's route is that it's supposed to be the most challenging (?) Probably one of my least favorite route since I can't seem to connect to the point of his storyline (it's kinda all over the place).

- Red's route was most likely made to be canon-ish, so I can't see it as anything other than a nice way to wrap the game up. Not too attached to his route.

- And then there's the extra guy who goes all cliche/predictable on me, so he's kinda forgetable, ahaha.
Haeeun Mar 24, 2015 @ 1:58pm 
At first, I thought Tei would end up being my favorite, but I ended up loving Yuri and Lance's routes a bit more. In the end, I think my favorite's go from Lance, Yuri, Tei, Red, and Yeonho.

Lance- I really loved his route the best, especially since it incorporated Shinbi and Soi in the end. I was also surprised to learn about what his insecurities were, and how the MC helped him through it. Plus, that awesome/unexpected fade to black scene

Yuri- I'm not usually one for pure romance, but his route had a surprising amount of depth that I wasn't expecting. I loved how he struggled with his own release concept. But apart from that, I felt that the MC's own struggle with her own self image and confidence was really relateable.

Tei- Initially I saw a screencap that contained spoilers, and thought that it was just part of a bad ending. BOY WAS I WRONG. That being said, I think all the bad endings really made me love this route the best XD And while I still love how he's mostly the mother hen that he tries to make himself out as, I now understand my husband's love of yanderes.

Red- Eh. I found him to be kind of annoying for most of the game, That being said, again, I liked the amount of depth his route had, and how he was never really able to "save" the MC immediately. The scene where the girls start bullying the MC and Soi and Shinbi come to help, coming to mind. Omg, his and Lance's dairy entries though. Freaking great.

Yeonho- Again, eh. I'm not huge on shotas, and while again, his route had a surprising amount of depth to it, I just didn't see the MC and him click. He felt more like a younger brother then potential boyfriend.
MivMusse Mar 25, 2015 @ 6:33am 
my list sounds like this:

1. Lance - I didn't really expect to like him, and even less that him and his route would end up actually becomming my favorite! :D who else was suprised that he turned out to be both so cute and sexy? tsundere?!
2. Tei - I just loved both his good and bad sides, his route and simply everything about him! even though he could also be REALLY and unexpectedly creppy!
3. Yeonho - His route was so deep and touching, he was really cute and the voice acting was so sweet without turning sugar insane x) love it when he calls one Master ^.^
4. Yuri - I have a feeling that he is a lot of people's fav. Though I did like his route, Yuri himself just never really grew on me..
5. Red - One of the best routes, since it's also the route that puts the puzzle pieces a bit in order.. Red himself just isnt really my type :P

Red and Yuri are actually a tie for me, I dont really like one more than the other, but have to follow my own system here! - and only because of Yuri's kinda of S'ish way to be and how funny he is, I gave him 1 point more, ;D Though also one of the things that made me like Red a lot, was how cutely he stayed by ones side everyone morning, keeping up high spirits, through the memory loss thing, though it most have been really hard on him.
AppleMomo Mar 28, 2017 @ 9:23am 
Lance >>> Red > Yuri > Tei > Yeonho
Lance was my favourite at a first glance, first play through and also my final favourite route after completing the game. I really like tsunderes and he was also very sweet.
Red was the only route where I cried. Although I wasn't sure whether I cried for him or for the MC... o _ O still, a good story line and he's quite funny and cute too. The play's CG was one of the best of the entire game.
Yuri, surprisingly to me, was actually a decent person and treated the MC like a princess, I felt very princessy throughout his route~ But I usually don't like playboy-ish type of characters.
Tei, uhg.. I do pity him by times, but many parts of his story just didn't make much sense and lacked explanation. I really wanted to put him last, but he does make a better love interest than Yeonho...
Yeonho, reason why he's last is mainly because I could not see him in the light of a love interest. I only viewed him as a child, and couldn't help but feel sorry for him...
lucyvasnormandy Aug 26, 2017 @ 3:46pm 
Wow it makes me kind of happy to see that there's a lot of agreement here! I guess I like that my faves are loved by lots of people!

