Star Hammer: The Vanguard Prophecy

Star Hammer: The Vanguard Prophecy

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Surtur Dec 8, 2015 @ 4:05am
Star Hammer iPad is releasing on Thursday!
How many times have you been able to say: "There is no game like this on iPad"? This is what the press said when Battle Academy released. That started a trend and brought deep strategy games to iOS.

Then it was Panzer Corps, the first true wargame released on iOS. Yet another success story.

On Thursday, Star Hammer: the Vanguard Prophecy will have you saying that again. There is simply no game like this on the iPad and we're bringing it to you as a Christmas gift. It’s even fully iPad Pro compatible.

Get your engines ready to start-off and dive into the space combat on the product page and mark your calendar.

This is going to be hot!
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Luke Dec 8, 2015 @ 6:10am 
What will it cost?
Surtur Dec 8, 2015 @ 6:13am 
As always ,the price will be made public on release :)
LHR Bad Karma 6 Dec 8, 2015 @ 9:16am 
It's a matter of National Security. You understand.
zakblood Dec 10, 2015 @ 12:15pm 
Price: $14.99
The fact that it is on ipad spoke volumes and I have now removed it from my wishlist here.
So glad I did not pull the trigger on this one. Sorry but I have no faith in cross platform product.
Last edited by Baron Solamnic [KG] ⳩; Dec 10, 2015 @ 2:00pm
Black Lab Games Dec 10, 2015 @ 10:14pm 
I'm sorry to hear that, but your call of course. We built this game as a PC game first and foremost. We've been able to get it to run on later model iPads by re-writing the interface and optimizing the graphics. Fwiw, the PC and iPad version have seperate codebases so that each is targeted to the platform, not a one-size fits all lowest common denonimtor.
Last edited by Black Lab Games; Dec 10, 2015 @ 10:14pm
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