1. Lance/Red. Lance's internal struggle was the most heartbreaking to me, and I loved helping him through that. I think it's really interesting that his main insecurity was that he would be replaced, which is exactly what would happen. He's canonically the first to be with Eri, and then she romances all the other characters. So it especially broke my heart to say "I'll never replace you" while simultaneously knowing I absolutely would. Also his lack of identity thing...I just want to tell him he does has an identity, one he made for himself and that wasn't determined by the doll makers, and that's even more special than being handed one! Also he's sexy af.

Red is my typical favorite Cheritz character. He's basically a more obnoxious and less intelligent version of 707 LOL. So points off for that + the annoying voice acting. But he still is tied for the number 1 spot because of, well, that part everyone's citing in the spoilers above. It was just so romantic. And I DO really like how goofy he is, it's just the voice actor kinda ruined it by making it waaaaaaaay over the top.

2. Yuri/Tei. They're tied because I really like Yuri's character and art, but like a lot of people I think his route was underwhelming. You'd think there'd be more steamy scenes with the playboy character??! Gosh. And Tei I really didn't like at first BECAUSE of his character art, but his personality + voice actor won me over. The reason he's not higher is because he was a little too creepy for me

3. Yeonho is annoying and a child and I wish he would please for the love of god stop calling me "Mast-uh" and grow up and cut his hair (or at least grow out the mullet). I'M SORRY to anyone who likes him! I just really hate the "child" characters in every dating sim and I'm annoyed I had to romance him for the secret route.
DizzyAsparagus Jan 4, 2018 @ 9:43pm 
That's such a hard question, but it's probably something like this for me:

#1 - Tei (suprisingly?)

I'm always pretty creeped out by the yandere thing, but Tei's route took the cake for me by far in this game. He was always there to talk to you (esp. in other routes, like Yuri's) When Tei opened up, I literally cried so hard. I loved the depth of every single character in this game, which is why I've played for so long :'D Tei's route was my favorite because of the background and how the whole thing tied together.

#2 Yuri

When I first started playing his route, I felt like I already knew what was going to happen, however, Cheritz created a realistic character and story that dealt with how people view you becoming part of who you are. I found how serious Yuri was hard to believe at first because of his personality, but it was really cool to see how he was true the whole time,

#3 Lance

His plot was just so heartwarming. I feel like I played it forever ago, but I just remember how sweet he is under his tsundere exterior. Sometimes I felt like they stretched the deep parts of his story a little bit, but it truly got down to a problem we all face: being replaced. It was a great story to read and be a part of.

#4 Yeonho

I'm suprised that I also wasn't freaked out by the extremely-young typed character as much as I thought I would be. Like a bunch of you guys said, the romance section of this plot was a little iffy, especially because I thought a lot of it would be unhealthy to actually follow through with because of all the things he was struggling with, although I am Tei's biggest fan, so that's a little hypocritical??? *shrug* BUT what I want to say is that I really really liked this story because, again, of how realistic his character became as the story progressed. Real people deal with what he dealt with. (Of course, not always at that level (thank goodness))

#5 Red

I LOVE RED. Yes, it might seem like I accidentally wrote the numbers backward, but I didn't. I was SO excited for Red's route, and don't get me wrong, it was good, but then happy-go-lucky Red has the most depressing (well I guess they're all pretty depressing) story of them all!! His route was very deep, but I was just too dang sad the whole time to even enjoy Red as who he is as a character :'( Red is so great, and what one of you guys pointed out above really made sense about how he could never immediately help Eri and that's what helped him learn more about being a hero. As much as Red's route was so emotional and meaningful, I do wish I could see a "real" route/ "normal" route that focused on him. I was suprised to see that so many people liked that route so much!

I just really appreciate this game in general for creating characters with such ture, realistic, and believable personalities. It is like they're fleshed out humans dealing with issues that every other human faces.
Last edited by DizzyAsparagus; Jan 4, 2018 @ 9:46pm
Karina Jul 16, 2021 @ 10:30am 
Lance is my favorite, he is the sweetest and bolder of them all imo. I also love how he is the only one that doesn't go full yandere mode on MC in any of his endings.
Rayla212921 Sep 17, 2021 @ 5:17pm 
I just completed the game today and Red and Yeonhoo's routes were my absolute fave. I obsessed over them, especially Red, I love how sincere his love for Eri was. As for Yeonhoo, he was such a little cinnamon roll with abandonment issues, I feel that.
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